The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1649
  • @Estar That's a lot of water you got there. Keep one finger in the dike while you fling.
  • I set up my own first page change. Yea!!
  • hahhaha ermmm not sure I know there are a couple from india in here, but I am not aware of be sounding like a indian (bliepppp, why do I always mix up the people who live in India and the running around in leather clothes and shooting arrows living in tents people.... )
    Do hope the brain kicks in when you finally make it pass the cash register and pay for your groceries, cause another night between the walls can't be good for a lonely old man.
  • @rat Nah we got a young boy named Hans doing that for us hee hee :D
  • @Estar Hunger overpowering, must eat. Bye bye
  • I have got to go as well. The alarm clock will do his annoying job in about a couple of hours, so I better start looking for my bed and try to shut up this overly active brain of mine. It was great chatting with you Mister Rat, have a nice ermmm lunch!
    And to all left behind on the last page, have a great day/evening or morning! Maybe it bring all things healthy and happy!
  • I'm back plugged in:) E* you didn't tell me you moved to India ¿
  • Aww to late:( bye @rat (((( hugs))) @E* sweet dreams:)
  • Awww Sorry kathy, I wish there where more hours in a day for us to sit down and have a chat, but it is nearly 1 AM and even though my weekend already started today, Hubby needs to go to work tomorrow and we always drink coffee in the morning together and well I am his alarmclock so better get to bed and be the most beautiful alarm clock of Europe (wink wink... @rat) I can be in a few hours.
  • I understand E* my fault for not poofing in earlier;) love ya (((((hugs)))) no worries:)
  • Ooohh noooo @Kimmiecv gonna flip!!!! Jodie Arias lifetime movie!!!!
    Just heard it on Fox...
  • I'm back for a little while. Will be flirking.
  • FINALLY got that screenshot in...... sort of.....
  • What do you mean @tas?
  • I sent a PM to slim with a iPad photo of the screenshot of J-14. Can't wait for icebreaker to be on Android.
  • So you were able to recover your scores?
  • I forget what's special about J-14? Did you get top score,? sorry i haven't been keeping Up:(
    Ooohhhh your puppy? Congrats :) i think i saw you say something about puppy:)
  • @lisko, we have a joke in north central alberta, only two seasons, winter and july :-)
    But really, spring any where from march to may, summer by june for sure. This year winter till may, 8 or so days of great weather with some rain, now weeks of cold rain with no end in sight. People getting stir crazy around here. When i go on the bus anywhere i sit with all the other grammas and we are all still wearing our medium weight winter coats! And last week we had a big storm spawning twisters all around the city and i was babysitting the grandkids and we had to spend the afternoon in the basement :-0 So it is a weird year.
  • Hi @grammyk sorry I've been saying it wrong as granny.:(
    And sorry i haven't giving you a proper welcome, so tonight your drinks are on me:)
  • @TAS -- I really hope you can recover your scores! The thought of doing that all over again is daunting. Especially since you missed getting underdog.
    Can't say I'm really good about backups, but I do make them, especially when someone like you has serious problems -- a good reminder for the rest of us. I have to admit that I learned the hard way: My hard drive at work crashed, and couldn't even be recovered by those companies that specialize in recovering hard drives. I lost 3 months of work. It was only 3 months, because I was backing up occasionally. After that, I set my calendar to send me a reminder to back up every Fri. Now that I'm retired, I've become somewhat lazy about backups.
  • Thats ok @Kathy, it is confusing. My sons two little boys are 4 and 6 and had two grammas. The six year old has down syndrome and that was confusing for him and since i am the easy going gramma we changed me to grammy. Now he calls me grammy kenny, we have no idea why :-) And i will have a tall cool singapore sling tonight, thanks so much!
  • @ABCrazy -- I know how you feel about the boxers. However, when most of us old-timers were there we would joke about wearing them at the beach on Peacock Island. When you get the suitcase, be sure to pack the boxers in it, because there is a long delayed road trip to the beach. Did I miss it?
  • Hi @mvnla2 have some Crystal or a drink on me! I'm ok with the boxers, they just look funny to me. Maybe they should be more like a loin cloth or something since I've been in SW for so long. Wait.... Did that sound weird?
  • Hi @grammyk Welcome to the BP. I've been buying today to celebrate a little victory over evil empire swine. Please enjoy!
  • @GrammyK -- Really! Never heard of tornados in Canada.
  • BTW @mvnla2 I've been using a stylus since yesterday afternoon. So far I'm liking it! If I remember right, you use one too.
  • @all Feels like it's taken a couple of hours to catch up today. What happened? The last couple of days were really slow.
  • @ABCrazy -- Which stylus are you using? I just got a Bamboo? (strange that its name isn't on it), which I like so far, and hope it will last longer. It doesn't have the small hole that the Kuels have. I think the hole, which tears with use, results in a short life, and they don't have replacement nibs. I also have a TrueGlide, which has a metallic mesh tip, but I haven't used it much and don't like it that well.
  • @mvnla2 - see if you can find black friday edmonton on google, happenned about 25 years ago, creamed 3 areas in the city. Even us canadians didnt know we got twisters. Turns out we get lots in alberta but most are small and if they touch down its rarely in a populated area. We have so much open space here.
  • and most of the usa still thinks we live in igloos :-) old bad canadian joke there :-)
  • @mvnla2 I went with the cheapest one they had, a SIIG. It's short & has a little tether on it with a plastic thingy that snaps into the headset port. The tip is silicone. It's already looking not quite round, so I don't expect it to last very long. I just wanted to try it out to see if I would like it. So far, yes... Very much.
    I saw the bamboo one at the store too. How do you like it?
  • It was 1987.
  • @grammyk Still wearing the toques there, eh? :-)
  • @abcrazy, yup, and the long johns
  • @grammyk I'm in Texas, the hot, humid, swampy Gulf coast part. Very different from where you are. I've visited quite a bit of Canada though. Pretty much from Newfoundland to the islands north of Victoria Is. Some of my visits were intentionally in the coldest part of winter. And camping. But those are stories for another time/place.
  • Oh, and the only place I lived in snow shelters was in Wyoming. Though I did visit the Ice Hotel in... Quebec, I believe it was. That was interesting.
  • @abcrazy, i have a facebook friend in texas, was chatting a couple of days ago and she said a storm was coming and she hasnt posted since. Seabrook i think. Is there bad weather there the last couple of days?
  • Ya, i have only seen pics, but that ice hotel is very cool. Oops, well i mean fascinating :-)
  • @grammyk Wow, that's absolutely amazing how small this world can be. Seabrook is literally just down the road from me... Well a couple miles anyway. We've had some thunderstorms come through yesterday and Tues afternoons, but nothing too major, at least for rain. In fact we could use more rain. The lightening was spectacular, but we're pretty used to that here. I hope your friend is ok.
  • @grammyk it's nice to see another Canuck visiting the BP :)
    @ABcrazy congrats on your Star Wars success!
  • @abcrazy, yes i just confirmed, oak st. Seabrook, sounds like they should be fine :-), truly small world
    @karen68, thanks! :-)
  • Thanks @karen68 ! I appreciate your comments and tips throughout, so its as much your victory as mine. :-)
  • @grammyK @ABcrazy -- What are toques?
    I've been to a lot of places in Canada, but not Alberta. Never thought you lived in igloos, that's in Alaska, right? Are there any igloos in Canada?
  • Funny how the Canadian flingers who have registered on the map are from AB (all 3 of you!). I know there are more, just not on mvnla2's map.
    OB 2 fingers of scotch as a nightcap please?
  • @mvnla2 a toque is a winter hat, usually with a pom-pom on top.
  • @karen68 -- Aren't you in Toronto? and a Canadian, to boot?
  • @mvnla2 I am indeed. I'm just all on my lonesome on the Eastern half of your map!
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