One strategy for Angry Birds Red’s Mighty Feathers level 24-10 is to send the Yellow bird under the floating pig and into the block under the suction container. The container should do quite a bit of damage along the bottom part of the level. Bomb the remaining structure with a White bird, but be aware that the right remaining piggy can be a bit troublesome at times. The score in the video below is 82,130.
If you have a different strategy for completing this level feel free to leave a comment below.
I used the shoot the moon approach to hit the back wheel holding the suction container. This caused the suction container to fall and hit TNT and take everything else down with it. 1 birdie :).
Thank you for the moonshot idea @cali_mom! After many attempts the suction cup fell in just the right spot to suck up first the left side and then flipped over to the right side. Very satisfying. I posted a picture in my Album but I am not sure how to reference here. Cheers!
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Thank you @cali_mom for posting the 1-bird solution with the moon shot to hit the back wheel.
The suction container became wedged with the bubble maker after the tnt activation and sucked all the remaining pigs and most of the debris on the left into it.
Aiming tip: zoom in and leave a small space (little smaller than base stem of sling) between the tip of the Yellow Bird and base of the sling and activate upon release. The rest is up to the fall of the cup and its resting position.
GREAT TIP!!! It took a few tries but it worked.
@cali_mom you saved my sanity. The heck with trying for TopScore, I thought I’d never get the additional 3500 I needed for an above average score. This was the only Red’s Mighty Feathers’ level I couldn’t manage an above average score. I was stuck at just under 87k when AVG was 90437 & I was about to try whining when after what seems like thousands of shots everything connected with the moonshot for a 1-birder on my Android phone worth 101310. I hope I never see this one again.
Thanks for 1-birder moon shot strategy!
My score +10K!
Actually, I went through the balloon string and into the wooden block wedged under the wheel and ended up with 103k with one bird. I’m thinking it might be an easier than aiming for the back wheel but I haven’t actually tried that yet. (Saw this post when I came to enter scores.) hope this is helpful. : )
Wow, tried the moon shot twice and the second time it came down on the front wheel and support, caused the suction container to flip around, hoovered everything up down below and rested just below the left piggies and slowly drew them in. 500+ tries before using this method just to get 84,000ish. Happy with 101,460.
I’ve had more consistent luck using this strategy but having YB bounce off the angled “mountain” side just past the far wheel and hitting the vacuum. It tumbles over and takes way more stuff with it.
@cali_mom , I can see your strat has a lot of potential. i just havent gotten it to cooerate for me yet. Dont tell anyone, but (whisper) i’ve even tried shaking and tilting my ipad but i must not be doing it right. lol.
the whine worked. not a great score, but i improved by 10k. thanks @cali_mom !!!
But can you moonshot right into the far suction 3 times in a row? I did. That’s the real shot. No points but it is fun. Nuthin’ but net! :-)
@78rpm , after reading your post, i had to try it. you’re right, it IS fun!!!
I used the same strategy as the video, but the TNT was kind to me, punting the suction machine over to the structure where it sucked everything down for a terrific score. In other words, while I wish I could say I got a high score here by skill, in truth this level is all about luck and where the suction machine gets dropped.
same first shot as in the video but it ended up as a one-birder because the suction fell to the left – maybe by the explosion of the tnt – and sucked it all
If you had the same luck that I had, then you destroyed the front wheel as well as the Little wooden block
I need some ME tips on this one. It’s the last level I can’t get. What does that eagle want??
I finally got the 1-birdie shot to work, yay! But what really surprised me was to also get a GOLDEN EGG. It appeared on my screen after all the suction was over, but I have no idea what I hit to trigger the egg. Double checked my Golden Eggs, and there were 2 new eggs sitting there. Sorry I can’t be of more help.
I have two eggs as well. My first was for three-starring all the levels and the second was for hitting the engine hanging from the helicopter at the top of the screen. So are you saying there is a third? Or was it that you just happened to three-star all the levels at that point?
Sorry that’s level 23-8 with the other egg.
@tigers-nana @steviep147
Only 2 Golden Eggs in this Episode. One is in 23-8 (inside the engine, hanging from the helicopter), and one for 3-starring all 15 levels.
Thanks Slim
One bird like the video, and lots of luck when the suction up bounced back and swallowed everything.
The left side got sucked in, so it was just Chuck who hit the wood and let the car going.
Yes! Sometimes it just happens. After struggling with getting a score above average and hoping for the suction to end up in the right place (using the strategy in the video), finally I had incredible luck and ended up with the third best score up to now. Unfortunately not skill, just mostly luck but it’s fun anyway :D
Maybe it’s possible to find the perfect way to shoot Chuck, it can’t be all about luck?
One shot wonders are fine, but two shots are more realisticly possible. There is an easier two shot method than the video. If the first shot is arced high and the red balloon is knocked out on the way down, the yellow will take out the suction container support. I found I could make this shot twice as often as the low arc shot in the video. Plus the suction container lands more favourably.I think thats because the yellow bird hits the TNT sooner. The second shot is the same as the video and requires skill, but 3* scores can be made more often.
It’s a nice sentiment @birdMeister but it won’t get the top score or anywhere near and that my friend is the object of the game!
Here’s a video for this. The score is fully dependant on luck.
envoyer l’oiseau jaune comme la vidéo mais sans mettre la pression maximum pour que celui-ci arrive à casser le bois en passant entre le mur et la tnt pour que le bocal aspirant puisse tombé sur la tnt et être propulsé vers la structure de gauche afin d’aspirer celle-ci et retombé vers la droite finir le travail. Le nombre de points dépendra quand même de la chance sur ce qu’il aura pu aspirer.
Bon courage à tous
Merci Bien.
1 shot. Yellow bird to far right cliff, breaking the wood wedge, and having the unit fall to the left. Debris left, but pigs gone!! 86.5K
After almost an hour, finally got the vacuum, to tip properly, and sucked away most everything. 107k
Well.. another level where luck is almost the only important factor.
I have been using (repeatedly)a low trajectory to destroy the small wood block and the wood wheel on the right side.
It was faster to repeat the shot than using the moonshot and more accurate (a good destruction around every other try).
Here is the trajectory:
After a few days, I got this result:
And this is the highscore screenshot:
Hope it helps.
level with luck-factor.
bird low and activate immediately.
what needs to happen?
bird break wood and wheel, bird fall down and don´t hit tnt.
the rest must topple (no roll) on tnt.
the best is, when no bubble is in the way
video is on iMac 108050, because i can´t make video on PC
here a sreenshot from PC with score and the point, where bird
must hit.
I tried on ipad, not over 100k
no new puppy today from me.
good night
@comex666 – it took more hours than I want to think about, but using your aiming point (and a load of luck) I managed to increase my score 10K, thank you as always! Never want to see this level again.
@comex666 again thanks for the video, it helped me very much This episode is not my favorite..
What a surprise @comex666 is #1 overall once again and number 4 on the leaderboards. My you must be the best player I’ve ever seen. Out of all the people that play this challenge everyday your ALWAYS number 1 and in the top 10. Your my hero!
@mvnla2 This afternoon I’m playing the Challenge on my Dell PC. Several times in the past few hours I’ve had the red balloons & the pig-in-the-box take off before any birds are launched.When this happens,it’s usually after a reset.Once it occurred while the yellow bird was just leaving the slingshot.
I’ve included a screenshot that shows that no birds have been used,the balloons/box pig are gone,as is the topmost pig from the left side structure.This resulted in 14,830 points.Unfortunately,I wasn’t able to get a good score out of it.
So far this has only happened on my PC.You can decide if it’s a glitch,or just a weird occurrence. I thought you’d want to know.
I think this method is more consistent in getting a single birder. Then it’s down to Lady Luck.
After many, many attempts I finally got a one-bird clear and it wasn’t anywhere near my previous score. Lady Luck is not smiling down on me. Maybe this bit of whining will help? lol