Angry Birds Free 3 Star Walkthrough Level 7-2

I originally thought this level was impossible, but Scarbzscope proved me (and a lot of other people) wrong. This is probably one of the hardest level in Angry Birds history. Nice one, a Scarbzscope — and to anyone else who 3 stars this one!

This is probably the only method to pass this level. It requires that all 3 bomb birds are strategically shot — and a little bit of luck doesn’t hurt either. I believe 94,000 is the 3 star mark. Good luck. Post your scores if you got’em.

Below is another video by FujiToast that includes annotations, which are quite helpful.

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Category: Angry Birds, Angry Birds Free & Lite Editions, Walkthroughs
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Comments (111)

By Cathy

I have been working on this level for 5 days constantly. I finally got 3 stars….94220!!!!!!!!!!!! I have gotten 3 stars on every Angry Bird including the Holiday AB and I was determined to get three stars on this level. There is definitely a bug and should be fixed because it is extremely frustrating to try to get three stars when there is a bug .

By george

it cant be done :D …on my second shot i manage to shoot the bird precisely like in the video and i only get 68k …one time

By george

ok i got 76 now but the last shot was worth only 14k ..ahh ill never get 3 stars..

By Ducky

Goooooood lawd!!! I don’t even own the full version of Angry Birds yet but I PRAY it doesn’t get harder than this!!! Mainly because I don’t want to be suck addicted to it again like I was trying to get 3 stars on this level!!! Anyway… It CAN be done. It took me many hours but I finally hit it just right. It is all luck. No question. It’s all about that second hit and you spend enough time trying to get that first hit right just to have a shot at the second hit. Sometimes it barely racks up any points at all but when I finally hit it right I had 80k going into the 3rd shot. My final score: a whopping 98060. That whole f$&@ing feild was practically leveled. And lemme tell y’all… it feels sooooo good when you finally get it. :)

Happy huntin’!!!!


Rank: Pig Leader with 11110 points
By Habanero (@habanero)Score: 97,440

Don’t worry … it doesn’t get any harder than IV-2 … nowhere near!!

Congrats on the 98K too!!

By Eric


By Nick M

I’m glad this video confirmed my strategy. After many attempts, I was able to get a score of 92,220 which still only gave me 1 star! But on the next attempt, I got 94,130 which gave me 3 stars. Clearly the line is very blurred, and I’d be most impressed by those who (frustratingly) hit that sweet spot to get 2 stars.

By Jason

This level is driving me insane. Following all the tips my high score is now 91,030 but still only 1 star…. There’s hardly any remaining stuff to destroy so not sure what else I can do ?
If there is a bug can this be confirmed otherwise it’s just cruel and unusual punishment.

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 91,980

Tell me about it. I still haven’t 3 starred it after about a billion attempts.

By mike

93620 – 1 star

By Growler

3 days of frustration, almost broke my iPad, but I now have 3 stars on this evil level… 95,440

By John

Yep this level sucks!!! After hundreds of attempts and watching the videos too many time to count I cannot get past one star. I considered bubbling the full version but prolly won’t after being so frustrated with this one level.

Can you say GRRRR?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11110 points
By Habanero (@habanero)Score: 97,440

If you buy the full version I promise you you will not find any levels as impossibly hsrd as this one! It’s the AB level from hell (although I still quite like it) :-)

By Cideburns

Got it! 94220. This lvl nearly sent me to the nut-house!


I too thought it was impossible until I saw this help page. Finally did it last night after 2 days of trying off and on. Thanks for your help.

By thinstatic

93650, still only one star.

By thinstatic

93980, still ONE D@&N STAR!

By thinstatic

Finally! 95100, three stars.

By jeff

I’m not wasting my time on this level. I’ve done it just like they say on the video… breaking the bird in on the 2nd shot and blowing everything up but then I still only get about 70-75K. It’s a shaft… and I might just take a chainsaw to the iPad if I keep trying any longer. AngryBirds going bye bye off iPad

By Ceebee

OMG OMG, I spent nearly a whole friggin’ day in my bathrobe trying to get the stars on this level. Dirty Birds is evil! I was at 93000 and change for the longest time, and I was playing nonstop like a lab rat, when all of the sudden, while I was hardly paying attention, just going through the motions, I got a score in the 80000s after the second bird. At that moment I knew this was it. I took a deep breath, touched the screen of my iPhone and pulled back the slingshot. I held my breath when it released and watched it level the last pig. The score: 96690 and three stars. I felt a little bereft after, like now what do I do with myself?

By VeryAngry!!

77,800 going into the last shot and I end up with 92,810

This is nuts.

By Dan

Has anyone got 100,000 on this level? I’m sure it’s possible – I’ve managed to get 98,240 with a few blocks left.

By Sara

Finally! After so many attempts I’d lost count, got the elusive 95000 and 3 stars! Agree that is the technique but convinced the game runs in cycles and you only get a real chance every now and again!

By Jersey girl

i’ve spent weeks with this. Played it just like video but the points total is always much lower. Perhaps the iPad version yields less points?

By Sara

I got 95000 on iPad not iPhone! Good luck :-)

By Theangrybirdslayer

Thanks for the help. I thought I was going to go nuts. Finally got to get three stars with over 98,000. That’s a tough round. Never was ever so addicted to get more than one star!!

By Laughing

This is insane… even getting 2 stars is very difficult…

By redford

Hey! i thought it was impossible, or there was a bug, but finally… 3 stars with 94660 ! so what is the score for 2 stars ?? …

By Jersey girl

OMG! Finally! 96,840 got my 3 stars!!! Now I can move on with my life!

By RevChewie

It’s gotta be a bug. I don’t think it’s possible to get two stars. I’m at 93,130 and still one star and I see commenters above that state they have even higher (though still less than 94k) with still only one… I’ve got three stars on every other level, paid version, and all three holiday ones, but can’t get those last few hundred f—ing points on this piece of bird chip!!!

By MoniMe

This is the hardest level ever! It is the only level in all the editions I can’t get three stars on. :(

By Douglas Kraemer

FINALLY! After HOURS and HOURS and two different 92,000+ one star results I got three stars and 95,770! Huzzah! :)

By kukhuvud

Scored 93990 and still only 1 star! I caught a screenshot as proof :)

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 91,980

Ouch. 94 K is the magic # for 3 stars. There is no 2 star level.

By rinaedin

THREE STARS! but only with the update that just came out! looks like it fixed the IV-2 scoring issue! also, there are three more levels on the free version.

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