Below you will find our Highscore Power-up and non Power-up walkthrough videos for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Tournament Level #4 Week 103.
3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 155,750
Our non power-up strategy for this level is send the Yellow bird into the tnt. Then clear the first pig with the Red bird. Finally, destroy the remaining pigs on the right with the last two birds.
Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 167,120
Our power-up highscore strategy for this level uses the following Power-ups:
- Golden Slingshot + King Sling
- SuperSeeds
- The Wingman
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.
More point to get
161K in this video
Right forward. Bird should roll to TNT, explode and right under will fall down
red bird to stone wall of left structure.
Let white bird explode so it will hit TNT’s
My strategy for 176K points with power-ups. Yellow bird KS and wingman SS:
Gold Sling No P/U’s. Yellow Bird to structure with TNT. Should blow up & destroy most of level. Red Bird to nearest pig. White Bird high arc, dropping egg in pit, and taking out pig on cliff. 166k
2* = 154250
js loaded wingman to top structure
just above tnt
one bird
takes a few attempts
done on pc
got in My strategy no power 165,340 k
power up 181,670 k
Gold sling, no P/Us. 166,040. One bird…yellow to TNT, blew up everything. Just tried it again…2 birds this time: 174, 840!. Done on a PC. Additional attempt: 178,650, Gold sling, no P/Us. (Think I’ll quit while I’m ahead ;) )
like you, sue…gold sling, no p/u, one bird…169,390
JS Only on mobile. Launch first bird as high as possible and send through top of high structure to shoot straight through just over top pig’a head. That should clear most everything except 1 or 2 of the pigs on the left. Clean up with as many birds as necessary to gain most points.
174k No PUs or slings – three birds: Chuck to rocks in front of top tnt (accelerated immediately after launch)= killed both left pigs, took out string on ‘birdcage’, detonated bottom tnt AND sent rock towards single Wood holding up the moustache pig. Red to the weakened Wood holding up moustache pig to take him out, and Mathilda to destroy the debris inside the pit.
1-birder is also possible but ‘only’ scored 166k this way.
@dysted – Thank you for that, I was struggling to get 3 stars and that worked great. Only 170,540 but I’ll keep at it for more :)
@campogirl I’m glad it helped :)
3-Birds No-PU’s JS 188K
Yellow: Aim for the wooden “crane?” through the TNT hut… goal is to destroy most of that crane. If perfect… 1-bird for 160-175k.
Red: If the low-left pig-on-the-table or something remains, kill it. If only looking for mor score, try to wipe through lowest “passage”, the one with 2 wood hanging….
White: To blow all crystals and hit whatever remains of top right structure.
Thanks, @tienshenlong, it helped – but as usual, I cannot master Obi-Wan’s skills…
1 bird, No PU—182,890…..GS but don’t think that matters. Never commented before but this might help some out. If you take out the diagonal wooden arm that supports the 2 small TNT’s at the top it will fall, explode, and destroy everything, flying debris knocks over other side. 152,890 with one bird plus the 30k for the 3 remaining birds. Very tough shot though.
199K (Wingman + super seed + jingle sling + King Sling + LUCK)-> wait a little to decrease balance of the structure with pig and launch almost over the struture –>
@jodelson2 this is the strategy I had been using too, to get 198k.
But I just tried something different to get 202k
Aim loaded WM just under the concrete with the TNT on it.
WM will bounce back and (with luck) clean up the left side.
The TNT will blow to the right sending debris everywhere, taking out everything to the right, and (with luck) most of the ice cubes down at the bottom :)
My strat for 174k (No Power-Ups) (PC)
and power-ups 195k With Jingle Sling (PC)
@gurmani123 Be advised that scores obtained with Leethax hacks cannot be entered on our Leaderboard. Thanks