The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2239
  • @Rat lol. I see what you mean. We need to tie a little bell around her neck.

    edit: on your #10 strategy, If you pop the pig bubble with the lavasteroid, the hose floats away, and not toward the planet - towards space. How in the world did you get it to catch the grav field?
  • @Kelani -- Happy Birdday! At least it's still the right day, even catching up on 3, or was it 4 pages? 364 days till which big one (now I know it's only the first)? There's always another big one waiting after the last.
    @TomPuss -- Wow! Great of the French to celebrate Kelani's birthday in such a spectacular way! : D I didn't know there was still a French Foreign Legion. I must say the Champs Elysees is a much grander venue for a parade than, for example, Colorado Blvd in Pasadena, which is used for the Rose Parade. Can't think of any parade route that is nearly as grand in the U.S. Just in case -- Happy Bastille Day!
  • @mvnla2 thank you :) It's 364 days to the 40th. Apparently in Scotland, the big one is 60. You learn something new every day in here.

    @SweetP thankya :) It's been OK so far. I went to the restaurant my new neighbor opened, and I liked it, but nobody else did. I guess that means I'll have a new neighbor before too long :P You wouldn't believe how many people think opening an expensive restaurant in a pop. 17,000 town is a great idea.
  • @hunnybunny oh my, sorry I didn't know you weren't feeling well. That's what happens when real life makes it tough to read every page! Truly hope you're feeling better soon!

    @Kelani, at least you got to have a nice birthday dinner. What kind of expensive food is it, like a steakhouse? was the food worth the $$? Hopefully the new owner will do some research (demographics) of what the prices should be and change the menu a bit to get more business. otherwise, I don't anticipate they'll be open past a year. Maybe Chef Gordon Ramsey will come to the rescue! LMAO
    Well, you'll probably have a new neighbor soon in any case.
  • A fortune cookie that needs spellcheck...go figure.
  • Hey @Kelani sorry I missed the whole party:( so really after all kidding aside your 29th today right? Next year the big 30? Lol your still a young whippersnapper lol. .. hope you had a wonderful day and the grranimals treated you with some respect:)
    I'm having ahelluva time on B2 #22 I got the perfect 1 birder down pat!! Problem being is I only get 99k with no debris left to shoot at!! *sigh* is it Tuesday yet?
    Ob I'll have a PigKiller please and get Kenobi a drink on me for his birthday; )
  • @Kelani You won't be able to laugh about my approach on 8-10. No partial power. Power is not a factor on this one. It's all distance and angle from the lavasteroid. No landmarks to give you other than approximately 10:00 o'clock. If you hit the sweet spot, you'll know because the hose will come down pulling the other pig bubble behind it.

    Edit: I shot it at full low power myself. Made hitting the sweet spot easier. I couldn't resist. Ha ha
  • @SweetP I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's a Chinese restaurant. I'm basing this on his ability to purchase a bag of fortune cookies. I'm not 100% positive as Kel is known to be, but I'm comfortable with my guess.
  • @SweetP It was a Chinese/Thai place. Pretty expensive for this town, but they just didn't think the food was very good. I thought it was OK, but I have low standards :)

    @Kathy lol I wish I was 29. Next year 40. :P

    @Rat Must be a tiny sweet spot you found. For me, either the lavasteroid blew up, or it hit the pigbubble, but knocked the hose out into space. Is ok though, I gave the @fenikus method a quick try and got a lucky 3rd place.
  • @funikus Don't cha just hate almost was'es? I've had way too many of em'.
  • Tip for the Kelvinator almost on his birthday:
    If the lavasteroid explodes, you're too close.
  • @fenikus wow that sucks. btw, I estimate that at 132k. Unless there's some bonus for destroying the entire hose, it seems to be worth less than we thought, like 4-5k.
  • @Rat That's Lord Kelvinator to you! (yay science jokes) :)
  • Darn @Kelani you were supposed to just go with it lol..yep 29 haha.. you'll learn. .;) I gotta swear you said you were 28 when you started. .times fly ;)
  • But if you can keep all the lava bits in play, they're worth over a grand apiece. That's why I think my approach may be better. I said "may" @fenikus.
  • Here we go. It's reduced full power all over again. lol
  • @Rat, since you have the second place beat by almost 3K, your method is better. But it's just too damn hard for us mere mortals, lol.
  • Boy, oh boy! Y'all would be in trouble if I was flingin' instead of kibitzin'.
  • @Kathy Naw, I said 38. Maybe your keyboard changed it? :)

    @ABcrazy thank ya :) Now we all gotta look at that firework pic and figure out where the show was, and what that white thing is on the bottom left :P
  • Mere mortals? Lord Kelvanator is a machine. No, really, he's a machine from the future.
  • Aww @kelani your killing me lol.. maybe when your older you'll understand; ) happy 39th :)
  • Hi @kel. Sorry it won't be much of a show. My head is already nodding.....
  • g'night Irene er... @Kathy :)
  • Night cuzin' Kel'
  • @Kathy you rang? I had a random link appear in an email account i no longer check...since it was from you i crpssed my fingers and clicked it! Painless flight, and no jumbo jets got me in their backdraft. So. Hi! I lost my game progress again when the Samsung tablet got traded in for a Nexus 7 2nd ed. I have been very sad, and overwhelmed at starting all over yet again., ive been feeling less than stellar. But, very glad to hear from you my friend!
  • Hello @chimichangachick :) @Kathy told us to expect you one day. I think it was about a month ago. When you didn't show up, I think it broke her heart :(

    She just went to bed, she'll hate she missed ya.
  • @Kelani, well when you said you bought a bag of fortune cookies, I thought you meant from the 99 Ranch Market or someplace that carries Asian foods. Didn't know you had to buy fortune cookies from a restaurant. Here, they give a cookie for each guest at the table when presenting the dinner tab, and we don't pay for it. Never heard of a Chinese/Thai restaurant that the fortune cookie wasn't complimentary.

    Interesting that it was expensive. Chinese restaurants here are very reasonably priced. You could get three different dishes, and plenty of leftovers for about $40, and includes an appetizer, rice (steamed white, or fried) and hot tea. The problem I have living in this part of southern calif. is finding "good" Chinese restaurants.
  • Ok, new player in town! @Kelani i may be here in time to say Happy Birthday. Hope it was great! That fortune cookie was great! I laughed out loud! Its late so i dont know if you' ll see it before the countdown is 364 days til the big 40, but I got it said before midnight. :)
  • Hello @Chicka! Wow, it's been such a very loooong time since anyone's heard from you. How've you been? I feel your pain, losing all progress. This will be my FOURTH time restarting every AB game since I had to change phones. But don't worry, you've got plenty of time to fling. I'm still working on finishing Rio, but it's a slow progress but I'm just taking my time.
    Hope you're back for some serious flinging time. A lot has changed since our days of H&K, so you've got some catching up to do!
    OB, please get @chicka anything she'd like on my tab. Speaking of a drink, I'd like a blended Top Shelf Margarita with salt please, and a side shot of Grand Marnier®. Thank you, yummmmmy!
  • I can hardly keep my eyelids open any longer, so I'll say nighty-night @all.

    *places baskets of ear plugs on the table next to the door, two on the bar, one in each booth*
    Have a great WHINE TUESDAY!

    edit: @Rat9, did you use 1/2 power or a little more?
  • @chimichangachick aka @chicka aw, thank you :) It's nice to meet you. I've read tons of your comments in the walkthroughs. @Kathy told us new people a bit about you (all nice, promise) and I know she'll be really happy you finally stopped by.

    Don't get me started on the cookies! Somewhere around here, I have a list of the funniest/weirdest/meanest ones I've gotten, and as these guys now know, I am prone to posting random stuff with the slightest provocation. :P
  • @Kelani Ive had so many issues with my tablets, I lost one, and with it all my games progresses. Wow, was that evena word? And the new tablet was way too complicated for me, just trying to set it up had me in tears of exhaustion. Thats the last time i was on the site i think
    At any rate the new tablet got swallowed out with oneiknow how to work already, and I've been getting it set up. Im ill, buti don't wanna ruin the birthday atmosphere, so let's just say IWasn't able to be here. I stated flinging again when they updated seasons. But again, to worn out to multitask. I hate that @Kathy was hurt. She shoulda called me! She has my number, but I don't have hers. Well, is beddy bye time. And I'm gonna blame the atrocious typing on a new Android I'm trying out! It's a bit much for me to figure out. Bye! I'm more fun when i feel better, I promise !
  • @SweetP I type too slow! Hi bye! Shorry i missed ya while i was typing. I missed you! It's been forever! And i have far more catching up to do than you realize. I've lost all progress on all the angry bird games twice now. Ack! My hands hurt already just thinking of all the flinging ahead of me! Oh, thanx for the drink! @Kelani i have so many long posts ftom the past! You read them? You are indeed brave! I look forward to getting to know you! And you're so welcome! I'm all typed out, so I must bid adieu! Please, anyone, let Kathy know I was here? I'll try to get back in tomorrow. So good to sit here and roost in the nest for a bit!
  • @Kelani. Psssst........fortune cookies.....LOL!
  • @chicka aargh! :P Hope you feel better, and stop by again. @Kathy will love it, and if you have keyboard troubles like she does, you two will have lots of unintentionally funny stuff to say. :)

    It's bedtime here also. Thanks @all for the birdday wishes, cakes, mentos, cookies, fireworx and infuriating space shots :)

    beware: I'm gonna find that list when I wake up.
  • @kelani and @all on the mad equine quest. . . Bravo! (It does help if you take the cross-word puzzle clue approach to it, doesn't it?!)
    My Little Pony - rogue horses. . .OMG, ROFLMAO! I was in stitches!
    Such are the joys of language. . .
  • Maybe it's because I've been to Paris and Las Vegas @TomPuss, but I had NO problem at all decrypting your "mad equine" clue. It was a nice diversion. Thanks.
  • Ok, I know I said my good-nights, but couldn't help reading to this point.

    @Kelani, Ahh, the love of Chinese fortune cookies! There are some I'd gotten in the past that were just nasty tasting. Won't ever go to that restaurant again! LOL
    Oh, hey if you ever need any ingredients for Japanese cooking, give me a holler. It'll be cheaper for you to let me send them to you, than to try and find anything in your neck of the woods. No, really I mean it, I can get you anything you need, and it won't be any inconvenience at all. Next best place around is Taco H*ll? Yuck, no thanks! No matter how near-starvation I am, I'll never step foot in another Taco Bell again. I'd rather get a burrito from AM/PM. LOL

    I used to collect fortunes, until I had to move and the box they were in got lost! I had about 300 of those slips of paper at the time, but was so upset I gave up.

    Please give Swipe a chin scratch from me. Night-night, and sweet dreams!
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