Iffy Active 9 years, 8 months ago

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  • Iffy

    @MVNLA2, that happened to me twice in a row and I also deleted those friends. Since then I have not received any new item, it’s so frustrating.
    Hope they fix it with the patch, has been a week without any chances of items.


    Thanks for the answers and really glad for the update news!
    Thing is i’m not getting new chances to get items from my friends, also deleted them cause of the bug… hope it’s gonna be fixed soon, or without new items it’s gonna be a nightmare xD

    I also advanced in the future like 20 days…. this could be a bug to fix too.


    Playing with Ipad, version 1.0.12.

    The last two days I have not received any free pig machine from my friends.
    I had like 4 friends on my list that I can’t enter to their “pigs page”, so when I receive a free item from them I can’t take it.
    I had two items this way, so I deleted those friends. Now, after two days, I have not received any new item which is the most important part to me when I’m maxed at level 29 :(

    I’ve changed my ipad’s date to advance a few days and weeks too.


    @Killerea, thx for the answers!


    Josh, what do you mean with Paladin+Druid+X Zero potion usage? what’s the third bird or the combo?


    Hi guys, i’m lvl 17 and my rainbow bar increases so slow… I do believed it was growing while friends where using my golden pig machine, but I don’t see those upgrades anymore.
    Just now, I have the feeling it only grows when I use the free video roll, which is only like 1 every 2 days.

    How do I maximize, any tips? and if I understood it right, when it’s at max… I only have to use friends pig machines, but never mines or free video, right?


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