Prepare for Plundering Pirate Pigs! Angry Birds Epic Updates With Surprising New Features!

Angry Birds Epic v110 Upcoming Event for the Pirate King

Hot off the heels of the Angry Birds Star Wars II Rebels update, a new Pig Days level and the Ham Dunk Angry Birds Seasons update, Rovio sneaked in another bombshell today by quietly launching a new update to Angry Birds Epic (v.1.1.0).   From the update description on iTunes:

EPIC UPDATES: No seriously, these are the most epic updates. Ever.
– EVENTS – look out for timed invasions on Piggy Island and become champion of your leaderboard!
– MASTERY – strengthen your birds’ classes by earning mastery points in events and battles!
– STAR REWARDS – claim birdtastic rewards for collecting stars on the world map!

Once updated, expect to see your game converted.   You now earn rewards for completing each level with three stars.  Your star count will now appear in your dashboard on Piggy McCool‘s storefront.

Additionally, the Mighty Eagle classes of Veteran, Elite and Master are now transformed to a number ranking system.  What used to be a Master class is now a level 7 class.  As you use the different headgear, you earn more on your statusbar for that particular headgear, allowing you to level them up.   You can still visit ME’s dojo, but now you are buying class powerups, allowing you to increase your mastery quicker.  The coin prices are much lower now, as well.

The big change, however is that Events have been added to the game!  The first event, “For the Pirate King” starts on October 10, 2014.   The exact mechanics we will know shortly, but the description in the game states:

Look for pigs appearing all over Piggy Island and defeat them to earn great rewards!

With all these game updates, plus any new information from the New York Comic Con, it seems it will be a very Angry Birds-filled weekend for fans of our furious feathered friends.  Plus, with Plunder Pirates and the Pirate King event, this is definitely the year of Pirates on Piggy Island!

What do you think, adventurers?  Are you excited for these changes?  Is it an EPIC win or an EPIC fail?  Squawk about it below in the comments.

Comments (168)

Rank: Well Traveled with 1530 points
By Red (@james1562)

Another thing, Mighty Eagle’s Dojo takes longer to refresh now. 12 hours to refresh I assume.

Also I think the update added more ads.

Rank: Champion with 3060 points
By DH Kim (@dh-kim)

@james1562 — I think it refreshes every midnight based on your timezone.

By ralph

Yep, Dojo now refreshes every 24 hours, at midnight for me as well, so that should mean midnight local time for everyone else, too.

The plus side is that when you buy one Mastery upgrade, another one takes its place so you can keep buying them. But in my experience, without using LC, it’s still slow-going. Eventually, usually pretty quickly, all three slots are occupied by LC-based Mastery increases.

So if you’re wanting to buy Mastery, but not wanting to spend LC, it probably makes sense to waste Snoutlings on classes you don’t care about to get a shot at buying Mastery for classes you do care about. So far, it seems that without using LC, I’ll generally be unable to spend more than 1000-2000 Snoutlings a day on Mastery. And there will be probably be days where I can only spend a couple hundred Snoutlings before all three slots are LC slots.

(FWIW, I’ve found auto-playing Star Reef Castle with Level 33 characters to be a pretty decent way to raise funds, at 100+ Snoutlings a pop… plus around 15-50 Mastery, at around 5 minutes per round. There are probably better combinations out there, but Capt’n with Sugar Rush / Spies with Artillery Strike / Wizard with Time Jump usually beats it without any input from me at all. I use Capt’n to make sure Wizpig gets dispelled before he attacks, and Spies and Wizard’s multi-enemy attacks seem pretty important for killing the undead.)

And this just in: The price to re-roll the wheel for Mastery and Stamina at the end of the For The Pirate King Event was 10 Friendship Essence.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


Thanks for the great info!

Where did you place in this last event? I eked out third place. I wonder if we all get the same pig placements as time goes on? Because getting a bunch of 7-stamina battles (Brute) really makes a different. I had a drought for a while, but toward the end of the event, I did get a couple Brutes and got lucky with the rolls. That’s a 1,000 medal shift right there.

I used to always use Western Cobalt Plateau for cash, and could get 3000-4000 snoutlings a day auto-running it. Now I imagine that would be closer to 2000, tops. I’ll check out Star Reef Castle, really haven’t looked around much for better places. I do still like alternating between Western Cobalt Plateau (for seeds) and Islands in the Sky 2 (for crystal water), as that generates a lot of pumpkins and chilis (and tapping, and tapping, and tapping…). Round that out with a few battles in Matilda’s Garden (for tomatoes), and you can make lotsa Veggie Cakes (my favorite potion…)

But as long as something can auto-play, it’s worth trying to find a better cash cow! I agree with everything you say about the new dojo, and just wish there were a better way to get LC!


By ralph


I ended up finishing 1st in my event with about 9000 points. Second place was around 3500. I battled a bunch of brutes, but occasionally there were none to be found so I battled a captain instead, which I think pretty much always caused a new brute to be spawned. Hard to say how they’d try to equalize that across different players.

I don’t use potions much at all so Star Reef Castle works well for me. But now it’s looking like Desert Pig Castle might be even better — less risk of dying on Auto-play, and perhaps slightly more mastery per battle. However, you’ll be somewhat disappointed since neither will do much to help your potion-making.

Auto-play against Prince Porky doesn’t always work too well (which is why I first gave Star Reef a try), but at least for the Desert Pig Castle version of Porky, it wasn’t too bad when I used Level 33 Druid and Rogues. (The third bird can probably be any bird.)

Auto-play really likes to use Matilda’s healing or have her attack Porky’s bomb reinforcements, so Rogues might be the really essential bird since Auto-play at least deploys Cupcake Trap frequently. Using Chuck as 3rd bird means that Chuck’s rage attack will give you a better chance of Thorny Vine actually being used on Porky.

If only I had started playing during the time when there was a glitch that allowed you to replay the Golden Pig levels to get a very large supply of LC, but I hate spending LC so I mostly just view not being able to fully power-up my birds as an extra challenge to overcome. I bet that Rovio will see a lot more people spending 15 LC or even 75 LC at the Dojo than were spending 300 LC though.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

Hm, what do you mean by “your event”? The top teams in “my event” had over 16,000 medals. I wonder if it is by level? Now that I think about it, all the folks on my leaderboard were level 33, like me. Perhaps that is how it works — worldwide, but each level has its own leaderboard?

Wonder what happens if you level up during the event?


By ralph


Just that with different competitors, I wouldn’t have finished 1st. I’m Level 33, and most of my leaderboard was also. However, there were actually a couple people even higher than that, I guess from the beta testing days.

By mich

I was Level 31 during the event. The rest on my leaderboard was level 8 tops, so I had a really easy time. Ended up with a little over 10,000 medals nevertheless, because I really enjoyed the event. Second place was at 600.

I guess leaderboard composition is completely random.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


That is extremely odd… My leaderboard was topped with a couple 16000+ scorers, and I had to score over 14,000 to eke into the top three.

Every single person on the board was level 33, ranging from 16000+ medals at the top and below 1000 at 15th place.

Perhaps things are split out such that one is always guaranteed to be in the top 15, getting at least one star to spin against when the event finishes? Still odd that the boards would vary so much. They should at least keep teams with similar levels and mastery together to make the competition fair and rigorous, no? Perhaps it is still a work in progress…


By mich

I think you’re right, players are split into groups of 15, so (as long as you don’t end up with 0 medals) you’re guaranteed one star.

As to how the groups are put together, maybe there is just two pools of players: Those at maxlevel and everyone else, and groups are formed from either pool. I guess I’ll see that on the next event – I just hit 33.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


That’s a good theory, though there are plenty of folks above level 33, the folks who leveled way up before the max level went into effect. Perhaps there is a level-33 group, a 33+ group, and then a less-than-33 group, and folks are split up from there.

I’d be interested to know what high scores people saw in other groups! Maybe should start a new thread on that…


By mich

In the second event, at L33, my leaderboard had only L33 players. I managed to come in second only by using up a lot of stamina potions I had collected during the first event.

After spinning the wheel and hitting the 1500 for all birds field, the game crashed in the screen that shows which classes have been leveled up (there were quite a few). Since then, my game has been crashing constantly. It takes less than a minute after each launch until the next crash, so it’s completely unplayable. I’ll try a reinstall later – hope that will fix the problem.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

Which was the second event? Me I had only one event so far.

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

@chriss It was leaked on Rovio’s Japan Twitter account, we should see it soon.

By mich

The second event was a pretty short one (I first saw it with around 30 hours left on Wednesday – there was no announcement that I know of). It featured zombies, the necromancer and Frankenpig. If you guys did not get it, maybe that one was a local thing?

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

I think so. I checked my Epic every day twice and I definitely would have seen it.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

I have been on Epic every day for 8-10 hours at a time (auto-playing while I work) — no red banner, no new events.

They are either doing segmented rollouts of events after the first one or something very strange is going on. *smile*


By tommy

i am lv 7 and just started a week ago, any good ideas for getting LC or snoutlings fast? And please dont say star reef castle that is the level i am stuck on. i need some good tips

By Angry Feather Fighter

Here’s the easiest way that I’ve found to get snoutlings while earning mastery for Trickster Blues, Druid Matilda, and Rainbird Chuck.

I’m currently level 33 and have 3-star weapon/off-hand equipped for all birds (plenty of friendship essence allows for re-rolling forged gear).

Use this bird combo and just replay Desert Pig Castle over and over. Press auto-play, go about your business, and come back in 5-8 minutes to spin the wheel and replay. 35,000 snoutlings and counting so far… you’d be surprised how much you gain during an 8-hr work day hitting a couple screen taps every 8 minutes or so.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

Why these three birds? I just tried your strategy and it did not work. Matilda and Chuck always heal themselves, the only one who attacks Prince Porky is the Blues, but their attacks are dodged. It would be much easier if you used different birds.

By Angry Feather Fighter

indeed, yes, they heal themselves often (more often than if I were to control them). But, since I’m level 33, and my gear is high enough, I assume I do enough damage and healing that it outweighs the enemy turns. I do not know if this works for anyone not at max level, or who doesn’t have 3-star weapon and off-hand highest for their current level. The birds DO heal themselves often, but they also attack as well. I guess having high quality gear helps to get them out of “heal mode” and into “attack mode” due to being healed full more often, and doing more damage.

If I manually controlled it, I’d of course beat the level faster, but this allows me to mindlessly work and check on my phone once every 8-ish minutes or so.

By Angry Feather Fighter

I’m curious, Chris. What is your level and how is your weapon/off-hand setup for your rainbird/ druid/ tricksters?

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

I was at level 33 when I tried it and I used 3 star set items (see my album). I just think that one healing bird is enough. Try with different birds and I’m sure it will be faster.

By Angry Feather Fighter

I think you’ve misunderstood completely. This was all in response to your statement that the group of birds (druid, tricksters, rain bird) “did not work.” My statement is that it does work, and I was seeing what your level + weapons were like. Under those circumstances, yes, the group completely works autonomously when left alone on autopilot. I’ve gotten 50,000+ snoutlings from it.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

And my statement was that with other birds it would work better/faster.

By Angry Feather Fighter

What bird combinations are you suggesting? Do you have a couple that I could try?

By tommy

i suggest princess, (matilda) tricksters (blues) and also canonneer( bomb ) i suggest princess because when you attack it does lots of damage plus orders all pigs to attack the one with the most health. also she heals for 94 health but gets higher the more you level up. i am a lv 7 .i suggest tricksters because the remove all helpful effects from pigs. the also remove bad effects from birds. i suggest canonneer for his counter ability. it is pretty helpful. also please give me tips for star reef castle.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

I think more ads come with updates, though I have no empirical proof of that…

But yes, more ads, and more of them the very intrusive “load a whole movie” sort.

I guess we get what we pay for, eh? *smile*


By MineCrafter9500

I got 435 stars but why I didn’t get mighty eagle’s dish and experience potions?

By Nathaniel

Because you need more stars for higher rewards. You don’t reach say 400 stars and the get all the rewards. I suggest you go back and replay levels to more stars.

Rank: Champion with 3170 points
By Viking (@viking)

I have 491. It shows check marks next to the accomplished goals. I just earned Avenger. I received everything except the (3) ME Dishes. It would need nice to receive a code to enter and unlock. :)

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Mighty (@)

You need to get 490 stars

Rank: Flinger with 75 points
By TAG5 (@tracy5)

Got 490 stars and only got 1000 coins.

Rank: Champion with 3170 points
By Viking (@viking)

Did you already purchase the Avenger helmet?

That may be why. I never received my 3 free Mighty Eagles. I did receive everything else. (Avenger, Exp potion)

By Bjays92

I love the new update the dojo system is now affordable and works just as well plus the epic events are epic!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1540 points
By MistyMissChristie (@mistychristie)

What update….everything looks the same as it did last week!

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

Does anyone understand what determines the number of mastery points you get for battles against the pirates?
I’ve gotten anywhere from 6 to 24 for battles against the Pirate Captain, and 18 to 24 for battles against the Big Pirate. I can’t find any dependence on either experience swords or stamina. I also don’t think it depends on the result of rolling the rewards wheel, unless it is determined by your first roll.
I do know that you get the same increase in mastery for each bird involved in the battle.

By Bjays92

If you watch certain characters when they die you might see I small medal in with all the coins that is what increases your matery class through levels. I think when you get these medals it levels you up more than just +1 mastery but I’m not sure. After you hit levels 4 and 5 for mastery it starts getting really hard to level up to the next rank. It’s practically impossible to level up to level 8.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

@Bjays92, @mvnla2

In Matilda’s garden, I watched for the medals popping out, and I counted how many. After three medals, my bird’s mastery went up three.

So, at least for “normal” battles, it looks like one medal equals one increase.

I did not notice any medals flying out when doing event battles, but perhaps those have special rules, something like the experience also counting toward mastery? Dunno.

But yeah, anything other than using the dojo or winning events is sloooowww going in regards to advancing mastery. But it was plenty slow before, too (it’s just that you could focus on one hat more easily).


Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

Where do you guys see medals popping out? Can anybody post a screenshot?

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


I doubt I’d be able to capture anything with a pic, and I am not sure how to record stuff…

Just go to Matilda’s garden and bash the enemy. Often you will get one star and one snoutling popping out at the point of demise. But other times you will see a third silvery thing — a medal. In fact, a medal popped out more often than not when I was testing.

Not sure of just certain opponents yield medals or what. I guess I don’t notice many when fighting in other spots, but maybe I just haven’t been paying attention…


Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

Okay, I saw it, thank you. But why is it only in Matilda’s Garden?

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


It isn’t only Matilda’s Garden. Other folks are reporting a gain of hundreds of medals on other levels (like the daily dungeons), and I can confirm I can also see medals at Western Cobalt Plateau and Islands in the Sky 2.

In fact, one thing I am not sure about is if I ever saw medals during the actual event! Did anyone else notice medals there? Perhaps those battles do not drop medals, you just get the medals from the spin at the end…


Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@sutekh137 — Interesting — Tried Matilda’s garden 4 times and saw medals twice. Went back to check mastery of birds and found that they had gotten several hundred in mastery since after the event roll this morning. I didn’t notice any of them, but wasn’t really looking. I played the golden pig, the daily dungeon, and several rounds of Desert Pig Castle and Star Reef Castle to get more snoutlings.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


Huh? Are you sure you were looking at the right bird/hat? There’s no way one medal can add 10s or 100s to mastery…?

Are you sure you hadn’t purchased some mastery from the dojo in between? I’d do a full before/after one ore time, writing down the mastery of all birds/hats involved. Then count medals and go check again… I’ve no reason to disbelieve you, but I play Matilda’s garden quite a bit )for the tomatoes), and I have not noticed such a jump in mastery even when I see lotsa medals flying around…


By ralph

@mvnla2 @sutekh137

That extra several hundred mastery is almost certainly from playing the castles and the daily dungeon. In one castle run, I can earn up to 70-80 mastery for each bird, though it seems like the long-term average per run will be 30-40 mastery for each bird, assuming they all survive.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

@mvnla, @ralph

Agreed. I just played 20 battles in MAtilda’s garden. 8 medals dropped, 12 no-drops. My guess is that the drop rate varies by target.

Anyway, I verified that all three of the bird/hats fighting got 8 mastery points. Direct correlation.

Sounds like I need to start re-visiting dungeons, though when I can rack up 1100 snoutlings and a ton of Crystal Water and/or seeds to make veggie cakes, that is hard to beat for a few hours of auto-play. 1100 snoutlings is 11×500 = 5500 mastery points — at least for someone, and assuming I can get the snoutlings spent before it all goes to LC…

I have MAtilda getting close to mastery level 6, but am currently down to 1 LC. *frown* Ah well.


Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@sutekh137 — I started a forum on mastery points. You definitely get points for playing other levels. Dungeons and Castles are good, as well as sometimes the Golden Pig.

By tommy

also, in the first castle the wealthy rougue apearred 2 times in 4 tries. the wealthy rougue drops 50 snoutlings and also the snoutlings he drops when attacked, so you get around 55. that is a good place for farming anyway

By tommy

doods you need to help me what classes that are not past star reef castle should i use for star reef castle that means no spies no capt’n
no bard no berserker no avenger and because i dont have it, no paladin

By Sam

When do I get to spin the wheel? Do I have to wait until the event is over?

Rank: Boss Hog with 14280 points
By Josm (@josm)


Rank: Boss Hog with 14280 points
By Josm (@josm)

a re-roll costs you 10 FE’s (instead of 1)

Rank: Flinger with 70 points
By Jgabesz (@jgabesz)

Any news about the windows phone update?
Now the golden pig roll is useless, because other friends updated the app and I can’t switch to their golden pig. So no daily roll.
Also borrowed birds from friends are lost their upgrades because of the new upgrade system. They are like birds without any upgrade.
So, nothing much lef to do on windows phone without the update.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6350 points
By Au (@arushss)

when can we expect next event to come? I have been waiting for the whole day.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

I wonder if events won’t always run more over a weekend, like Friday, Saturday, Sunday?

I Was also expecting the event banner to immediately switch to, “New Event in XXX hours!”…


Rank: Master Slinger with 6350 points
By Au (@arushss)

I too was expecting new event banner to come, but in true positive sense I think that these guyz must be busy in AB Transformers hence the delay. However we will have to wait and watch to know the complete cycle..

Rank: Sling God with 36540 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

ok the first event is over. But where can we check the staminia and everything we got?
It’s over??

Rank: Master Slinger with 6350 points
By Au (@arushss)

stamina drink is there in potions… I don’t think medals are important at this stage after achieving 600 coins and a roll loot..

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@joeyba — You can check the mastery level of all your birds in your nest. Not sure if it’s possible to check battle medals right now.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

I guess I would expect battle medals to reset to 0 at start of next event.

Rank: Flinger with 30 points
By pebbles (@auquaskka)

does anyone know what “enter your code mean”?. Could not find an answer

Rank: Boss Hog with 14280 points
By Josm (@josm)

@auquaskka its for special promotions by rovio, sometimes they give codes to get in game stuff

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

I just started a new forum to consolidate all the info about increasing mastery:
@sutekh137 @ralph

By ToothGnasher

Well, my iPhone 4S 7.1.2 was crashing every so often before the update. Now with 1.1 it takes the conventional ice age to synchronize, then usually crashes mid battle, or before I can even scroll the map. Just about useless now.

In desperation I’m going to upgrade to iOS 8.1 – but I don’t have much hope that it will help me.

Rank: Deputized with 220 points
By Yhagoro (@yhagoro)

Is there any information about when the update is being released for Windows Phone?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

You would have to ask Rovio directly, @Yhagoro

By Joe

After the updates my angry bird epic crashes like every 5 minutes game play. I’m currently playing it on my iPad mini. Is that a bug or something? Please fix it asap. Thank you

By rain black

Anyone need an extra friend for this game?? I’m level 31 and I could really use some help in the caves.

Rank: Hardened with 580 points
By Puppy (@miller64)

I’ll be your friend since I don’t have anyone else to play with.

By Rain

how can i find u on facebook?

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@miller64 @rain black — Rain black — I suspect you need to be over 13 years old to have a facebook account, and you certainly have to be older than 13 to join ABN. If you’re old enough to join ABN, it would help. There is a forum on friend requests for Epic. The best way to do it IMO is to make friends on ABN, and then exchange facebook info by personal message (PM). It is also best to set up a facebook account that you use only for gaming, and don’t use your personal facebook account or post personal info on your gaming account.
Good Luck!

Rank: Hardened with 580 points
By Puppy (@miller64)

Well, I am definitely over thirteen by 30 years. Sorry I don’t know how to set up a gaming Facebook account. Will the Game Center work?

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@miller64 — AB Epic doesn’t work with gamecenter friends.

Rank: Flinger with 60 points
By Greg V (@jgregv65)

Wealthy rogues still not paying off for me more than a standard pig since the update on iOS. What’s up with that?

Rank: Champion with 3170 points
By Viking (@viking)

I mentioned this before but didn’t see a response. Has anyone else had a problem receiving their 3 free bonus Mighty Eagle Dishes? I earned everything else including my Avenger Red Bird Helmet and the 3 bonus Exp Potions.

Also, I see that there is something new to earn. It shows a silhouette of a bird and a “?” next to the amount of stars needed to earn this reward. Does anyone know how many stars are required to earn this new reward or even what this reward is?

Rank: Champion with 3170 points
By Viking (@viking)

I know I am not a regular poster here but I do visit ABN often and it would be great to see one person either acknowledge they have the same problem or at least say that they did received the ME Dishes. I have 500 stars now and hope to get the red key in the next couple battles. If you need a reference, here is what I am looking for:

Thank you in advance!

By tommy

guys please help me i am stuck on the star reef castle and cant beat it. i also dont have freinds but piggymccool. how do i beat star reef castle without hacking to get a special class

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