Problem collecting arena tournament prizes

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Problem collecting arena tournament prizes

  • Is it just me or is the arena not granting the prizes for this week’s tournament?

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  • There4IM

    Somewhat typical server issues for multiple Rovio games. Wait until they get their act together is the only advice I have.


    Is it just me….

    Who doesn’t like to read? :P

    1) (mentioned hundreds of times in that thread, most recently it covers about the last 1.5 pages)




    It happens every week, some weeks you will get in almost straight away, but for the majority of us it has been taking 1-2 hours most weeks. This week we happen to be at 6 hours so far, and total of about 4 different threads as well as two that are still awaiting moderation approval, plus the actual Arena thread!

    So you tell me, do you think it is just you?


    It is 10.43 CET, almost 9 hours since tournament ended and I still can’t connect

    Fox Knoxx

    Now is 12:30 PM CET. Still NO ACCESS !?


    7am central still unable to connect. Won’t put much energy in this week’s tournament. Smh


    9 AM EDT. 13 hours after it ended, still nothing.

    Ash Stubitsch

    There have been times when I wasn’t able to sign into the nest after the tournament ended, but my bf was able to… Why is this? Does this mean that there are actually people out there that are able to start working on the arena?? Kind of not fair for some to have the ability to gain the upper hand, no?


    Ash, judging by the activity here at the Nest, I don’t think anybody is getting in at all. There have been different results in the past weeks. Some of us found that being logged in with the arena open got us immediate rewards and access to the arena, others found delays of a couple of hours.

    This week is different, something at Rovio crashed. Being that it is the weekend I doubt anybody is there to fix it, and sadly it seems that they probably don’t care enough to have the team show up on the weekend to fix it.

    I know many people are obsessed with this game and many of us have spent money on it, including me on both counts. Including a whole lot of others because this forum hasn’t been this active since the Easter update.


    Still can’t get into arena 03SEP 2106 (UK time).
    What’s up???


    @captsternn – I have to wonder – how many stalwarts who remember the Easter ‘upset’ are still playing AB2?

    (My cat’s a tabby so obviously the wrong type)


    I would bet a lot of people are still playing, Mum. We get aggravated, frustrated and even angry, but we still enjoy flinging the birds. AB2 is so different from the other older versions that I hardly look at them any more.

    I think the worst time with AB2 was when they first introduced the winning streak and we started facing so many opponents with all the spells. The game much improved with the update that removed the opponent’s spells. This is a little glitch, a hiccup.

    I suppose I am being far more patient and forgiving than a lot of people posting here at this time, but I work in IT and I know things happen. And yes, I am running my battery down trying over and over to get into the arena. I want my rewards, but I would sacrifice my 4th place rewards just to get back to playing.

    There is a thought. I wonder … Well, time to back up my device and do a restore from a different system with an older backup. Hopefully I won’t lose too much, or that I can get back what I have.

    Edit: Would have gained about 40 gems that have been spent, but lost 150 pearls. Chose to give back the gems and keep the pearls. Not sure why, but I did. Maybe … nevermind. Hope we get back into the arena soon. Still trying.


    I was wondering what was going on and just read this thread. I am one of the lucky ones. I was in the arena when the last tournament ended, and was awarded my gems and pearls right away and have been able to play in this week’s tourney every since.

    I have 153 stars so far, and every other person in my tourney has 0. I guess being in the arena when it ended somehow kept my account active.


    I’ve been having this problem for the last few weeks. I was in first place and won 3 weeks in a row;this week I won second place but cannot, after 24 hours cannot claim my prizes. I’m ready to delete this game…


    I guess being in the arena when it ended somehow kept my account active.

    So we’re many of us, it makes NO difference. You were just one of the lucky ones that gained early access this week… is random!



    I’m in the same boat as you, working in IT as a programmer. I’ve been trying to wrap my head around what could have caused this glitch, and every answer I come up with isn’t good (from a programming “best practices” perspective).

    If the database query that resets the arenas failed, then NONE of it would have been committed, and as such, *I* shouldn’t be able to play…. but I can.

    Current arena for me

    It is very, VERY odd that a small number of people can get in and play (I can leave the Arena and head back to the map, back and forth at will with no delay), while almost everyone else cannot. I know of one other player still able to get in.



    This is a weekly happening, but this week it’s more than just a few hours, it’s been over 24 hours and I cannot access the arena at all.


    Much like my wine habit, I too am (Awaiting moderation)


    They finally admitted to the issue:

    Many players have been experiencing connection problems in the Arena and we are working hard on resolving this issue. We will let you know as soon as we have a fix in place. In the meanwhile we’d like to thank you for your patience!


    So it finally let me in, and thankfully it gave me a leader board where nobody else had gotten in yet, either. Hopefully the rest of them are able to get in soon so I’M not “that guy”.


    Wow, look at all the “awaiting moderation” posts. Looks like this problem brought a lot of people to the forum :-)


    I’m miffed because, since I was locked out of the Arena for a day, I missed collecting my daily star feathers for one of my birds. There should be a minimum amount of feather compensation for that. @hank

    Beaky fierce

    I submitted a comment about this but it’s still being held under moderation. This happens to me every week where the arena freezes right before the end of the tournament and then stays frozen for several hours so I can’t access my final score nor can I start in on the next week’s tournament. Frustrating af.

    John Latecki Jr

    No it is not just you. We are all in this together ha ha


    Not just you. Has been over 12 hours and still says “check your internet connection”. Which is working just fine, by the way. Frustrating.


    STILL waiting to be able to get into the arena to collect winnings. PST time zone.
    Is this issue affecting arena play for all, or just those waiting to claim prizes?
    Would not be very fair if previous winners are forced to sit and wait while other competitors rack up points. Judt sayin’,


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