chimichangachick Active 2 years, 2 months ago
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  • chimichangachick

    I finally found the way here! Now if I can just find the games again! I love everybody and miss everybody and I’m dying to find a way to download seasons and start playing again where did the games go? It’s a good that The Forum just popped up in my email. I’ve been trying to write like crazy and I keep getting disconnected. I love this game and I love this forum and I miss my friends! We’re the cool kids if we’re still here right? LOL


    @mvnla2 nah, let my comment stand as is. Won’t have to repeat myself via private message to new friends that I hope to be lucky enough to make, as there are really interesting, fun and solid people in the nest. Ty for calling it to my attention, though, just in case. I did just send a long, what I thought was private, message to coffee king with far more detail about my chronic illness situation that I’m worried was accidentally sent publicly.. I do not want to bog down chat areas with long messages. As all of you can see, I do struggle with “readers digest condensed” comments. ie; I ramble. And, for this, I heartily apologize. It’s neurological language center issues. But I still feel bad for it. Thanks for your help! :-)


    @mvnla2 @e-star @coffeeking thanks for info! I tried BP but instantly got confused, and didn’t know which tab to press to find everybody. And, while for most, 52 isn’t “old”, I have a situation that has my body at the age of “a 92yr old w/ heart failure” per my doctor when I was 48. I don’t talk about it here, cause I want to enjoy myself, but, yes, chronologically Im middle aged, but not physiologically. I’m almost in my twilight years here and trying to see my youngest raised (she’s just turned 13) before my body poops out. So, that’s that. I really enjoy it here, as I am unable to get out any more for more than a few hours every 6 months at this point. Haven’t been in a store bigger than a mini-mart in, oh, about 4 years now (and THAT is a physical challenge, and not always possible), and I miss people! Not griping, it just is what it is, and I’m trying to lend some perspective. ABN is a great place with a great group of people, as you and @e-star have demonstrated! I’m glad I found out some of the “how to” of communicating w/ others here! Thanks, again, for the info! :-D


    @coffeeking I didn’t see all these posts with my name mention! I’m so sorry I hadn’t replied before now! maybe because my username was messed up? I had typed up a nice, “pleasure to meet you too!” reply, then nodded finger dropped to the touch screen whilst I caught a quick nap, and erased all but the first sentence.…failing eyesight isn’t the only change we folk of a certain age must suffer! I respectfully put the motion before the illustrious @e-star of the nest adopting a “handicap” policy in gameplay for “seniors (over 30) to level the playing fieldfield? No? Ok…..:-[ Nice to meet you too @coffeeking!! If you start dozing off (as I do) since you do your flinging at night, we should visit at the pork lounge thingy in a coffee lounge? IF there is one.. Maybe have an unalcoholic coffee and Bailey’s? LOL I Don’t want @e-star to have to go ninja-star on us for visiting in the birthday forum/group? Friend requests are cool too! I’m new and only have a few, yet totally awesome, friends! Happy flinging (toasts @coffeeking w/coffee mug)!


    @coffeeking its not easy when you can’t see! Try putting mascara on when you can’t see without glasses! I am considering a monacle… And, yes! Forty is the decade the eyes betray us! I am laughing at the thought of two pair of glasses at a time! LOL! I use a magnifying glass that was the “toy” from one of those kid meals from a burger joint
    My daughter (13 yrs old TODAY!) owns controlling shares in… So, I feel your pain. Also, coffee is my favorite food group! I drink it from the minute I wake, until Its time for lights out around 2am (insomniac). I am unworthy to be speaking so casually to coffee royaltyroyalty! My stir stick is at your command, my leige! :-P


    @e-star Oh, this is tragic for everyone that has to type my username to chat! The spelling, without all its letters, makes no sense and is so long! If only I’d worn my “I need a new prescription for my worsening eyeseyesight, but these will have to do” glasses when I filled out my registration! LOL. @coffeeking feels my pain. I can tell! ;-)


    @e-star, I see you mentioned the fact that my user name is not my @ name…that’s been bugging me SO much. Since you brought it up, Is there a way to fix it? My @ name isn’t even spelled correctly…think I forgot to to put on my reading glasses when I typed it…eh HEM! I have no idea how I managed to mess the username up! I got some smooth moves..;-)


    @e-star this I’d my first time here. I’m a bit confused. Like @coffeeking I’m hoping I can enter my b-day here? It’s October 29, 1961. And that instantly gives @coffeeking someone older than him! ;-)

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