Stella Hat Adventure…I LUV HER!!

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    I’m not a 24/7 player, more like DC, ME, and Clan events and Arena 1 streak a week in Vanilla league :). I had 40k feathers in 2 days thanks to a nice 12,500 feather chest and winning several clan events. I should have Stella when we win tomorrow’s CvC.

    Having said that, it’s an exercise in futility.




    Just unlocked Stella. It definiately influence the bird order in MEBC and CvC but still an extra card, so you can score better. I can still use spells in the arena, maybe because I’m in a different testing group. So in total I can have 13 cards. Feathers turned back to normal, now I can’t find a way to get pink feathers apart from the triple pink offer which is still available.

    Heather Bird

    Right now we have a bet on who has the lowest pink feather count until the clock runs out. Bought some clan boxes and very happy to see 15k Red feathers instead of pink! With no pink feather cards but still hats that only pay 20 pearls. Rovio is so cheap lol



    I was able to give Stella 1500 feathers when I fed my hatchling earlier.


    I now reached that spot, where i got Stella´s card.

    and the message sayd, that there is no need to collect all theese feathers.

    waiting 6 Days is enough to open her cage.

    So I´ll just wait that 6 days and play on the map-levels.

    one Question:

    If Stella breaks out of her cage, do the pink feathers collected so far (luckily i have over 15000 now) increase her Level?


    Yes, everyone has Stella now whether they collected feathers or not. Having more feathers does help level her up, so it isn’t pointless to collect them.


    No, Stella unlocks six days after you come on to AB2 with internet after the Stella update.


    I let the pink blob rot in its cage, if it can’t stay awake! It’s a shame that whether you have her or not, you may encounter someone with her at the Arena. So… if your bird is sleeping, your “opponent” may have one bird more than you. Add spells to that… and you may have serious disadvantage.




    I let the pink blob rot in its cage,

    That´s impossible, because after six days she brakes automaticly out of her cage (i think).

    I want her for my flock.
    In Angry Birds Go she is my favorite driver and at home i make some DIY figures from her.


    Perhaps literally impossible, yes… but in practice it can sleep for ever as far as I’m concerned. Naturally, at some point Rovio will try to “force” to use it by making it required member of flock, but until then, it can sleep (“with the fishes”, if possible).



    Rubbish bird as xpected, forgot to wake her yesterday – did ok won a legendary league,


    Today five straight defeats at lvl 1 in the arena, coincidence I woke the pink peril?


    The maps crap today too.


    I like Stella so far, especially for increasing my bootcamp score, since I get an increase in score both from having one more bird and from the increase in my flockpower. I also find her helpful for DC and KPP. I think she’s more powerful than in the original Angry Birds, though she doesn’t do much with certain structures. I notice if I activate her slightly before she hits, the bubbles and whatever blocks they are carrying travel to the right and sometimes take out another structure.


    I like Stella too. The ability is amazing now, at least she can solo many rooms on her own, and a lot like Chuck or Matilda, stupid pig in the corner, snipe it. And if you break her out she goes straight to Master Diamond, the one with the feather pattern.

    Overall, Stella is great.


    It could be that I hate the little bugger because I can’t find a way to use it “right”… and it messes with already too random order of cards. I wish there was a sandbox for training the tricks with birds. It would help a bit in MEBC, but I want a way to knock it out as soon as MEBC is cleared. Not hours later.



    I’ve gotten quite a few strikes with Stella, probably because she is at least familiar for me even though I haven’t played the original Angry Birds for years. Maybe it would help if you practice with her on map levels that you know aren’t too hard.


    My main annoyance about adding birds is that the more birds with distinctive abilities there are, the biggers chance there is to have only “unsuitable” birds available at some point. That would be completely different, if players could freely choose birds, instead of mixed three bird/spell cards we now have. Another thing is that adding a low level bird to flock don’t really strenghten the deck. Same FP with one bird more means the birds are lower level on average.



    I don’t think the multiplier works that way. Your base score just gets multiplied by the total flockpower as far as I can tell. So, having my flockpower increase by about 60 definitely helps my scores.

    Vogel Birdson

    I really quite like Stella, for a couple of reasons:

    1. Her ability can really help with tricky rooms. The fact she can pick up or at least nudge a lot of the structures helps a great deal.

    2. The fact that she is an extra bird to take into CVC, clan events, MEBC and the Daily Challenge and King Pig Panic. She could be – and has been for me – that useful extra bird for those extra points.

    Remember also, that in time when we have 3 new birds available that we can choose from, we can expect them all to have a period of time when they’re awake and can be used, while the others are alseep.

    This sounds great because if I play casually over a period of a day, I can make use of one bird and when the time is up, make use of another bird and so on.


    @kgeisler, you mean I get the same points whether I use level 10 or level 100 bird from the same flock, while making streak in same room? I was under impression the the score is multiplied by the used birds level every time after you’ve destroyed objects…



    I’m not sure, to be honest. I think I need to find an easily strikeable room in the map and test it out. Stella has about 2/3 the FP of my other birds, and I know about how many points I get from them with almost total destruction. Should be easy to test once I find a good room for it.

    Heather Bird

    Lol I know I should change the post to

    “ROVIO SUCKS on roll outs but Stella’s alright lol”


    i agree @kgeisler Stella in ME rocks!!

    cant wait to meet the new birds but Rovio needs to chill on all the timers and GEM GRABS!!!!




    Okay, I tested it out on the beginning map levels and I was wrong. Stella was definitely getting around 2/3 of the amount of points as my other birds. Anyway, you are perfectly free to just let her sleep if you don’t like her. You might like the other new birds better whenever they arrive. I hope one of them is Bubbles.


    I thought maybe it was my confirmation bias which made me think so. More birbs is bad. It messes up flock balance.

    Oh, Rovio decided to spam f***book some more with some sort of “giveaway” at in-game news. No thanks.



    I’ve been playing this game since elementary school.

    What am I doing with my life?


    What i figured out about Stella´s sleeping-time, fit´s very well to my work-days.
    She can sleep, while i´m asleep or at work and is ready to help me beat some levels, if i´m back at home in the afternoon.

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