Lazy Active 6 years, 9 months ago

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    I finished at 13x, no 5-star at all. Even though I didn’t spend it (I’m sure someone did), that’s around $150 in golden tickets. I don’t even want to calculate the guy that was up to 20x. I’m all for profiting off your business, but those are outrageous numbers for basically nothing. The first half of the event, in my tier, I took 1st in event points, 1st in pvp (not relevant) clan was 1st, but the last half was brutal for getting rockets and tickets. I finished at 211/250 in rockets. Not to mention, the time I spent playing feels wasted. Congrats on everyone that got the event bird, or even a 5-star and sorry for the rest of us that didn’t get anything. @nsar, I have 4 Kowalski’s, so I feel your pain on the duplicates :-P.


    I’m at 11x, nothing yet, no 5-star on the other events either. I also seem to have weird luck with 4-star bird colors too.

    4 Stars:

    Black – 7

    White – 4

    Yellow – 1

    Red – 0

    Blue – 4

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