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    thank you partshade :-). obviously im really new to this… do you guys recommend buying the full version for the regular angry birds? or any other specific one from the myriad of angry birds that are out there, “rio,” “star wars”, “epic”, etc….?

    Thanks again :-)


    Thank you so much sparty… Lol.. I must have searched and mentioned every piece of info except for the fact that its the free version… Guess I didn’t think the “level” names would be different..

    Im just gonna buy the full version to get all the levels.

    Thank you to all of you…you all have been so quick to help. Much obliged and appreciated everyone :-) Thank you!


    Ok guys if you have a sec, please click on my album

    and you will see the level that is listed as “danger above 6-2” but when I search for that I get a completely different level posted by players….


    Thank you so much Partshade… I will try to do the upload


    No partshade… Sorry not that one… I signed into this forum with my iPhone… Gonna try to see if I can post pic of “problem” level…


    ooops sorry my link didn’t post…

    sorry partshade….do you mean “album” on my iphone? If so I don’t know how to “put a link to album”

    Can you give me a short instruction on how to? Thank you…


    Thank you. So when I first open angry birds, poached eggs is the first one. I finished all with 3 stars. Next is mighty hoax, I finished all with 3 stars. 3. is “danger above, the second one in danger above is listed as “6-2” I have searched everywhere but only find this in my searches:

    However, in my iphone, danger above 6-2 is one yellow bird, one red, followed by two more yellow birds. there are 8 pigs stacked in wood (square ones and line ones) and rocks (square ones and line ones)

    Maybe im missing something…but I have checked and rechecked and this is what is danger above 6-2 for me…. and that why I can’t find a walkthrough because the above link is what I find when I search for 6-2 walkthrough…

    thank you everyone in advance for your help

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