VectorRoll Active 9 years, 8 months ago

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  • VectorRoll


    I have been having the game freeze as well during the start of some battles. Your thoughts on it being something to do with the ad makes sense. I have seen the hulu app cause my tv to go to a black sceen when some comercial come on when using my mini-hdmi cable. So I can certainly see some comercials causing issues like this freezing in Angry Birds Epic. In fact since this started happening I have noticed that none of the video comercials or ads have appeared. The only ones I have seen were the still images. So it has to be the ones that start as videos.

    Anyways this is on my ASUS Transforme TF300T using Android 4.2.1 if that matters.

    You know I would love for Rovio to make an Ad Free version of Epic. I would buy that in a heartbeat. :)

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