The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1650
  • @karen68, brave lady, no way i was going to explain touque! I was sure he was teasing!! :-) :-) :-)
  • @grammyK Congrats on your first page change in the BP! BTW, I'm a she. I wasn't kidding about the touque. The furthest north I've lived was Buffalo, NY, but I don't think people wore toques even there.
  • @karen68 and the Canadian side of the falls REALLY are better!
  • @grammyk I'm a she too. Apparently the ladies are keeping the BP alive tonight.
  • @ABCrazy and @karen68 -- I'm don't remember which side of the Falls is better, but walking through the gorge is a real experience. At times the water is higher than your head!
  • @mvnla2, oops, sorry about changing your gender. Of course alaska is usa and we have nwt and yukon and nunuvik (sp?) where i dont think there are really that many igloos left. too bad i cant get pics to upload to my album, i have a cool one of the two oldest gkids and my dogs playing on igloo they built in back yard this past winter.
  • @mvnla2 The people in Buffalo most surely wear toques, they just don't call them that..... It's just a knit winter cap. The ones in Buffalo probably have a 'Bills' logo on them (that's the NFL team there, right?).
  • I've been to both sides, & I have to say the Can side is more spectacular to see.
    @ABcrazy, that's a really sweet thing to say about Star Wars, I love the teamwork, but I sure don't have your scores! #1 in an episode is a real accomplishment )
  • @abcrazy, thank you for preventing me from embarassment with u too :-)
  • @all -- So am I the only one playing Icebreaker (the new Rovio Stars game)? Been through a lot of levels today.
  • Well @grammyk the only place I've been to in Canada is the CN tower. Have you been?
  • @mvnla2 it looks interesting, I just don't think I have the time to spare to get addicted to another game! Are you enjoying it?
  • I'm the only He? NNOOOOOOOOOOO!
  • @karen68 Yes, I meant the view of the falls. And also the lack of casino atmosphere in the general local area. @mvnla2 I never got to walk the gorge. Sounds awesome....have to add that to my bucket list!
  • @ABcrazy -- Yes, a knik cap, just not with a pompon on top, and not ear-flaps hanging down with a string to tie under your chin. But that might be a good idea.
  • The Falls.... they are great, I've gone twice.
  • @tas how long ago were you up the CNTower? I assume you visited Toronto at the same time.
  • @theanonymoussomeone -- Hey, don't disappear! You're welcome to stay. What's wrong with talking to women?
  • @karen68 The teamwork is what helps us all do better. I try to add comments on my tweaks to strategies, but I'm not always as good about that as I'd like to be. Sometimes it's hard to explain, sometimes, I'm just worn out. It's hard to come up with new strategies where I am now since that episode has been out for a while. Anyway I don't do it all on my own. That's what makes the nest so awesome!
  • @all, i have to wait for android version also. So far i never got into bad piggies or amazing alex. But i try them all
  • @Karen68 -- I've been to Toronto many times when I lived in Buffalo -- beautiful city. Much nicer than Buffalo, but that goes without saying. Probably have been in the CNT tower, just didn't recognize the name.
  • Well there is a cn tower in almost every city in canada :-) i have only walked past the edmonton one.
  • @tas Just think of the the only he in a room full of she's! Nevermind that we are all old enough to to be your mom, or grand mom. Think of all the hugs, kisses, and cheek pinching!
  • Agreed, guys welcome.

    The baby touques have the flaps and the strings :-)

  • @TAS @ABCrazy -- NO! That will scare him away for sure! Now a room full of female teenagers might be a different matter, or maybe not.
  • Well because I feel so lonely as being the youngest...... :`(
    @karen68 It was 2009 I think..... we had gone to New York (not the city New York, but Buffalo) to meet my dying meemaw..... Lung cancer from smoking.
    Then we got rid of most of the stuff in her house after her death at 11:26 AM. I can remember the time but not the date. It was super cold, and we sent half the stuff to the "burn pile". I spent half the time there just warming up. The tower and the death might have been seperate trips though.
  • @mvnla2 nice that you took the time to visit. Most of us flock to Buffalo for shopping or to use the airport - if you're flying anywher in the States it's soooo much cheaper to drive across the border & fly out of there.
  • Oh, yeah, the CN tower I went up was "claimed" as tallest building in North America.
  • Yikes @tas not a nice memory! Go back again sometime under better circumstances to clear that out of your head.
  • @tas it's amazing the details you remember about a sad event like that, you couldn't have been that old.
    The CN Tower would have been just a short drive across the border for you.
  • Omg i am truly rotfl. All the grammas and one young guy. And i fit all of the internet slang i know into one sentence.
  • And the CN Tower was the tallest free-standing structure in the world up until a few years ago, there's now a taller tower I think in Dubai.
  • @theanonymoussomeone -- Sorry your memories of Buffalo are so sad.
    There are some nice things in Buffalo, but winter is not the best time to visit.
    @grammyK -- I've seen adults with the flaps and strings. Most recently in San Francisco, when it wasn't even that cold! Must be some kind of fashion statement.
  • Well @mvnla2 ummm.... *awkward silence* I'll just lurk I guess. Let you guys talk about how your husbands want you to throw out your 3 year old purse or won't let you buy those shoes that you'll wear once or something......
  • @grammyk I drove by the mall in Edmonton on my way to Cold Lake a couple Jan. The general area reminded me of parts of Texas with much more strange, cold, white stuff covering everything.
  • I have been to toronto and hamilton, but only on business trips, so didnt see anything. Also, atlanta, pheonix, and minneapolis, same thing, mostly just saw hotel rooms and restaurants.
  • @grammy_k slang doesn't matter on the internet to me. And to most others my age, it would just make you fail at trying to look cool or something.
  • @tas I'm pretty sure you are the same age as my son.... So I'm only old enough to be your mom. :-)
  • More small world, when you drove to cold lake you would have had to pass through bonnyville where i was born
  • @karen68 -- Really, you go to Buffalo to shop? I went to Toronto to shop! That was in the '70's, so maybe things are different now. Then Toronto had a much better selection of women's clothes, and the food was a couple of orders of magnitude better.
  • Heeheee @grammyk All my trips to Canada were business trips too.
  • Darn dinger went out!! I missed a whole its bedtime,:(
    * heyyou ..git..scoot..*places wheel of cheese by the hole in the wall, flashligjt on @Kimmiecv booth, bags of treats for the Kitties across the country and over the sea, a yellow rose for Kimmie*
    (((( hugs))) for all..nighty nite..Happy flinging:)
  • @tas, i am just wishing i had a real computer to type on, tablet is ok, but still annoying, thus my abandoning all proper case and using abbreviations to keep up with the conversation :-)
  • @TAS -- Has anyone mentioned their husband, let alone 3 yr old purses, or shoes? For the record, my husband never mentions either.
    I think this conversation is one you can, and are participating in.
    However, it's been a long day for me, so I'll be out of here soon, even though it's pretty early.
  • @grammyk I had to look up bonnyville. I probably did drive through there a couple of times although I'm sorry to say I don't really remember it specifically. Cold Lake is a long drive from Edmonton.
  • It was a joke. It revealed the ugly truth for most women and my mom these days. She keeps all her old useless purses, and never uses a new one after 6 months from the time she gets one.
  • G'nite @kathy. Sleep well. See ya around.
  • Nice to see you pop in @kathy!
    @mvnla2 it was better shopping several years ago when the exchange rate was so ridiculous - much better value to shop in the States. Now the Can dollar is almost at par so it's not as big a deal. But Buffalo still has better outlet malls.
  • @tas I don't buy new purses very often (maybe one every 5 or so years). I did buy one 2 months ago and immediately put it into use. It's more like a backpack that will hold my iPad and a few other essentials. Does that count for purse chatter? ;-)
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