The best strategy for Mine and Dine level 15-3 is to launch the first Yellow bird through both stalactites on the left side, detonating the TNT below. Fire the next Yellow bird through the vertical wooden block of the ice-capped tower, taking out both the pig within and the pig on the right. If necessary, use a Red bird or two to clean up. The score in the video below is 110,960.
Version 2022:
This can be shot with one bird by hitting the bottom part of the first dripstone.
yellow bird then break it, dripstone falls and TNT explodes. YB goes further and destroying the rest.
117,410. My first yellow bird actually went through to the second set of dripstones!!
I got lucky…first YB went thru both dripstones and used the second YB to clear up the “mess”. Pure luck! Good luck
You Got That Right, LUCK is the only way to beat this level with a high score.. I actually cleared this with 1 bird and ended with a 1 star score of 99K !! I finally managed a lucky 2 bird score of 116180.. I’ll take it and go move on..
Same shot here. 1 bird through two sets of stalactites and they all fall down
129,480 with 1 bird. Luckiest shot ever.
UGH! Cannot get the first bird through both drip stones!!! grrrrrr….
To get through multiple stalactites, you have to hit them quite high
Hit them where they meet the stones. Hit them straight and hit them hard. That’s the only way.
137,010. 1 bird. Sheared off both first stalactites and continued on to bump and break second white stalactite, then fell down to topple two right piles. Havent been able to repeat.
My YB does go through the 1st set of dripstones. 2nd YB killed the towers on the right Only got a score of 105k++. I can’t seem to get 3 stars! Arrrrrrgghggghhh, HELP!!!!
You’re getting quite close. Make sure your first stalactites are detonating the TNT at least.
They are. But my score only gives me 2 stars. What else should i do? Any oher tips?
I would say look for a means of getting an extra 2k. There’s a bit of luck to it, but perseverance will pay off.
I just did it with one bird this time. 99k score.
Yahoo! Got it! 119k. 3 birds. 1st YB hit the 1st set of dripstones to trigger the TNT. 2nd YB hit the the two towers on the right, and i got the jewels as well for extra points. 3rd bird (red) aimed high to hit the 2nd set of dripstones to destroy the pigs in the middle. I have been on this since last night. I’m so happy.
Got 116740 in a different way than described above.
Zoom out to see space above ceiling rocks.
Shoot YB steep enough to just miss over the first rock and when just clear of it, speed YB. It will go through all but one dripstones on second ceiling rock. It will keel over the middle tower taking out all pigs on right half.
Shoot next YB just below the first rock to cut through all dripstones triggering TNT. YB will fall almost vertically to take out amethysts.
I did also 116k with this method. Seems is easiest. Only 114 k with only one bird-lucky hit first row of dripstones
Using this method I just got 139,950 which is the current high score. And it could have been higher if all the jewels/crystals had broken, so more is possible. Note that it’s possible to get all three stalactites on the second rock with the first YB if you just barely clear the top of first rock since you can shear them off at a relatively low angle. Also for a solid high score, the first bird or debris from its strike needs to take out the two jewels below and between the last and second-to-last pigs.
I did 133,700 when MathMan13 still had the topscore, and I was content with it. But now there’s a new top score of 146k (!), I’m pretty curious if he/she used this method or was incredibly lucky with the 1-bird method.
Difficult shots, but this worked better than my initial method. Thanks. 132kmfor now. Will keep,trying, potential,is there for more,with you method.
I shoot for the left stalactites first, for two reasons. One, because it leaves open the slim possibility of a high-scoring 1-birder (had numerous low-scoring ones). The main reason though, is the hope the middle tower will fall right, where the right side stalactites can do more damage to it. Shooting the right side first, the stalactites usually miss much of structures below when they are standing straight up. This can however make some of the lower gem stones harder to smash, when they are covered by debris.
Shooting for the left side first, I try NOT to reach any of the right side stalactites, better to save them for the second bird when they can do more damage to the hopefully fallen towers.
I agree with this strategy.. It makes sense.. Left side first.. Then the over the rock second shot.. Worked for me..
I had 134k when I posted the left-side-first approach, but in subsequent attempts I alternated between right side/left side first (I get bored). I managed 135k by going for the right side first.
Indeed.First yellow high arc thru right set of stalactites,second thru left set and hit one on the right.One stalactite intact,everything else gone.
many thx to Leif Knudsen
reverse the two birds
here my video:
i finally got 3 stars with a score of 111870. i got lucky, after 20th attempt the first yb did what it was supposed to and went through both drip stones and devistated the pigs hahaha
This is impossible. You must be playing on a different phone/game console…. The new Iphone is IMPOSSIBLE to break all three hanging rocks!
Definitely not impossible. And please watch your language.
The moustached pig has the tendency to roll off of it’s platform, had all pigs popped in 2 birds and the last one killed itself. Interesting way to win : /
The way to get a really high score on this is to use Leif Knudsen’s method described above. I thought I’d discovered this but obviously not. I did have a 127k score using the traditional method and was curious about the really high scores. This is the answer. It may take a few tries but it can be done and on an iphone!!
Truly confirmed. First shot gave me 51 K, breaking 3 stalactites, second broke also 3 and blew up the rest + 20K for 2 birds left.
1. Yellow bird through first set of stalactites on the left side and two of the middle set of stalactities. The tnt explosed with more energy than usual and its debris went to the right taking out most of the pigs, crystal, etc.
2. Yellow bird through the one remaining pig on right.
3. Red Bird = bonus
4. Red Brid = bonus
Scored in the 120k range twice. Seems there are different tnt explosion intensities that occur, some do little damage and others take out almost anything. Need to get the first yellow bird and tnt explosion to the right. Both aid in taking out items and obtaining points.
Tried Leif Knudsen’s method above but the most stalactites I could get on the middle set were the first three. Just could not find that spot to get all four. The score was the same 123k range. Will keep trying, it does work.
Hey @wrw01 I tried like the dickens to follow your instructions but my YBs aren’t cooperating! I’ve been working this one for 2 days and finally got just over avg! Hate to say it but I’m giving up on this one! Maybe at the end of avgs I can get lucky with your strat! :( I think my birds have the headache from hitting the stalactites so many times!! LOL
Just a comment really. Does anyone else think that this level has changed over time and become more difficult? I can’t get anywhere near my original score.
Just played this level a couple times and hit a 128k, so I don’t see anything different that I could see.
I only started playing AB shortly before you posed the question, but I can tell you I had several 130k + scores today, April 2013.
This level is definitely harder than i remember, but kinda gives me confirmation that my old Android just didn’t cut it
New Android able to zoom out easier..followed Strat by @wrw01 thanks..beat my old score easily:) ty
I have been using 2 birds.
The first one almost like in the video.
The only difference is that I tried to make the yellow bird land on top of the two stacked pigs. Like this.
At this point a good score is around 75k with the crystal on the left destroyed and all the pigs on the left side killed.
The second bird is sent as described by Leif Knudsen.
You must take all but one dripping stones and hope that the fallout will take care of the remaining two crystals.
Here is the trajectory and result for my best score.
And the highscore screenshot.
Hope it helps.
After less than a dozen attempts I scored my current 144,300 using the method described by Leif Knudsen and Dr O’Neski (@steviep147) ~ Thanks Guys !!!
Seems super random the way bird goes(or doesn’t go) through the spiky stone thingies.
Third place but since no proof offered from leading two positions I thought I would post this. Classics doesn’t seem to help on this level so ABO with a lot of R&R using method much as described by @asher. Up to 85k on first shot.
Made it to top score…at last. Version 4.2.0 used, which might be easier, who knows.