Rovio please fix Goldbite Grimlock!

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Rovio please fix Goldbite Grimlock!

  • In general my level 15 Goldbite Grimlock is struggling to kill certain pigs, can no longer destroy stone and must hit a gold blocks more than once (you have to find them as they fly all over the landscape, like stone) in order to destroy them.

    Specifically, Goldbite Grimlock seriously struggles in Colbalt Valley (river nodes). He looses hearts when he passes falling monoliths even though he’s transformed. He looses hearts when he destroys a walking mortar tower and the mortar ball it produces (even though it was destroyed before it fired). He looses hearts from falling balloon pigs that he’s already hit. He looses hearts from shark pigs that he can NO LONGER KILL.

    I’ve have spent a month waiting time, hundreds of thousands of coins and hundreds of gems upgrading Goldbite Grimlock. He is a variant character, for “expert users”. I don’t think it makes sense that he should struggle to do anything maxed-out at level 15 that he was previously proficient at, especially when I have expended all of the required resources and there’s nothing left to be done.

    I feel like you have taken power that I have paid to have. Again. Please return Goldbite Grimlock to full power! Thank you.


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  • arceemega

    As much as I enjoy playing with GBGL, he pretty much wrecked everything during December’s events, I used him exclusively and didn’t think twice. I for one am happy to see him nurfed, as every character should have a weakness. Perhaps its his health that should be decreased rather than his dps, to make him into more of a glass cannon.


    This may be more by design, than by accident, so Rovio may not have anything to “fix” per se.

    Mighty Red

    I believe everyone and everything has been nerfed – not only are the characters struggling to pop the Pigbots, but I watched closely and I saw that it took at least 3 shots for Photoblast to pop a Sharktihog.


    Not necessarily. For example I actually have a decent shot at killing walking mortar towers using Soundwave and Soundblaster now – I would never have attempted that in the past.



    Thanks for the reply, but he does have weaknesses — the ones stated in his character description — he’s slow and you have to pay attention and deliberately point at targets until they’re destroyed unlike other characters that destroy everything in the vicinity therefore allowing you to focus on forward projection.

    This is Rovio’s decision — the players are doing to well with this character, so let’s take him down a few notches, so that he no longer performs well and he’s no longer fun to play with (because he can be compared to how he was)?

    Respectfully, I have several points to make:

    1. Again, for the amount of pigs, coins, and time it took me to max him out at level 15 for Rovio to ARBITRARILY and CAPRICIOUSLY reduce power I PAID for lacks integrity.

    2. Again, he’s a variant character.

    3. What’s the point of spending all of the resources to upgrade Tfs, so that they don’t suck if Rovio can come along and reduce power on a whim, such they perform the same as a much lower lever Tf?

    4. Does Rovio realize that that since they do not upgrade this app, there is nothing do but play these contests, at which I should be able to out perform someone who has not committed the same amount of resources as I have and therefore has lower level Tfs?

    5. These contests are the only time I can “choose” to use Goldbite Grimlock. He rarely shows up on the map and I have never gotten him as a level 15 buddy.

    I have played this game from the beginning and after all Rovio has put me through I’m still here and have made it to level 15. All of my Tfs should be awesome and easily handle everything thrown at them. After all, this game has not been upgraded for over a year and I HAVE PAID FOR THEM TO BE AT THIS LEVEL OF POWER. Angry fan.


    With all due respect and Ido understand what saying. Here are a couple of things to think about…
    1) This is the least important (to me right now) but more recent thing. Accessories… They are IMHO going to be (& have been starting to make a push on them. I expect that the next event, if not for the new character being teased, will be for grimlock. Reasons why, I’m not sure if anyone else has noticed but in many of the runs in the last event there were a lot of skeletons around. What were they of? A dinosaur with a bird head… Sounds like anyone??

    2) We all have our favorite characters that we use, for whatever reason. However, shouldn’t there also be a reason why we have to use the others, other than just running through the various nodes… If you make a game with 30 plus characters in it, you would probably want people to be using them all or at least a variety of them. Otherwise, why make more than one or two. I’m sure they appreciate the love & passion we share for certain ones but Rovio probably wants people to use more characters. They probably have data on most used the most used characters in these events, tho they may not admit it.

    3) As we progress through the game. The levels should be more difficult. Make us think more. Strategize more… Not just do the same things over and over.

    4) The entire story of this game is for all of Piggie Island to come together and save it. Not just one character. Especially since he’s been left out of AB2 also the rooms… Not sure of any relation with that but I’d like to see Hal a bit more!

    I can give more reasons but just think about it a bit. I also hate losing what I’ve earned but think & look at the bigger picture of the game itself.


    @pampeans I just read your last message again. The Biggest point and beef you should have (again, just in my opinion) is your 4th point.

    The first time I read the messages in this thread, I just got the feeling of it all being about a character (who is also one of my face) be down graded like every other character. However, I am more concerned with them not updating the map either… And releasing more characters that way vs. Paying cash for them for only four limited time.

    When will there be a new area actually uncovered?? At this point, I don’t think they can just release a couple of areas and say you have to be at X level to discover it. I believe the majority of the players would be able to uncover everything or almost everything unless they make the requirements ridiculous and that would just screw over anyone new to the game. They just have to release it, preferably with not as many bugs or at least without the crippling ones.

    Hopefully, these events we’ve been having is letting them know that we are still playing and enjoying the game and want more of it…not just new character’s or playing format. Like when each character had there own energon ability… Then professor pig comes along and we get changed to the having the little bots following us around and we have to figure out the recipes for better icons. At least the changes that came around Christmas did give us something good with the accessories being able to do something vs. spending hundreds of gems just for looks. Hurts that this update only allowes one items per hand/shoulder. Still better than a year ago.

    Bottom line: We the players, want new area’s to explore!!!
    The other updates are good but where is the rest of the game. And please do not add a stupid arena thing until we have a full map.


    They’ve likely been nerfed for two reasons:

    1. to encourage us to purchase accessories for get the stat boosts

    2. when they finally get around to increasing the level cap, we won’t have the FUBAR like we did last time when the cap went from L10 to L15 and everyone was dying at L11.


    @optimuspig, a conspiracy version would make sense if all TFs were downgraded evenly. As GG is ridiculously weak for a 15 level character, while majority of other bots are still doing quite well, it is most likely a bug.


    Don’t get me wrong but why have ABT that can know blow up the Walking Towers and yet can’t take flying balloon pigs down or normal pigs sorry that makes no sense to me.



    I don’t disagree that now it’s ridiculously under-powered, but GG was obviously downgraded on purpose because it was overpowered relative to other TFs AND gave you +100% coins bonus on successful completion.

    Don’t forget also, that during the Holiday Challenge, there’s a very good reason why GG was the go-to TF for the vast majority of players.

    Pre-Nerfing, there really was no better TF to run with.


    @20qmindreader good catch! Didn’t notice the upgrade because I haven’t been playing nodes. I did notice I didn’t crash on startup this morning.

    Now I have the new icon, and the updated graphics on the map, but the token exchange no longer works and there’s no information on the new contest in the newsfeed.


    The IOS update description says “win accessories for Soundwave.” I hope that’s a typo and they just forgot to change that from the last update. I think Soundwave has enough accessories from the last challenge.


    This is a desert run with goldbrick — Bludgeon has been tweaked. I think it was @sntrooper that was asking about the difference in award by missile type. I used goldbrick exclusively in the competition and never saw this kind of score (no video doubler offered, btw). It took Bludgeon two hits to bring down a mortar tower and two hits on the red pigs. He got hit by a flying helmet pig that was behind him, so he ended the run with damage. The zooming has not been fixed. (iPad Air 2, iOS 9.2.1)




    “I’ve noticed that Soundblaster can now take down balloon pigs (looks like there was only one piece of TNT on the pig, but not sure about that, or maybe in pig city they are like that)”

    I don;t know about you, but I’ve always been able to take down Balloon Pigs with Soundblaster (Soundwave and E. Soundwave, not so much).


    It appears that Energon Grimlock has also been tweaked downward. Just finished using him on a node and his firepower has been slightly diminished. It took a bit longer to knock out flying pigs and mortar towers then before the update today. I could see the difference after using him extensively in the last challenge, where he was very effective.


    All of them got weaker, the difference is that a couple of them got so weak, that they look like Lv1. Thundercracker, both Bumblebees, even Galvatron. It is really sad to see what Rovio does with their “beloved players”. I never saw a game that got their own characters weaker for no reason, unless maybe, to upset us. All of the time I’ve spent to make them stronger, gone, like dust in the wind.

    Francis Crawford

    I’m finding the Grimlocks stronger again. I’ve even killed some walking mortar towers with them, and for a while they were doing so little damage to WMTs that I suspect(ed) a bug taking their damage against them down to zero.


    Goldbite grimlock seems stronger to me


    Bumblebee is still weak

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