hibobbye Active 9 years, 6 months ago

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  • hibobbye

    The game was first soft launched in a few countries and the max level was 41. After they released the game worldwide, they lowered the max level to 25 and have subsequently increased it to 33.


    I am level 41, and I am the only person on my leaderboard.

    The pirate enemies are level 41 for me.


    I’ve tried restarting the app, logging out of Facebook, and logging out of the Rovio account, and it hasn’t resolved the problem. It shows that I’m connected to Facebook, but only users who have sent me messages (either asking for essence or giving essense) since this morning appear on the list.


    This may have been posted before, but my all Facebook friends aren’t showing up. I only have 14 total friends on the account, 11 of whom play this game. Last night I did some levels in the cave and they all showed up, but this morning when I logged in only two of them appeared. Two more sent me essence later in the day and now they’re showing up on the list, but a majority of them still aren’t appearing.


    I had the same problem. I think that if you have a bird that is inflicted with the energy draining status then it freezes the game when you start a new wave, so you’ll want to use an ability to remove it (Rainbird or Tricksters are two). That worked for me, although I’m unsure that’s the definitive problem.

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