jackky886 Active 9 years, 9 months ago

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  • jackky886

    @AMslimfordy Today I try to play Southern Sea 3 again but this time it has only one small pig enemy. When I kill him, it show that I got both yellow key and blue bird so I can go further more area now. :)

    Everyone who stuck in the southern sea 3 bug, try to enter this stage again.


    I got that achievement but not for “Meet Jay, Jake & Jim” and “Royal Keys”.


    No key and blue bird on the nest screen. And the new area still lock.







    I try both restart my device (ipad mini retina) and re-enter this level so many times. Also my current app ver. now is already 1.0.2.


    I found some bug on the southern sea 3. After you finish the boss and he swim to a second egg tower, the screen don’t show you recieve a yellow key and blue bird just like I see in walkthrough video.
    Who have ever found this bug before ??? Right now I can’t go further and don’t know how to reset the game.

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