ATP Active 7 years, 4 months ago

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    I really can’t believe anyone spends actual money on this game.

    Eventually, they will offer them all in a competition, and they slowly give away gems every day.



    I am 100 tokens from unlocking the 2nd accessory, which I will get by tomorrow morning. I have to say though, I am disappointed in this competition.

    My inner 5 year old geeked out over seeing Unicron in the last comp. I liked the gameplay of it as well.

    I know it is impossible to do something new like that every challenge but at least mix in the boss pig and unicron through out.

    Now, about a Nemisis Prime competition…


    The arena went from being fun with the new features to a complete buzzkill. I have two level 7, and 5 level 6 birds. I routinely run into level 8s & 9s after just one win. I hardly ever make it to attempt a third win, and if I do, I run into almost all level 8s with 2 or 3 spells. Can you please fix the arena to make the battles at least competitive. And I am not even going to get started on the cheaters, way too many of those.


    So far, I think he is ok. I aim for the lowest block possible and hope for decent block tumbles. Seems to be an ok strategy. Targeting pigs seems to be a losing affair.


    Is EOP working in any other levels? I have only seen him fall down, while earning three coins a turn, any thoughts?


    I think this challenge was a little goofy. The price of EOP was kind of surprising. When you add on the gadgets, it was really expensive. Lastly, with all of the glitches that the challenge had, I missed about a day. That being said, I tried to get everything for EOP. I missed the jetpack by 700 tokens. I would have happily skipped the ridiculous looking dragon hat.

    I only use farmed gems. I did not mine the lab like most people so only what shows up on the board. I stopped using my gems when people were clearly paying crazy amounts.

    I have never paid money for this game. I will not pay any money for this game. I have been playing since the beginning, and still have 5 13s, and 18 14s. I find it fun, but frustrating when there is glitch after glitch.

    If they keep upping the token cost, I will stop playing when I can no longer obtain new characters. I believe that Rovio learned their lesson when only a moderate group of players purchased HotRod and NP. They will learn their lesson again when people stop paying for gems to play in their challenges.

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