Wulffverine Active 7 years, 9 months ago

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  • Wulffverine

    It never happened before. When I did that before, it was normally a wasted try, for which I didn’t earn points and I ended up at the rank, that I had before the try. But I was never reset to 0. For which reason? I mean, I had points and a rank before the try, so why loose them all?! Really upsets me.. :/

    And btw, for today’s comp I use the mortar bot – makes things really easy! ;)



    I’m really speechless: just played before the daily reset,but ended up after the reset. I was 6th and after I finished the lvl I was 20th with 0 points and only earned 100! WHY? :(( :/


    Okay,well.. obviously I was to bad?
    Just said, that I here in Germany had the same probs. It crashed 6 hours before event end and I was in 3rd place and needed only 310 tokens.I would got another 100 for reaching a specific kill rate and then the 5 place would have been fine too. Yesterday I couldn’t get back on and now only can exchange. I don’t need coins, cause I got more then 3 Mio and Acid Storm was the only reward for me in this event. So I’ll wait and hope for a transfer and expiration of the event. By the way, event start/ end time is 2 am! A different time would be very welcomed!


    Greetings from Germany!?
    I had, with my S5, the same probs.was around 3rd place and just needed 310 tokens.it crashed 6 hours before game-over,which is 2 am here!spended plenty of crystals(more then 250) to stay in top,over days.now I tried again and I could get back on-yesterday was dead.and now guess:pushed to rank 7!!??and the 200 won’t help anything, cause Acid Storm was the only reward for me in this event.. I’m really pissed, of course!!?? Now only 20 min left for the exchange,but I got nearly 3 Mio coins,so I don’t need more. So I’ll wait and hope tehy’ll expire the event in a few days and my tokens will be transferred. Btw: think over a better ending and starting time for us oversees ?

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