Version 1.4.7 is out

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Version 1.4.7 is out

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  • RedYoshi45

    I don’t know but to me this seems like an on-water event not under-water. Red is sitting on a ship. I think having Bomb’s ship (which is required to enable the event calendar) is already enough. But we’ll see.

    Elite Guardian looks lovely, a bit like Peach’s Castle for some reason. :P No really!


    Thank Yoshi – my parents’ iPad 3 still has the Epic app on it and it’s still the old version 1.4.6. I can still play! (However, probably with a LOT of lagging because of how old the device is…)

    EDIT: Blasting through my remaining friends’ birds. Sorry to have left you all hanging!

    Angry Johnny

    Well I seem to have a decision to make.
    I can either uninstall the game and downgrade to version 1.4.6 and risk getting the same problem when the update becomes mandatory, OR I can do what I have considered for quite some time now and take this as a sign and just quit playing Epic all together.


    @smwforever45 I don’t exactly see an octopus/squid pig on the dry boards of a ship slithering along. Since the enemy seems to be an aquatic creature, it makes sense to me make it battle underwater. But then again, Epic has no battle screens where the enemies are on a different plane of existence than the birds and no enemy fights the player underwater so maybe it will be on a ship (if they decide to not make a new underwater background for as a battle stage).

    Eh, we’ll see after 33 days.


    While I would well understand it, you’re also a great contributor… and we all still miss @graugeist after he left permanently. :(


    Yeah… but you can get the event calendar before getting the airship and the submarine which would make it impossible for those (admittedly, few) players to play the event despite seeing it on their event calendar. Since this would mean frustration among those (and possibly less profit) I’m sure Rovio won’t make it an underwater battle…


    @angryjohnny I can also understand your frustration with Epic as it does seem to limp from one disaster to another. Being selfish I feel you would be a big loss to the forum as you have also been helpful,not only to me but other members as well. I hope you don’t go.

    Angry Johnny

    @smwforever45 Yeah well unfortunately it seems like I can not install the 1.4.6 version (it crashes when trying yo find resources) so that doesn’t seem to be an option anymore :-/

    well I am going to see if Rovio can fix the issue tomorrow, after that I do not know.

    Missing a whole day of mastery-gathering in the dojo and not being able to defend your position in the arena doesn’t really encourage me to continue playing.


    I would bet that this bug was caused by trying to rebalance the mastery levels.

    MESSAGE TO ROVIO: If its not broke, don’t try to fix it.


    @smwforever45 Let’s see what the future holds.


    Or, as my family also often says: Never touch a running system…
    Doesn’t only apply to computers.


    Usually, if a game-breaking bug occurs it’s fixed within 2-4 days, among other mobile game developers at least. Take note Apple also needs to approve the update which may make it take a bit longer.

    Angry Johnny

    @smwforever45 yes but tomorrow is Friday and I can guarantee the developers do not work weekends (especially during the summer) so if it is not fixed tomorrow it will not be fixed until next week which will guarantee that I will loose the arena league plus all that lost mastery that is not gotten from the dojo. It just feels like it is too much trouble to be worth it right now.


    @smwforever45 That’s actually a common misconception. Apple and Google doesn’t approve anything regarding updates. All they do are take money for publishing the games on their app stores. The only kind of monitoring they do are when an app that is illegal is posted by a developer and it infringes on their copyright systems and it needs to be taken down. Other than that, when an update is posted by a trusted developer AND one that is highly popular, they won’t monitor anything (unless it’s from their own app developing studios) since it’s automatically registered as a trusted source.

    Not to mention, even if Apple was into approving updates and whatnot (which it isn’t), it would have been already done since you were able to update it in the first place (and many others as I see) as you said.

    Anything update related is done from the developer side, the app stores just take money aka a share of the profit made by said developer.


    Then maybe they shouldn’t release the update on a Thursday… (or at least, not make it mandatory until everything works…).

    Well the mastery is probably the least problem for you, you’re already so far and got all birds to M13 or M14… I’m more than four ranks behind you on average. That’s 200,000 mastery points for each bird. If anything I should complain… but at least the old app still works on my parents’ iPad. I just need to let dad know to not update this particular app at all cost…


    I knew Google doesn’t do it but I thought Apple did… Oh well. Always learning something new. :P


    @smwforever45 Your dad plays it as well?


    No… he doesn’t play it (he does play the original Angry Birds game), I’ve just got the app on his iPad and when he doesn’t use it and I urgently need it (like right now) I use it ;)


    My theory is that after about 18 hours (since this update was released) the “you have to update nyah nyah” message will popup in my game as that’s when the deadline for the older version begins to tick and that’s what been happening for the past versions.

    We also may see another update saying “BUG FIXES- A LOT!”. We know we screwed up, lololol.


    I’ll see tomorrow… if Rovio doesn’t fix this real quick I’ll play 1.4.6 on the iPad till Rovio do us apart.

    I’d be happy if it said “BUG FIXES – ONLY ONE!”, if only I could start the game again afterwards.


    @smwforever45 Maybe try reinstalling. Maybe these two guys who posted screencaps are on iOS too (though I ‘m not sure). I haven’t updated so I can’t say whether the Android version is screwed up also or not.

    Angry Johnny

    @datguygamer I play on Android so I can guarantee it is messed up there too.


    I know that @elpapam is on iOS and he/she can open the app…

    on the Bugs topic said that he was able to start up the 1.4.7 app just fine after re-installing, but he was unable to sync his Rovio account because it asked for an update…

    Green Whacker

    @smwforever45 @datguygamer @angryjohnny

    I play iOS and I have no issues with freezing or crashing at all.

    Angry Johnny

    @smwforever45 I just tried Epic on a device that did had not the game installed, I could start it up just fine but just as you said as soon as I tried to sign in with my Rovio account it said the account needed to be updated. I was then forced to restart the app and again it froze at “Loading balancing into memory” so it is something with converting the accounts that doesn’t seem to work.


    @dragonofheart73 Huh…
    How much mastery did your birds collect, what ranks are they? I suspect it could have something to do with that…

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Version 1.4.7 is out

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