Here is our walkthrough strategy for Angry Birds Seasons Piggywood Studios, Part 1! Level 1-12. You can read more about the Piggywood Studios update and find helpful links here.
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- 06. Greasy Swamp
- 07. Greenerville
- 08. Steakholm
- 09. Misty Mire
- 10. Pigsyland
- 11. Snotting Hill
- 12. Fluttering Heights
- 13. Mount Evernest
- 14. Ham Francisco
- 15. Pig Bay
- 16. Gravity Grove
- 17. The Pig Apple
- 18. The Hamalayas
- 19. Madagooscar
- 20. Hamberg
- 21. Oinklahoma
- 22. The Hamazonas
- 23. Copacabacon
- 24. Snout Slough
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- 26. Pigfoot Mountains
- 27. Central Pork
- 28. Hamsterdam
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- 00. Boss Fights
- 01. Feathery Hills
- 02. New Pork City
- 03. Eggchanted Woods
- 04. Chirp Valley
- 05. Shangham
- 06. Greasy Swamp
- 07. Greenerville
- 08. Steakholm
- 09. Misty Mire
- 10. Pigsyland
- 11. Snotting Hill
- 12. Fluttering Heights
- 13. Mount Evernest
- 14. Ham Francisco
- 15. Pig Bay
- 16. Gravity Grove
- 17. The Pig Apple
- 18. The Hamalayas
- 19. Madagooscar
- 20. Hamberg
- 21. Oinklahoma
- 22. The Hamazonas
- 23. Copacabacon
- 24. Snout Slough
- 25. Porkland
- 26. Pigfoot Mountains
- 27. Central Pork
- 28. Hamsterdam
- 29. Missispiggy Rivers
- 30. Boarneo
- 31. Got Ham City
- 32. Twin Beaks
- 33. Hog Warts
- 34. Piggymanjaro
- 35. Porkyo
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109,850 = 2*
110,550 = 3*
Anybody got a hint for getting the mighty eagle feather on this one?
The only thing I’m missing… :/
Me too…
Totally stuck at 98% with the ME. I use all the birds to clear as many boxes underneath the house structure as possible them throw the can so it sits just to the left of the cooker.
I just cannot get the remaining two right hand boxes and have given up, writing this off as a Rovio “feature”
My strategy for 137k:
First bird straight at the girl pig on the upper ledge. Should bring down most things up there. Debris + bird falls down on the tree and collapses it.
Second bird down on the golden laurel for points.
Third bird at TNT.
Terence to clear as much debris as possible.
Thanks @f91jsw, that worked beautifully!
Agree, thx @f91jsw!
@f91jsw good strategy. Little detail: chuck high, when he is level, boost him so he goes straight on the upper right part. That will cause him ofter to fall down. Thanks
same as @f91jsw method. here is final result
Thanks @f91jsw ! Finally got this one above average And in the top 100! I’ll be back lol!🐣
Thanks @f91jsw for the post. Used basically the same strategy with a slight modification on the first bird. Tried to aim a bit higher through the girls pig and also hit the camera. Had good clearance on the platform with big red. One bird remaining for bonus points. Fun level to watch the tnt explode..
“Men In Black”
Think you’re right ~ “Men In Black”.
Used @f91jsw‘s first shot except when debris fell it set off TNT also. Next two birds to debris that was left. Last bird bonus.
Sorry, next three birds to debris that was left and then last bird bonus.
3 Star Screen:
first hit girl pig and other pig on top-right
second high
third on TNT
big on debris
here my video with 142k:
Thank @comex666, 146k with the same 4 shots.
Got a lot of destruction from Terence, but it was hard to see exactly how much he destroyed as the forward arrow >> was completely blocking the bottom corner.
Tough level. Never got beyond 135k. Thanks @comex666 for the video. Well done. No
matter what I did I could never get the meaningful destruction with “big” 😀
@steviep147 I am sensing a pattern in these levels. I’ll spends days and sometimes weeks on a level just trying ton get above average and this one I managed to do that on the second try. They seem to alternate. Go figure…
Used the video from @comex666 described above. One thing I’ll say is that the first bird can clear all the pigs but my scores were not 3-star worthy.