Star Collection 1140/1146

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Star Collection 1140/1146

  • I’m pretty sure I’ve 3 starred every single level, but when I check my star collection it says 1140/1146… So I just wondered if anyone else has this? I can’t find where I’m missing any levels, and wondering if any new levels have been added since the latest update??

    I’ve done maelstrom, but I thought that was about the only ‘secret’ level… The only other thing I can think of is that I used the mighty eagle for two of the bosses on the cave levels. Maybe because I did this it hasn’t counted those as 3 stars..?? Any ideas?

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  • datguygamer

    Two levels were switched around in v2.1.0 around the map. Even if you 3 starred them in the past, after the swap, those particular stars didn’t count. I am sure you are missing those 6.

    Look for an old Epic map on the web and compare it to your current one. Spot those two switched round levels and 3 star them again, you count will rise.


    @fant they are on the east side of the map, one through a Friendship Gate by the Bottomless Pit, and the other more South, just up from the Sunken Pyramid.


    @pointless Thanks for mentioning the location of the levels outright. I kinda forgot where they were myself.


    Thanks a lot. Turned out to be red giant valley 4 and Eastern Cobalt Plateaus 9

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Star Collection 1140/1146

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