Objective. Knock out 3 birds while they are attacking your banner

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Objective. Knock out 3 birds while they are attacking your banner

  • Which birds and class are best for this objective

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  • CDRGuy

    Look for a power team to go against, without dispels (Samurai/Pirate/Spies is perfect). Avoid Captain/Tricksters, as they dispel the buffs.

    Use thorns as your banner emblem, if you have it. Rogues uses cupcake trap on the banner. You can add the buff of Mage or Thunderbird if you like, but it doesn’t make much difference (except against Sea Dog). You should knock out everyone in about 2 turns.

    You can wait until one opponent is left to minimize damage to your banner.

    One of the easier objectives, overall.


    Rogues and Mage are the key. Almost anything will work for the third bird, but I like the Princess because she can heal your banner and make the enemy attack it in case your rogues get knocked out. However the Witch is probably better to use now since she can heal the banner better than any other class.


    Rouges is more than enough


    I usually go Rogues & Archmage, to be sure.


    Rogues and princess make sure the enemy will attack banner for almost every turn.


    I use Avenger, Mage and Rogues to complete this task.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Objective. Knock out 3 birds while they are attacking your banner

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