Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Holiday Tournament I Level #2 Week 82 (this tournament began the week of December 9th, 2013). Our non power-up strategy for this level is to send the Yellow bird at the base of the first wooden tree. Then send Terence directly into the right tree. The score in the video below is 90,470.
* Note, this is a special tournament (more info) celebrating the holiday season.
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.
My strategy for 116K points with power-ups. Wingman KS and Terence SS:
same shot as u but used tree
then aimed red bird lower
No P/U’s yellow bird into base of left tree. Should topple left, and take out all pigs, on both sides of tree. Big Red, to far right tree. 100k
Same PU strategy as above…. 120,850
On an iPad using GS, 2-birds:
1) WM+KS to lowest horizontal wooden beam in center tree. Will destroy much of both trees and pop pigs on the right;
2) BR+SS to curved stone front of sled. Experiment with aiming. The best shot will wipe out all pigs and debris on the left, then roll up and over the hill taking out more of both trees and debris.
There was a lot of debris left, so I suspect high scores could approach 130k+/- by the end of the week.
@dseufert, I have been trying to replicate in PC with no success. It is possible to make big Red jump to the other side, but the aiming is a royal pain in the neck.
@congo Yup. Aiming is royal pain. On mobile, BR sometimes falls short or gets blocked at center hill/mound. But sometimes breaks through center hill/mound and mops up debris on the right. A very difficult, unpredictable second shot. On mobile, the first shot is hard enough! Then comes the second shot. I found that aiming second bird slightly lower than you think will yield more points, that is, it has a better chance of bouncing over hill and wiping out debris on right side. This strat is mobile, of course, not FB, which is a different monkey altogether :) Happy Flinging!
@congo A FB friend (not a Nester) scored 129,770 on this level by lobbing WM+SS into center tree causing it to fall back to the left and pop pigs on left. Then WM continued to small tree and popped all pigs on the right for a 1-bird. But before level timed out, he used BR+KS to mop up left side, bounce and roll over mound, and mop up right side. Two very difficult shots. I haven’t been able to put them back to back just yet, but it’s possible. Board will be mostly clear for that high score. Wow!
89k is 2 stars, 90k is 3 stars.
2-Birds PU’s GoldenSling 126K
First WM+KS aiming for the snow in front of the “snow-skate” taking out all pigs that side… need 27-28k from that shot.
Then Terence+SS right to the middle of the vertical wooden bars, so you clear the lower horizontal bar AND the small white “lines” over the lower-left stone square.
And this is the pic of the 126K…
Hey @tienshenlong, I thought you said you didn’t use PUs… ;)
This week the No-Pu’s league have a SMASHFEST… so this week will be a exception to the rule for the few ones who are on that league…
OK @tienshenlong! That sounds fun to me! Maybe I will get the Jingle Sling now! How can I join the League? As you know I almost never use PU’s unless for scientific reasons!
Is anyone else having trouble getting enough destruction (no PUs)? I aim for the cut in the wood on the left base of the tree, which seems necessary to get the tree to fall, but when it falls, I don’t think I’m getting enough wreckage. My scores are consistent, but consistently in the mid-80’s. Any advice?
Once again, the ABN miracle has occurred; whining made all the difference.
TIP: There is a hidden break-able object UNDER the stone-cart so instead of hitting the curved stones, aim for the white thing under and you will go all the way acroos the left side
Hi @tienshenlong, thank you for the tip, but I cannot find any stone cart or curved stones. Is that for this episode?
Yeap… i refer to the stones with the leftmost pig is on, down on the ground.
I hit the 100K mark. PC, no P/Us, no sling. Got yellow to go through just the first 2 legs of the tree….it wobbled, fell left and took out the 3 pigs there…and then luck intervened. The remaining tree happened to get nicked by the falling debris and gave me a piece of “broken” wood…and you know what happens when Big Red hits broken wood. As soon as he hit that piece, he sped up and annihilated everything to the right….it was a sight…
Here’s my video for 129k. Jingle sling shot and PU’s: http://youtu.be/_LZtYLw0uPQ