Sideswipe – New Event

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  • Optimus_Pig

    I agree it’s annoying, but these guys probably want the Overpowers as well.


    @kdubz That’s because buying the bot outright would reduce the burden of getting tokens to get the bot and instead focus on overpower and the other stuff as they are also not cheap. If that defeats the purpose of the event, then that is a small matter to deal with as you get what you want in the end. I am not spending money on this game but there are people who does.


    @datguygamer oh please the”burden” of getting tokens…it shouldn’t be too hard when you have a 4x multiplier that no one else has. I don’t really see how you have 5000 gems to burn if you’re not paying money or cheating.


    So all that effort to get sideswipe and his accessories and he has disappeared from my barracks as his level upgrade completed this morning. Thanks Rovno!


    5000 gems is chump change, I have many times that to burn. I don’t cheat or pay money. I have every accessory so there is never anything to buy… and more gems come in than go out.


    Where do you get all these gems from? It’s not like the lab produces anything reliably.


    Lab, missions, daily chests.  Playing from the beginning helps a lot too… everything used to be more generous. Plus I have a ton of pigs to speed up missions.


    @kdubz Just like what @pandaczar12 Gems that much were easy to obtain in earlier builds where each mission node gave 30 gems and the lab gave upwards of 50 gems per Super Rareium recipe and even with 4X multiplier you still have to grind for points as the thresholds have increased. The multiplier will help reduce the burden of tokens (which was what I said) as you didn’t seem to understand my previous reply.
    If you hadn’t noticed, getting the bot isn’t the only thing, there are other stuff like accessories, sparks and overpower. So getting the bot early gets you a free 10K token rebate and thus lets you focus on the other stuff which I also mentioned earlier. I don’t think you have ever tried for overpower and thus you’re thinking it’s “not too hard”. Try it once for an overpower level other than the initial one and you’ll start crapping blood. Just because 5000 gems seem like an amount to you doesn’t mean it has to be for others (ESPECIALLY for older players), so assuming someone is a cheater just from that is a farfetched logic.


    You’re right. I’ve never gone for the overpower just because I don’t see any utility in having it. I’ll just have overpowered crappy bots that I’ll still never use unless I absolutely need to for daily missions.

    I’ve been playing since the game started and I don’t know where/when you’ve been getting those gem pay outs. Top difficulty mission I get maybe 15 gems payout once in a great while, usually more like 0-4. I usually hover around 1000 gems and it’s gotten harder to stay there.


    That has happened to me also…and I purchased Sideswipe….I’m pissed!

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Sideswipe – New Event

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