Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Wingman Tournament Level #3 Week 94. Our strategy for this level is to send Terence “The Wingman” towards the top of the “robot”. Then send Yellow into the bottom edge of the diagonal plank holding the top pigs. Yellow should skid all the way down into the bottom right pig. The score in the video below is 124,910.
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
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My strategy for 135K points with power-ups. KS yellow bird, yellow, red and yellow bird and wingman SS:
Somehow managed to get 108K. Used first two birds to destroy upper two pigs and wooden top of two leg machine. Then Wingman with high arc at the remains of the machine and last bird to destroy remaining pigs.
108K here, too, but no wingman was needed. Two YB:s only. The wooden triangle up is the key.
I can’t achieve anything if I destroy right hands upper wooden triangle. Wooden trangle gets destroyed and machine just stand there. Or is there some other wooden triangle up there or its platform specific again? I am on PC.
Yellow bird to upper right pigs. One on small cart tipped, and landed on machines right arm. Wingman through the head of machine. Last 2 birds to structure on right of screen. 106k
117710- Yellow Bird at Triangle, brings down top part and machine falls right.
Wingman through major debris.
Last two birds far right….
Possible to get 141,110. I just don’t know how … yet ;)
PC-Golden Sling+YB+WM 149,730
YB high arc to nail the triangle wooden piece on robot statue’s right “hand” in addition to the small plank right above the triangle piece. This will make the statue slowly fall and twitch and twitch until the statue explodes. Must wait a good 3 minutes or so. Then WM to clean up birds on wooden shelves to the right.
just tried this again….note: this will only work if the statue’s left arm stays planted. If is raises in the air, this won’t work correctly.
was able to do this again but this time the explosion took out the birds on the right also~ 169,920
Hi Jeremy, what platform are you using? I can repeat the shot but never get the explosion – the left hand always detaches, so that must be it.
There is a glitch on this level, and the robot/figure will explode if you hit it right, which will cause a ton of damage. I managed a score of 189,970, using only one bird. I used the stone sling, with yellow bird. Shot yellow bird into the diagonal wood under the pig on the cart on top, then the yellow bird hits the wall, falls and breaks the stone part of the arm, and the top stone “thigh” (on the right as you look at the screen). Debris falls down on the knee “ball”, the robot dips way down low then spins and explodes. It’s arm took out most of the wood and all the pigs on the far right hand side too. It explodes about once every 10 shots that do what I did above, so it is possible to repeat, but not easy. With multiple pigs, I hit scores in the 140-155,000 range several times before this score.
I have a screen pic of this score, but I don’t know where the best place to upload it is to show it here.
Everything just exploded for me! Here are the screenshots of my score. http://imgur.com/a/dRfw5
**With multiple birds (sorry) not multiple pigs.
confirmed, 149k on PC with 2 birds not tried iPad
good find
One YB stone sling as advertised drops through arm causing pressure on leg to explode. Intense.
Used @spiderthrash9 strat and as the YB fell on to the arm the screen froze then after 3 seconds there was a pop and almost every thing had gone!! I was just starting to think the glitch had gone too! 213,710 Don’t think this will happen very often!
Great help @spiderthrash9! 185.360
Just scored 166,240, no power ups, 1 yellow bird. Just like everyone else in this thread, on the first bird the robot fell and after a few shakes, it just exploded.
same as video strat cannot see any other strats as yet
Pic showing the right angle for glith.
Just had this happen….same strategy. Stone Sling. Yellow Bird to upper right level. .And Kaboom!!! 177k
Same strategy, Stone Sling, sending yellow bird to the upper right plank supporting wood cart. Then wait for the explosion!!! New Score 184k
Just bettered by 6k. 190K
When I got my 213K score I didn’t see the explosion or any flying debris, the screen just froze for 3 seconds just as YB broke the top concrete plank on the left arm of the robot. Then there was a popping sound and the screen changed to an almost empty one of any debris!
Improved score to 199k. Patience is a definite requirement for this level.
It sure is @terribletom I was just about to give up when it happened!
explosion!!! from where???
can you please help???
99650 is 2 star
100510 is 3 star
score 14210 can get higher with more luck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCevUIRpSLA
On an iPad Mini with PUs, 3-birds for <147k:
1) using JS, YB+KS just over top of robot to take out upper right pigs and robot's left hand (wooden triangle);
2) YB on steep arc to come down and take out remaining pigs on lower right;
3) using GS or SC (your choice), WM+SS to mop up remaining debris as much as possible.
woow :D
192k with golden sling.. machine just blow-up with such result :)
no video just screenshot after finish
Just had the glitch explosion. Funny to watch. After most of it exploded the top glass piece with the wood shook around in the air for 30 secs and then glided around the screen like a kite before coming down and breaking apart on the debris on the floor.
I’m using YB on stone sling like averybody says how to…and nothing happens…for 3 days…the damn robot just don’t explode…
Keep trying….It will happen eventually. Took me a while….happened twice to me now.
Only took four days for me to get the explosion only to squander the clean up shots. Still got over 150,000
For those who haven’t had the glitch explosion happen. Just be patient. After four days of failing to get it I’ve experienced it four times in the last 30 minutes.
Hi @hooksfan, I’m a pretty good player and I can usually hold my own with the folks here, but this one has me stymied. I get all of the first stuff to happen, have the exact launching and triggering points for getting everything to start happening (break the arm, etc) – but can’t get the explosion. Any suggestions?
Be patient is my biggest suggestion. You will see twitch…it’s pretty pronounced and happens with the first 15-20 seconds if you’ve hit it right.
Hi @steinbird The answer to your question (posted on other page) is YES… I get that glitch many times but scores are pretty random. Actually the expected glitch occurs in the 4-5 secs after hitting the top… BUT… there is not the only option… Actually I’ve get my 195K after a 4 min waiting after the hit.
What it matters is:
– Hit exactly on middle of 2 wood pieces PERFECTLY HORIZONTALLY.
– Break the stone piece of arm when fally and land on the double bar-leg NEAR THE WAIST… so debris AND bird are together over the leg…
– TO MAKE THAT GO DOWN AND LEFT… recomended to break the wood ball or small triangle.
-If bird lands over the triangle alone and no startint the “kneel breaking”; restart.
– There is a rare case you can use a 2nd bird to do the same on the LEFT SIDE to start the “inversed glitch”… Pretty useful when right leg if buried under all stuff. ;)
– I’ve get better scores but more difficult shooting by meas on Gold Sling.
Maybe this can be helpfull…
PATIENCE and WAITING are keys for this lvl.
Hi @tienshenlong, I am able to repeat the shot, but I noticed that my trigger point is a little different than yours. So, I think I have the wrong “pull” alignment. Would you mind telling me what you are using for a reference point on the left when you pull back the sling shot? I have been using the center of the Red Bird, but I think it needs to be higher.
Hi @steinbird … There is no reference point for the this glitch… If any of you noticed… the incoming bird angle ‘n accelerate point/timing needed CHANGES after some time/attempts BUT not the hitting point/target.
SO, the are no precise point even you get a pic and “cloned” the shoot…
The “Big-n-Fast” glitch on scoring-destruction case is already described by @quetzal Cau-Cau and you will see nothing after hitting the wall… then the post-screen will appear “clean” but playable. BUT NOT THE MOST REWARDING glitch’s variants.
When I’ve just hitted “well” the wood/wall… have no idea how/where/how bird fall (if falls).
MOST OBVIOUS ENTRY I’ve forgot to put before:
If any piece from above-stuff are making contact to the lower part of the leg AND the right pig’s structure, directly or not… there will be no chance to get the glitch to work.
(You could remove that “connecting” stuff, of course, and when to do it is, in my opinion, the most valuable score-by-skill” you could get.
The “auto-glitch” was always too poor for me, no matter what I’ve did.
MAYBE you could try with the screen ZOOMED to see what happens.
AAAAARGH! I CAN’T DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My video for 163,410 using the stone sling and wingman:
135k without PU’s, slings or glitches: tried to replicate sal9’s strat from video above but instead of that 2nd shot (absolutely AMAZING!, sal9), I found the pixel where I could trigger YB immediately after launch to get the same result. 1st shot got Lucky with 75k, 2nd as described for a final of 135k.
207690 ;)))) big explosion :))
I got wingman to annihilate the whole robot, and had chuck to get the upper pigs, winning with 118,530 points.
or GS? or all others but JS?
WHY entering a bottle neck with Stone Crusher ALONE?
when what it matters is the hitting point?
Food fot though…
Well mi amigo I think you have won again. And again I am your second. Well at least we are like Butch and Sundance. Or Obi-Wan and Luke. Yo respecto. But I never did find the explosion. :(
@steinbird dont forget to add the @ -name the keep track of the messages…
Poor Jhon… will be moaning againg…
Did you noticed there all 6 lvls had a glitch on?
Maybe still have luck on anyone other… lol
@tienshenlong I have failed. I did not find level 6 glitch either. Best wishes to John – as long as he is behind me! But I am very sad that so many have found this one I and cannot!!!!!
and @steinbird … you forgot to noticed this time i’ve won this time globally on the nest because it was a special tournament…
So i’m switching to standard No-PU’s playing until the next special one.
Until then, my beloved smashed-hulk-smashers… lol ‘n re-lol
YOU DA HOMBRE! MAS YO ES AQUI! See you tomorrow mi amigo! Congratulations on a great tournament! Pas de PU’s encore!!!! (Francais!!!)