The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2073
  • What bugs me is nothing *ever* hits the stupid flimsy cardboard box that's holding the whole thing up.
  • @SweetP, Red doesn't actually have to collapse the right tower. If the middle structure splits just right, it will take care of it eventually. I've gotten a couple 1-birders this way, nothing to write home about, but I see potential.
  • @Kelani, like woodpecker said: "Patience, grasshopper" ;)
  • @fenikus I really wanted to reply sarcastically to that. btw your videos work great. Do you wanna get started on time travel or world peace tonight, or have we done enough for one day? :P
  • @Kelani, I'm wiped, going to bed soon actually. We done good for one day!
  • @fenikus yup. We earned our pay, such as it is. :)

    'night @all
  • ****************************************************BREAKING NEWS**********************************************************

    The nationwide Amber Alert for Manu Malin, known in the Angry Birds community as "The Mighty Manu", was called off today. The disoriented young child was found in the foothills of the Smokey Mountains in North Carolina by campers. It appears the young gaming phenom escaped his captor early 8 May and had been wandering aimlessly in the National Park ever since. An initial assessment of the child's health has revealed no obvious problems.

    Manu Malin has been missing since the 24th of April. Little is known about his weeks of captivity. All he could tell police was his kidnapper was short and wore a princess mask all the time. During his captivity he was forced to play an Angry Birds game known as "Blossom River". It seems his captor was obsessed with the game and wanted to know all Manu's secret flinging tips. Manu Malin is well known as an expert flinger.

    When asked how he escaped, Manu told police a harrowing tale. "It all happened so fast" said Manu. "The guy, I think it was a guy but I'm not sure, started jumping up and down yelling I did it, I did it, I beat the Rat." While he was distracted, I grabbed an aerosol can from his belt and sprayed him in the face. It smelled like bug spray. I didn't care what it was. All I knew was that he couldn't see anymore. I ran out the door and never looked back.

    Local hospitals have been told to be on the lookout for a short man or woman with a bug spray complaint. A reward of 100 coins has been offered by Rovio, the creators of Blossom River, for information leading to the arrest of the kidnapper. In addition, the Angry Birds Nest has offered 100 points good towards earning your next rank.

    Sheriff I. B. Madd said "An arrest is imminent. We've received a lot of good tips." Manu's parents, who had just returned from a blissful two week vacation, said "We've really missed our boy. Can we take him home next week?".
  • Yaay! Thanks @rat9 for that report. Does my heart good to know that @eweber aka Manu Malin is safe and back home!

    edit: will be back home soon
  • Well @SweetP, he should be home by next week anyway.
  • @sweetp, that's fhe same I saw with the woodpecker method. It is the level with the 'wooden ducks', remember?
  • @fenikus, here is a picture of my dogs - made last sommer in Switzerland:
    To the others: don't be afraid, not another highscore (yet). :-)
  • Yes, one-birder for #6, not so good score, but it will last
  • Beautiful Dogs @bernersenn. As nice as Heidi and Don are, they didn't distract me from seeing what you did on the river leaderboard. Good flinging.
  • Hey @Kathy. They're all passing me. I'm getting the urge to fling bad. Problem is, if I flung now, it would be bad. Looks like I'll have a couple of hours flinging to do once I recover to get the lead back. Are you going to pass me by too? I hope so.
  • @Rat, thank you. And I know your fealing bad about score flawth - had that a week of 2 ago. Then I got some other issues bothering me. It looks like when you play AB you got to be fresh in the mind. That's odd, I think. One should say "it's just flinging some birds", but that isn't true. The flinging capacities will return, trust me
  • btw, @Rat, why aren't you writing thrillers? You got the stuff for it, would say 'do it'. A new Baldacci was born
  • Hail to you TBP's flingers...
  • @rat , your breaking news deserves a very special THANKS... I'll say only that that "make my day".
  • @kathy , the team already finish the work of doing the instructional msg to be delivered to all new member... Finally, the final version is really, FINAL.
    So I'll ask you and re-post our request calling volunteers for translate that in every language ... already Spanish, French and German are covered but any other still pending.

    If anyone knows anyone that can translate, I'll ask that anyone to contact the other anyone asking if that anyone could help...

    Anyone interested, please go to or countact @mvnla2 , @kelani or @TienShenLong.

    Thanks in advance
  • Just heard 'Amazing' from Seal on the radio. Nothing to do with AB, but just love this song
  • @tienshenlong, I Can offer you to translate it in dutch. However, I'll think that the dutch members don't need it. It looks as if we are with many, but that isn't actually true. A few active members, that's all
  • @bernersenn Offer accepted. Please proceed to translate.
    BTW the multiple languages for that msg in not only for the new users' native language better understanding, but also (and probably the most relevant "goal") is thay will show better the "spirit" of the Nest and the Nesters much better.
    The Nest is a international community but not multilingual, and English the language to be used on it. And that was in our "front door"... but we put that IN ENGLISH ONLY so the international people that do not read English, cannot notice that.
    The msg also will be used for them, so, we need all tranlations/languages.
    Fair... isn't it?
  • @tienshenlong, understood, I will take this on me. May have two or three days to deliver, I'm having an extreme period of gathering points. It's not happening that much, but have to use it.
  • @bernersenn What is "score flawth"? I assumed you meant a mental block of sorts. At this time my problems are physical, not mental. I have nerve entrapment affecting my flinging thumb.

    @TienShenLong Did you notice you were in the last story as a language expert?
  • @tienshenglong, completed it, how can I sent you this text?
  • @rat, I'm so sorry for you. Hope it will soon get better. That's exactly what I meant, when not feeling well, physical or mental, you don't have to expect good scores. I had these thyroid issues lately, remember? You will get back, that's for sure
  • Would any of you happen to know why there's 2 armored personnel carriers full of pissed off guys dressed in black, 3 FBI vans, 4 news vans, half my town's police force, 2 helicopters, and a gaggle of toothless rednecks drinking beer in my front yard?

    Grr. brb. The doorbell just rang and a...surprise houseguest of mine ran to go answer it.
  • @bernersenn wow! nice jump there! Thanks for letting me stay in 2nd place for.. 3 hours? :)

    @Rat excellent story :) I see you noticed manu's lack of movement lately. Btw, since I know you have such high standards of professionalism, I should correct you. I'm not technically in the Smoky Mountains. That'd put me closer to Tennessee than I'd ever want to be. I'm in the piedmont of the Blue Ridge Mtns, more specifically at the tail end of a spur called the Brushy Mtns. I call it the armpit of the Appalachians.

    With the nerve entrapment problems, how are you typing these great stories? Are you using voice to text, or just letting the wife do it?
  • @all -- If you want to volunteer to translate the Message to Newbies, please check the forum for already existing translations.
    We now have English, Spanish (to be updated by TSL), French (to be updated by Joeyba), German (to be updated by TrishOHara) and 2 Dutch (by Burpie and @Bernersenn). Sorry Bernersenn that you didn't realize it had already been translated. Would be interesting to figure out the differences.
  • @Kelani This particular nerve pain is activated by the smallest left thumb movement. But it's only the thumb that's new. It'll pass. As far as news stories, I just don't use my thumb for typing.

    Open your front door. It might be Publishers Clearing House.
    re: foothill location in NC. I wouldn't keep a hostage close to where I lived either. Smart.
  • @Rat So you could fling painlessly with index finger, but choose not to?

    Publishers' Clearing House is dead to me. I sent in an entry this year for the hell of it, and in 3 months since, I've gotten 4 new packets saying 'fill out all this crap, or we cancel your sweepstakes entry'.

    Argh. I just got my first ever instances of a block hitting the upper tower on #19. It happened twice in a row! The first one made the stone roll off, but didn't break the wood leg. The second broke the wood leg, but the falling structure came to rest on the stone ball :P
  • Yay! #19 1 birder! Awful crappy score but still.
  • @tienshenlong, @mvnla2, nothing extreme happened, you're welcome with such jobs. But, in the future it would be more convenient when it's only done once.
  • @kelani, you're welcome. Btw, I'm now playing #12, I didn't bettered my two-bird score with a one-birder, strange isn't it?
  • @bernersenn It is strange, but it happens. Like that space challenge today. If you clear everything but the huge iceteroid, then use bird 2 on it. It scores a bit better. Doesn't look like it would, though.
  • Neat, I figured out a shot on #19 that causes the 1 birder. Unfortunately:

    -It's a PITA to aim. I can only hit it about 1 in 10
    -it only kicks the block up about 1 in 10
    -it only makes the ball fall off about 1 in 10
    -it probably only causes collapse about 1 in 10
    -it probably only detonates the TNT about 1 in 10
    -it probably only gives a good score about 1 in 10.

    At that rate, I only need 999,800 attempts to get a good score.
  • @Kelani What made all the people come to your house? That news bulletin said nothing about you did it? I'll reread it.

    Give! What's the approach on 19 that's giving you all those one birders?
  • Nevermind @Kelani. I see your post above now.
  • The only people that make money on the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstake are the USPS. They sell a lot of stamps.
  • @All Has anybody else's telemarketer activity increased. I'm on the national "Do Not Call List" and had eight phone telemarketers Friday.
  • Good Afternoon everyone! !
    Pa no way im going to pass you. .I can't get any more points:(
    @TienShenLong I cannot help with the translation sorry my secondary language class in high school was Latin..but it looks like you have all the help you need; )
    OB I'll have whatever your serving ty
  • You wouldn't want to miss that telemarketer, huh @Ma?
  • Pa YES I am also on the do not call list but lately getting Many pita calls!
  • @Rat GOD yes. I'm on the list and even re-added myself twice to make sure, and I get a dozen a day. Half are automated, which is supposed to be illegal, and the other half have fake caller ID. When I get them, I use a trick I learned in my telecom days, if you pick up and click your tongue twice, (like you're trying to get a pet's attention) then hang up, it'll sometimes trick their dialer into thinking it's a disconnected number, so they remove you :) For the automated ones it doesn't work on, they have a Press X to be removed from our call list. The non-automated ones get forcefully complained at.

    I wonder if they closed down the list to pay for Obamacare or something?
  • @Rat Just got one while I was typing that. Caller ID says

    W1reless Caller - 555-123-1234 Yeah, that ain't fake.

    Legally, if you say "please put me on your internal do not call list" and hang up, that should fix it.

    Oh also, you can hook up a fax, and set it to answer after, say 5 rings. If caller ID is a telemarketer, let the fax answer. Most companies remove numbers from their list if they get a fax tone.
  • @kelani, about #19, 998,000 Attempts OR 1x luck. I read the comment of @phenikus and told him the same, even got an example in the walkthroughs. Just hang in there, you will succeed. Remember my #9 this week, from tuesday till friday, every night. And then suddenly, boom !
  • @bernersenn Boom, indeed! I'm not giving up. It's the last level where I can get lots of points :)
  • Alright guys, I have a new avatar! It's the icon for Reasons Comics v1.1.0, which will be out in less than 2 hours. This update introduces in-app purchases (for real this time) with Pack 3 being purchasable by subscription.

    Also, Reasons Comics Free is now available on the Windows Store and works for Windows 8.1 update 1.
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