The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2074
  • Thanks @AngryBirdsSpace(young'un). How's "Sisters" coming along? I need the money.

    Edit: @Kelanideniedpagechange
  • @rat9 hate to disappoint ya, but no progress on 'Sisters' yet. I still am seriously contemplating the idea though, because it's a really good one.
  • @rat, about the telemarketer: you should take over the conversation. It takes some practice, but it works. "What phonecompany do you use", - "hi, which one do you use?". They don't expect this and starting faltering. When they ignore you question, just repeat it. That's working for everyone, and it goes round. Practiced it a reasonable time, even on the frontdoor. Success
  • @bernersenn, you get telemarketers coming to your house in Holland? That's a good way to get shot here in the U.S. :)

    This is my favorite way of dealing with them:
  • I knew a guy who's voicemail message is the old "doo doo doo the number you have reached xxx-xxxx is not a working number" recording. If he doesn't recognize the caller ID, he lets it go to vm. If you can get the recording on there without altering the tones, the robocallers will remove your number.
  • @bernersenn I just saw the picture of your Beautiful Dogs !! Wow!! I will have to read back to see the answers to my question. .
  • I give up to many pages :/ they are beautiful .. my question do they enter in shows?
  • Hi @kathy, thank you. No, I don't show them, neither do I breed with them.
  • @kelani, what did you say? We have telemarketers on our doors? No, on the phone you take over the conversation, these other creeps that come on my door will have the same treatment. You naughty boy
  • @bernersenn, @Kelani is not a naughty boy, it was me who asked the question. But I was serious, do you actually have people knocking on your door selling stuff?

    Edit: You said something about the front door so that's why I asked.
  • @Fenikus, @kelani, sorry, I'm mixing the crap up. And yes, unfortunately it happens here - more than once. They bring everything: phonecompanies, energy, mortgages, even religions. But, I loke this sense of humor, "do you have telemarketers on your door". My facebook site is filled up for the half with dogs, the other half is filled with black humor
  • I'm not naughty? That's a first.
  • @kelani, don't project Fenikus ideas upon all your pubfriends. For me you are naughty - and nice :-)
  • @Kelani, @fenikus, @bernersenn As much as you three have been flinging, I'm surprised y'all haven't hit 2.6 million yet. Are y'all keeping it close so I can catch up when I start flingin' again? Sure nice of you guys. Thanks.
  • @fenikus, nice of you to come back on this wooden ducks. @sweetp and myself founded a new group "the wooden duck", with only old bags in it. @bonneypattycat isn't a member but is welcome
  • Hi guys and dolls, I'm cleaning the scene, it's bedtime overhere. Behave you, keep scoring and have a nice weekend
  • @Rat, I haven't played BR that much since you left, mostly banging my head against the wall of BR-19 (though I'm done with that now). It's just not the same without having you to beat on :=> But, those mountain dogs have caught my scent and it looks like I'll have to cross the River to shake them off. They are well trained and led by some mysterious Hawaiian tracker.
  • @bernersenn, lol on the wooden ducks. I never thought they were ducks but when you started calling them that in High Dive, I admit I had to zoom in and take a closer look.
  • @bernersenn I applaud your excellent command of English, but you just said two VERY wrong and hilarious things. :)

    -No, I don't show them (dogs), neither do I breed with them.
    -For me you are naughty - and nice :-)

    Sorry, I am easily amused and have a juvenile sense of humor.

    @Rat Yeah, you caught us. I actually beat your score a week ago, but sat on it as not to antagonize you into injuring yourself. We also started a private leaderboard where we can scamper to higher scores without giving you heart attacks. Unfortunately @bernersenn didn't get the memo. :)
  • I like the little AB ducks that quack when you break them.
  • I missed that memo also @kelani but nooo matter I am having no luck!
    if I don't score somewhere soon I'm swimming upstream
  • @Kelani and @Rat -- I'm also on the "do not call list" can't say that it does any good whatsoever. I usually get several calls per day. It's to the point that I don't even get up to see the caller ID most of the time. Telling a live person that you are on the do-not-call list doesn't seem to matter. Someone calls you again in a few days.
    One of the really irritating offenders claims to be Google. I did punch buttons until I got a real person who assured me that I would be removed from the list. HA!
    Someone said that you should keep track of the telemarketing calls and report them to whichever government agency is in charge of the "Do Not Call" list. Maybe my complaints to real people are too nice?
  • @Fenikus -- I forget where you live, but in LA we have lots of people coming to the door (lots = 1 or 2 /month), mostly asking for contributions to charities you've never heard of. I think the residents are more likely to get shot by the "solicitors" than the other way around.
  • @mvnla2 There's a complaints page on the FTC's donotcall page, but it's a pain if you're trying to report multiple calls, and nothing is done on individual reports. Also, most of the numbers you see on caller ID are fake. The best thing you can do is pick up, say "put me on your internal do not call list" and hang up. Don't even wait for a response. The reputable ones will remove you. The scammers won't no matter what you do. They're using VOIP and probably aren't even in the US :( They're also starting to hit cell phones.

    Also, the automated/robocall ones are almost all non-US based scammers, since those calls are illegal. Don't use the "press X to be removed from our list" option on robocalls. That's a trick to confirm your number is good.

    @Kathy Did I mention how much i hate #19? :)
  • I haven't had a front-door solicitor in years. Actually, the only person in the last 5 years to ring my doorbell (who wasn't doing package or pizza delivery) was a genuine lady-in-distress. Her husband had kicked her out of the car on a nearby highway.
  • Why did she pick my doorbell to ring? "You have a Welcome sign in your doorway. Your neighbors have No Trespassing" Makes sense to me.
  • yea @kelani I think i saw you mention how much you hate #19 once or twenty times; /
  • so what happened with the lady @kelani. .did she call police?
  • did i mention how much i Hate #2 ?
  • @Kathy she didn't want police, hospital or the women's shelter. She wanted a ride to her cousin's house, 6 hours away in a north Virginia town I didn't know existed. I got her there, but it was unpleasant.

    lol, nice graphic. That looks like one of my pets during storms or when I'm stomping around the house. It's been stormynasty here all day, so it's about time it moves along to you.
  • Wow @Kelani how nice of you to drive her all that way. m truly a gentleman!
    lol I used to have a dog who would run all over the house barking at all the bedroom doors to 'alert' everyone a storm was coming then climb under the covers!! he wasn't a little dog either.
  • @Kathy If I hadn't, they'd have kicked me out of the South. We do stuff like that here. :) Besides, it was 12am, I was awake, she'd had an awful experience, and being the nice idiot I am, I was glad to help. I really could've done without her trying to 'find some way to pay me back' the last 3 hours of the trip, though.

    ooh, you had a big protective scaredy dog? :D That's the way stuff gets broken! I knew a girl who had a great dane like that, except he'd run full speed and jump in her bed with her in it. :)
  • Grr, I can't believe @bernersenn passed me right after I passed @Rat. Darn sneaky Dutchies. I should have done more flinging yesterday and less bug finding :)
  • Yes good description of my 160 lb Shepard\Lab Big Protective ScaredyDog lol..seriously if I don't score soon I'm going somewhere else:(
  • @TomPuss -- @joey / @joeyba translated the Message to Newbies into French, but couldn't come up with a good translation of "flinging." I thought you might be able to help. His translation in here:
    Also, would appreciate it if you could verify that it is a good translation of the final English version, which is at
  • @Ma I went to Gorch and sacrificed a marmoset to the Mighty Favog. He predicted good flinging later tonight.
  • Ahh Pa You've actually visited the Mighty Favog ? How Brave you are and Thank you when he is finished devouring the sacrificial marmoset our flinging will surely improve. Thank you for your brave and noble act.
  • . o O 160lb?! That's almost more than me. Big poochie.

    @Rat flingeth tonight? That explains the klaxon I just heard go off.
  • @kelani my sister' s rotty/mix is 180lbs and is a scaredy dog too lol;)
  • @mvnla2, is it too late to offer some suggestions re: that newbie message?
  • Actually @Kelani, the Mighty Favog predicted good things for Ma. But I might try to fling a few as well. Maybe? I don't know. Could be. I really don't care for fourth place but I hate pain more. ????
  • @Rat Maybe. I figured putting me back in 4th would be the best painkiller of all. You never answered me, why don't you fling with an alternate digit? Surely someone of your copious talent can adapt. :)

    @Kathy At that size, better a scaredy dog than a meanass dog :)
  • hlo @fenikus I replied to your pm. We have a new team member :P
  • Mighty Favog.. as in statue otherwise known as Frank Oz?
  • @kelani he can be scary as well if he feels any of us threatened, but his bark is bigger than his bite. He's actually never bitten usually any threat is quickly scared away.
  • @Kelani As in first season of SNL and precursor to the Muppet show.
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