Super Eggs?

Home Forums Angry Birds Evolution Forum Super Eggs?

  • At level 30, pigs should now be dropping some Super Eggs. I’m at level 32 and have not gotten any super eggs at all yet. I’m not sure if this is the cause, but I leveled up to level 30 after doing a quick battle, and the level-up animation never played.

    How common or rare are the Super Eggs actually supposed to be?

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  • Mighty Red

    Super Eggs tend to drop whenever Clan Egg is activated, and even then they drop about once for every few hundred eggs or more. Their chances are about as low as getting a x10 ticket from a premium chest.


    I feel like the chances of getting a x10 ticket from a chest are actually way better than getting a super egg. I’ve got at least three x10 tickets from chests and only once have I got a super egg.

    It was yesterday, in fact. My very first one. At level 86. It was Trey. I was unimpressed. But, that made like my 10th Trey, so… meh. But at least I can say that they REALLY do exist lol


    What is a super egg?


    @nsar A super egg is an egg that has a 100% chance of awarding a 4-star bird. You can tell an egg is a super egg if it has a gold badge on it.

    @all Are we completely sure that the level 30 reward really means the 4-star bird eggs? When I hit level 30, I noticed that I suddenly started getting shiny eggs pretty commonly. It may just be bad memory, but I don’t recall getting shiny birds from battles before then.

    Not to mention that my first 4-star bird, El Gigante, was from a super egg. And that happened long before I got level 30. Although, it was from a story level and not a scout mission, so that might not have to do with the level 30 reward.


    @partshade – thanks for the explanation — since I have pretty bad luck overall in life and also in getting anything of value in this game I dont expect to ever actually see onee but at least now I know what they are – lol!


    I am at level 44 and have yet to get a “Super Egg”


    what is a clan egg?



    @clkendall clan egg is a clan perk  that you or your clan mates can activate for 250 gems. It lasts 24 hours and gives you an extra egg after scout battles or dungeons. The fancy little egg will have your clan’s emblem on it. Can be 1-3* birds. Or, if you’re lucky it might be a super egg, which is at least a 4* bird (not sure if super eggs can be 5*). It will have an even fancier, gold emblem on it. They’re rare, though.

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