Lidralyn Active 9 years, 5 months ago

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  • Lidralyn

    Well I guess mainly I am looking for snotlings, but I need those FOR mastery, so mastery is good, plus I need a lot of xp too. I need the whole package lol. I just wanted to move onto SRC as soon as possible because it’s less micromanagement than Pig Prison while I am working.


    I can typically get to wave 5, but then I obviously die there. It isn’t worth doing unless you can beat it right? Pig Prison is probably still better before then


    How does a team of Wizard/Cap’n/Spies manage to stay alive? Spies can somewhat keep me alive to barely wave 4, then I get killed pretty easily, and that’s with the video bonus.


    Can it be done without any set items? As I have none, lol


    How do you replay dungeons? Once you beat them it won’t let me back in?


    Ok went ahead and got my golden chili, time to start farming!


    So it seems I have a long way to farm before I can hit SRC most likely, and dungeons. So without any luck (bc mine is pretty bad lol) Which 3 birds should I work on as priority using Pig Prison so I can eventually break into dungeons and then to SRC would you recommend?

    And should I spend my Lucky Coins on the Rage Chili? Or save for another class?


    I have the paladin, so I need to find a good zone to farm for snotlings using him hopefully.

    What exactly does level do for me? I know now that mastery adds attack and health for each level. Why does me leveling help?



    Also for the life of me I cannot find out exactly what mastery does? Does it give the bird more attack/health? I’d assume so, but can’t find it anywhere to confirm


    For Red I am missing Avenger
    Chuck I am missing Thunderbird
    Matilda I am missing Priest
    Bomb I am missing Sea Dog
    and Blues I am missing Skulkers


    Level 16 and I have unlocked most all of the zones I believe, I cannot get to the Cave because I can’t beat castle 5 with all 3 pigs in it. I also do not have the red key. But I have the other 2.

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