Angry Birds Update v1.6.1 Out Now – Fixes the Loading Issue

For anyone who has had problems getting Angry Birds Mine And Dine v1.6.0 to load you definitely want to download and install this update (v1.6.1) as soon as possible.  I just installed the update and so far everything looks good. If this works for you please let us know via the comments. Android now has the v1.6.1 update as well. Go get it!

If this still does not work DO NOT REMOVE ANGRY BIRDS from your device, as you run the risk of losing all your progress.

I don’t normally announce minor updates like this, but given the sheer number of comments we’ve received regarding this issue I am making an exception.

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Category: Updates

Comments (145)

Rank: Flinger with 20 points
By bernard (@bernard)

Doesn’t appear to have changed much for me.

After update the apop crashed after spending ~20 secs on the black screen before intro. Subsequent launches have been successful, but have still spent 10-20 secs on the black screen before starting…

Rank: Sling God with 37665 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I guess 10- 20 secs is better than 2 – 10 minutes.

Rank: Flinger with 20 points
By bernard (@bernard)

True true, better than nothing. Does crash about 1 in 5 times on start up but, which is a mild pain in the bum. Oh well…

By Pete

Same here. Loaded fine, but spent ages on the initial black screen

By shawnee

didn’t see the update.. had trouble getting into to the app… didn’t think it through… maybe it was the allergy medicine… deleted from phone and reinstalled from iTunes… and now… they’re gone. All my stars are gone. All eggs are gone. Poached Eggs 1-1. All other areas locked. I am a fledgling now. Nay, less than that;I am an egg. I was ranked top 200,000 of 12 million. I am now ranked 12,000,001.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Are you on an iOS device and do you do regular syncs to your computer? If so, do a restore to the last time you synced and will be just fine.

Rank: Shooter with 895 points
By Maiercab (@maiercab)

Oh you doll! Thanks!

By shawnee

yeah, so I did the restore but my choices for back-up point we from 5-20-10 (before I even had angry birds) and from a few minutes ago. So I’m currently 3-starred up to Poached Eggs 3-1. Gonna be a long Summer.
Glad the new “DO NOT REMOVE ANGRY BIRDS” is posted in bright red letters now for everyone. Learn from the few of us who lost it all – do not delete apps in haste.
On the positive side, I get to re-live some great Angry Birding times.

Rank: Shooter with 895 points
By Maiercab (@maiercab)

Well….. I get to start all over again! Had everything complete only working on improving my scores. I am able to delete and reload a couple of my apps without losing anything …. I was getting so frustrated with the update – waiting 5 minutes + a couple of times. I deleted and reloaded …. and lost all my 729 stars for 243 levels – and my 243 feathers … and my Golden Eggs. I can do it again and see if I can beat my old 3 star scores! Kinda fun restarting – because I only remember the levels I needed to spend hours on! It will take a bit to get to the Mine and Dine!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Or if you don’t want to start from scratch, you can restore from the last time you synced your iDevice to iTunes.

Rank: Flinger with 30 points
By coyote3671 (@coyote3671)


Rank: Sling God with 37665 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

You’re not the first to ask this, so I threw an article together that shows you how to restore.

By Jen

How do you get the Mine and Dine “world”? I have 3 stars in all levels except 3 and saw there is a 6th “world” called Mine and Dine. It’s not on my phone! How do I get it?

Rank: Sling God with 37665 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

What type of phone are you playing on?

By Jen

a motorola droid…do I just do an update? Is there still a lot of issues with updating? Also any idea when level 16 and 17 will come out? Thanks!!! :)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

If you are using Android, a simple app update should get you the first 15 levels of Mine and Dine. We are actually expecting the 2nd set of 15 levels in the next few days. (On iOS, the GameCenter achievements have already updated, which usually comes only a couple days before the update launches.)

Rank: Sling God with 37665 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

You can just do an update. Some people still experience issues, so you may want to try and backup first. We expect chapter 16 of Mine and Dine to come any day, so it might be worth waiting, though that’s obviously up to you.

By Jen

Thanks so much for the fast response! One more question for everyone…what’s with the feathers I keep hearing about? Is there a way to earn these feathers? I have 3 stars on all the levels and found and acquired stars on all 23 eggs…what do I do now…lol?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

A feather is earned by achieving Total Destruction with the Mighty Eagle.

By sonicking917

Is it only on iOS systems right now? It still shows 1.6.0 in Amazon app store and Android Market.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

The update is only out for iOS, but that’s also the system that badly needed the fix. If there are issues with the Android v1.6.0 I think we will see a patch there as well.

By sonicking917

Ok, thanks. After the latest Android update, it seems to run a little better for me. (Huawei Ascend) But, a LOT of other people are saying it crashes on them.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7205 points
By TruckDriver (@truckdriver)

I’ve not having any probs running the Mine and Dine update on my Motorola Xoom, as it loads as easily as it always does. However, I have noted that every so often, at irregular intervals, that my screen will flash as if the refresh rate is being changed from default to something else then back to default.

Not a real big problem, I know, but its notable in that it did not happen before this.

By sat'

Updated this morning. So far, still the issue…
I’m on an ipod touch 2G with iOS 4.2.1…

By LittleBirdie

I also still have the issue and also on iPod touch 2G iOS 4.2.1. Any tips??

Rank: Flinger with 30 points
By coyote3671 (@coyote3671)

me tooooooo !!!argh!!!!! i cant play at all!!!!

By Sat'

No tip. I’ve just succeeded in launching it once…arg…

Rank: DaBomb with 315 points
By crazyhacker (@crazyhacker)

I’m not sure, but I heard Angry Birds for Windows Phone was coming out on June 29. Is it true?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Last we heard was Late June, so could be that date. Microsoft keeps postponing

By Steve Jack

Fix works well for iPhone 3GS running iOS 4.2.1 – consistent launch to splash 7 secs then further 5 secs to play. Great timely response to the bug from the Clickgamer team :0)

Rank: DaBomb with 295 points
By selmerboy (@selmerboy)

I am still having trouble loading new levels on my iPhone 3G after installing v1.6.1. Probably just as well . . . my wrist needs a rest!

Rank: Flinger with 30 points
By coyote3671 (@coyote3671)

I think I am the only one that has lost all progress i now have to start over. I loaded new update and it started once ….now nothing. AGAIN :-(

Rank: Flinger with 30 points
By coyote3671 (@coyote3671)

So here is the deal ia have done everything that has been posted. Absolutly nothing has worked . I have deleted it three times and it works for a min. but as soon as I leave the app and try to go back to it I get the black screen of death and then it goes to my ipod home screen after 30 or so secs.Is this happening to anyone else b/c I am ready to just give up!!

Rank: Sling God with 37665 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Curious question, do you have In App purchases enabled or disabled? This setting can be found under Settings -> General -> Restrictions (note, if Enable Restrictions is now on then In App purchases are enabled).

Rank: Sling God with 37665 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Assuming you have synced your progress is not lost as you can restore your device to the state of your last sync. I know I already directed you to this article, but just in case someone else reads this comments I want to make sure they know all is not lost.

By Ryan

This update helped me on the iPad, but does not fix completely. At least I can play, but it still crashes about 50% of the time is navigating out and back in, etc. Hopefully 1.6.2 will be tomorrow.

By Steve Jack

Bit obvious perhaps but worth saying I think. If on iPhone, it’s worth double “clicking” the start button and when the open apps appear at bottom of screen, press and hold one down until the red minus signs appear and close all open apps. This makes the most of your RAM (and saves power too which is neat). Then try starting Angry Birds again

By James

Could we have installation fixes for Rio and mine and dine please. I can’t install either. HTC desire my fone is on android.

Rank: Sling God with 37665 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I thought the issue was specific to iOS devices. If not, I’m sure they will issue a fix.

By James

What would be different about there updates compared to the others which i had no problem with?

By limey

Installed the update (managed to FINALLY get the game to load and loved it) BUT since the update this morning my iPod Touch 2G with iOS 2.4.1 won’t load Angry Birds at all. It was annoying before, once in every 5 loads letting me into the game to play the new levels, but I can’t play at all now. Very frustrating!

Rank: Sling God with 37665 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

You and try rebooting and/or following some of the recommendations in this post, but you may just have to wait for another fix. God only knows what is going on. I’m sure Rovio is doing everything they can to try and resolve this issue. Bugs happen all the time, but when they happen to a game that has been downloaded this many times obviously it becomes a BIG deal. Whatever you do, DON’T delete the app.

By limey

Waiting seems to be the best option here doesn’t it, I’ve done all the reboots, airplane modes etc and nothing seems to work. Oh well hope there’s something soon :)

Rank: Sling God with 37665 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Have you tried moving the Angry Birds icon to another place on your device? Sounds strange I know, but someone said it worked for them. Also, have you tried doing your steps in the following order? If none of this works I’d say waiting is definitely your best bet.

By Dvitali

on my iPad I notice a few time that the screen jump to the game over screen before all the wood stop crashing and counting. Maybe another bug? Started with the download of mine and dine.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sandykins68 (@)

I just installed then update and that isn’t even working…still a blue line under icon saying “installing”. ;s. I’m on my iPad…I’ll see what happens on my iPhone…haven’t updates that yet.

By Jenna

Installed the update, but it didn’t fix the loading issue.

As of right now I can reliably get to Mine and Dine by doing the following:

– Enter Airplane mode
– Turn off iPod Touch
– Turn iPod Touch back on
– Open Angry Birds

If I close Angry Birds for whatever reason, I then have to go through the whole rigamarole again. This is annoying.

When I try to load it without the rigamarole, it’s NOT just a matter of waiting — I want to make that really clear since it seems to be a misconception in some of the discussion I see. It hangs on either the blue/ black blank screen (most frequently) or on the initial “Angry Birds: Loading…” screen (rarely), and then just shuts off entirely. I’m back to the homescreen. (iPod Touch main screen with icons, etc.)

By Mark from Monroe

Yep, same problem. In fact, since I downloaded the “fix,” I can’t open it at all.

Rank: Sling God with 37665 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Hi Mark, sorry to hear that. Have you tried all the steps mentioned in this article? Also, Jenna has a great comment with that outlines exactly what worked for her. Give it a try and report back.

By Mark from Monroe

Thanks so much — you mean I should delete the program and reload it from my PC backup? Will I lose all my progress? (I tried logging off GameCenter and using the airplane mode; no luck.)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Before you delete anything, I would encourage you to manually backup and store your settings.lua and highscores.lua files on your computer. I think it’s a good precaution in case something goes wrong with the PC backup, or if it’s out of date.

Rank: Sling God with 37665 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

If your problem is that you can’t open it I definitely would not delete it. If the aforementioned steps don’t allow you to open it, but your progress is still intact just hang tight until the next bug fix.

By dianap

Thanks Jenna for your help. This does work for now. It is a giant pain but at least I was able to get it back. I am hoping there will be an update soon that will bring it back to normal. :)

By James

At last. Someone put somewhere else to unmount your SD card but all i found i needed to do was to move the game from my SD card to my fone memory and both Rio and mine and dine installed no problems. No problems since.

By Pete

I don’t have a problem, but I’m getting paranoid after reading about so many problems. Every time I go to iTunes, a Synch occurs automatically. Is this enough to protect all my progress? I just have some of Trick or Treat to go and then I’ve three-starred everything. What steps should be taken to protect data? I’d have thought Gamecentre would store game progress.

To echo others, thanks for posting the problem and solution.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Hi Pete. In light of all of these issues, I think it would be a good idea to periodically save the settings.lua and highscores.lua files from all of your Angry Birds games to your computer. You can find details about how to do this in the forum.

By Squeaky

I got the Mine and Dine update perfectly on my iPad. I never had any bugs.

By Bryan Cuneo

I still have this issue on my 2G running 4.2.1. I’ve seen a few comments about other people with this set up having problems, maybe the device has too little RAM? I’ve tried using the “free memory” option through SBSettings, and I actually got it to the loading screen once. Then I closed it (fail). So here is what I’ve tried (if you are having problems, give ’em a shot):
Normal load.
Normal load plugged in.
Freed memory.
Freed memory plugged in.
Normal load airplane mode plugged in.
Freed memory airplane mode.
Freed memory airplane mode plugged in.

So far, not working. Luckily I still have some levels to get 3 stars on in Seasons. When I’m done with that, I’m going to go crazy. OK, I won’t go crazy, but I’ll be annoyed. I hope Rovio get’s this fixed soon. This is the first problem I’ve had with any of the three Angry Birds apps (regular, Rio, Seasons), so I guess they’re allowed to have one glitch every so often.

By Bryan Cuneo

Also, for those who are Jailbroken, I recommend the DataDeposit app. It allows you to back up all of your save data for any app. You can even transfer it to different devices.

Rank: Sling God with 37665 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Thanks for the insightful comment, Bryan. I hope they get it fixed soon.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By tobi (@tobi)

FWIW, something messed up my 3-5 level score. Suddenly it dropped to 101k points 2 stars, still have the 3 stars on all levels achievement on the episode on gamecenter (and all other episodes for that matter). Can’t recall the original as I didn’t post it here on the boards though.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Nothing got messed up. With the v1.6.0 update, a few levels have changed slightly. We have a running list in the forum.

3-5 is the most easily recognized, because (as far as we can tell) it’s the only level whose minimum 3-star score changed. Previously, 89k would yield 3-stars. Now, the level is far easier, and 108k is needed.

Rank: Hardened with 585 points
By townzell (@townzell)

I had the same initial problem as many others, with the update not loading, but that fixed by restarting the phone (I have iPhone 4) and starting the app in airplane mode. After the initial time with the delayed start, I now notice a few extra seconds (both with this latest bug fix and before it) of black screen before the app starts, but it starts every time, I had no loss of scores or data, and there seems to be no other issues. I wonder if it’s the older devices having problems? This is the first issue I have ever had with any of the Angry Birds updates.

By bewan

what bout symbian?

By Pete

Use Mizuma Mobile or similar to trade it in. Put the money toward an iPhone. ;)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I would imaging Ovi was submitted simultaneously with the other platforms

Rank: Flinger with 30 points
By coyote3671 (@coyote3671)

OK so I have done it all and I still cant play very very very frustrating. Nothing has worked guess i just gotta wait for another update! this sucks! :-(

By Randy Yost

update for angry birds rio 1.21 for iphone just came out

By Pete

No new levels… So what does it do?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

It freezes the background. Rovio got a lot of complaints about the moving background ,akin people dizzy / nauseous.

By linda

since i updated to the new version it never opens… i have an android phone (sony ericsson x10) can anyone help?

By Byrd

I have an HTC Incredible, updated angry birds to 1.6, now the game won’t launch. It shows the splash screen for a few seconds then disappears.

By Eddybrody

Hello, does someone know if this update fixes the “Smash Maniac” problem discussed on several formums? Its the only one I font have, been playing for months and no achievement. Thanks

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

No, it doesn’t fix “Smash Maniac”.

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