Seeking team members for Monster Events

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Seeking team members for Monster Events

  • Hi all,

    I created a Facebook group in hopes of recruiting members that want to form a team. When we have a fair amount of members, it should be easy to share higher level monster battles and rank higher faster. Seeking semi active to active players. If you join, please send friend requests to other members so they will show in your game friends. You must use the same FB profile as you use in the game.

    Once we have a decent member level, we can vote on a team name.

    ***Link Below***


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  • chris-cox

    Myself included, we have 9 members in a Facebook group. If you wish to join, please follow the link below. If you do join, please send everyone in the group a friends request so they will be listed as friends in the game. We can then start sharing monster battles and discuss tactics etc.


    If anyone wants to join our team, we have a FB group. If you join, please send a FB friend request to everyone in the group. This is the only way friends will show up on your friends list in the game.

    Oh…and you get extra bonus points when you share battles with friends! :)

    Come and join us!


    Is a great group so far!

    Also, thanks for adding me (^_^)


    Right now it seems there’s a bug where invitations to friends to fight the monster pigs aren’t getting to people and/or the monster pigs are disappearing.

    Disappearing Boulder Pigs


    This is affecting a lot of people. Whether you share battles with friends, playing field or not at all. They disappear. Which also means when this is happening you don’t have the ability to get fights shared to you. Sometimes it has helped to close the app for a few minutes. It is a huge bug affecting many players. Rovio expressed to me they are aware but the need to dig deeper to find the root cause and fix. I wonder if releasing the 1v1 mode caused problems with the game in other areas. But I am not a programmer. ;)

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Seeking team members for Monster Events

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