Here is our 3-star walkthrough strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars II Revenge of the Pork Level B5-15 (Bird Side).
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2* = 96980
3* = 104510
@e-star — You’ve got to be kidding! How did you ever find that shot. It’s good that you found a way to avoid that spinning guy.
2* = 101.110, 101.600, 102.290, 102.140. 3* = 104.240.
102410 is 2 star
103550 is 3 star
LOL @mvnla2 You don’t like Yoda? I do, but so unpredictable. Reaching 3* required a one birdie shot, so I just went nuts and tried all kinds of angles and fortunately for my iPad I found the right one.
I just spent over 30 minutes with Yoda on the last level. Not a fun guy. This level was a flippin’ mystery to me so here I am…discovering @e-star has the solution. Thanks again for the saving shot @e-star. No way am I trying to get near @thee-michelle.
1-birder by imperial officer.
The position to aim at is identical to a video.
I broke woods with laser as much as possible.
I have left one of the foot of the laser pig.
I think that 118K is possible if drop.
Please… there’s got to be a better way! Anyone with any options?? I can pull off @e-star‘s shot 1 in a 100 times but even then I leave one stupid pig.
I had the same problem, so I just shot that particular pig at the outset. Big Pig’s laser finished off the rest. 109,520
@e-star is apparently a physics major.
@e-star is also a very talented flinger :)
After about 1000 flings, I finally got this level. 109,60. Ugh..
I looked at the video and saw your comment and thought I would stuck on this level forever. BUT I actually 3 starred on my 4th attempt, I guess I was very lucky. It’s not one I will be trying to improve on though! I’m walking away!
i somehow got this level done on my 1st device by going up over the 1st pig while shooting the 3 higest pigs on string…musta got lucky….on doing it on my phone there i just aimed right up in the particular target….shot the 3 higest string pigs and i find that with just shooting cpt panka upwards and fire the 3 hanging pigs the laser bounced near everytime…..defo a tricky level…..
Got 107,330. 1bird, same method but laser went around the horn instead of splitting into 3. Basically got lucky.
This is the most bizarre level of the lot.
Sorry to be a Negative Nancy, but the shot in the video is one in a million. I guess I’ll keep looking for alternate strats.
Or at least one in ten thousand. Suffice to say; It’s bloody unlikely.
@y2k This level is indeed a hard one to crack. Sorry the video isn’t helping you, but I think any strat will be a one in a million. But please if you do find an alternate strat that works better, let me know. I am more than happy to shoot a new video :D
But it does happen. Once I got it the first time using the @e-star strat I went with Imperial Officer as @thee-michelle mentioned for a higher score. It’s certainly not easy but not as hard as level 13 which has proven impossible for me.
Finally got two stars. I quit.
made shot just like video and got decent score of 104780. I just can’t figure out how the piggy laser works.
No, seriously what’s wrong with this level? Where are the other strats because the video method works only 1 in a million times. Ugh
Completely agree!!
Please tell me there’s another way to get the third star here because this isn’t working for me! I have only been lucky enough to make the shot exact a couple of times and every time one bird is still taunting me.
@nae-123 @yandar I thought it impossible as well but then I tried flinging the shooter without shooting and seeing where the laser hit. I did this a few times and then flung and did my shooting. It took a few adjustments but I got it fairly quickly.
I’ve been going back and trying to finish levels that I thought I’d never get now that I have a ton of birds to fling! ?
Once you find the right launch angle, it’s an easy 3 star. After that, I could easily use different shooters or Kanan for 110 to 115K scores, but it was Chopper, FTW.
My use of Chopper didn’t get quite as high a score as you @bigjilm, but enough to move on for now.