eviljelek Active 7 years, 7 months ago

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  • eviljelek

    I just realised, when I was played at the tournament one of my bird were knockout.
    A bar appear on the bird and the normal will be reloaded 3 mark then my bird will comes back.
    Today in the tournament, when my bird are knock out… bars are appear however when the mark were supposed to be filled up until 3 mark… it didn’t happened. the mark will be reduced to zero every time my others bird or my flag get hit by the enemy.

    is anyone having the same problem?


    @angryjohnny Thank you for the reply. should i uninstalled the game at my device and download it again from playstore? because honestly I am not sure the bug that happen in my device came because I download not from playstore?


    sorry, can someone help me?
    i downloading angry birds epic trough Playstore about 4 times. during the loading screen it keep saying check your internet connection. even I already move to 2 different wifi location and using 3G connection it keep saying the same. I uninstall it then download from mob-core.com. the game can be played, however since its online game, sometime it showing others game promotion. the problem is, after the promotion finished, i cant do anything in to the game and it shows “Angry Birds Epic is not responding, would you like to Wait or Close” it keep happens to me.

    anyone having the some problem?

    note : my device is Asus Phonepad 7

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