New Event: Dirge – Bad Reputation

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Event: Dirge – Bad Reputation

  • A new event has started! The top prize is Dirge.

    This event uses one TF and no energonicon.

    Special feature(s) – only Deceptihogs can be used, all TNT variants

    (Part of) The event banner for Dirge (Bad Reputation)

    The bonus squad is Coneheads (12), consisting of Dirge (1 / SR Killer), Thrust (53) and Ramjet (67).

    All these TFs and also Cyclonus (44) (from the VIP squad) are in the token exchange with accessories.

    Have fun and good luck!

    PS. The number (in parentheses) after the TF and squad names are their (respective) Spark Run ranking.

    Previous event in which Coneheads was the bonus squad.

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  • Replies
  • Tahtorak

    Day 1- TNT boxes (regular)
    Day 2- Stone blocks
    Day 3- All Piggies
    Day 4- Gunner Piggies
    Day 5- Balloon Piggies
    Day 6-


    They nerfed the ever living crap out of Dirge for Spark Runs this week. I bet he is down to 1/4 to 1/3 his normal power.


    Looks like this has all been fixed up.


    Who is the favorite of the coneheads? I have Dirge and Ramjet currently. I like Dirge over Ramjet, but wondering if Thrust would be much better?


    Dirge is the best imo.


    Dirge IS the number one. Thrust may be better in the Spark Run but I would prefer Ramjet over Thrust in event runs.


    Anyone know what happens to your TF when they get this “flame” background behind their picture like Dirge has?  Then when you run the even he has these ribbon trails that follow him.  Whatever it is it cuts his power down way over 1/2 and he becomes useless in Spark Runs. Anyone know how to get rid of it?


    That “flame background” is a sign that your character is empowered.

    Best advice I got is to use a different character to lead your Spark Runs, like Energon Starscream Pig.


    I appreciate the answer @tahtorak.  Thanks.


    Empowered should mean that that TF does more damage and has more defense. For some e.g. Dead End and Soundwave this really does work in Spark Runs and for some TFs empowering does almost the opposite.

    You can make a bug report to R/E but don’t hold your breath while waiting them to fix this.


    Thanks for the info @grimlockdown. I did ponder putting in a ticket but the event was done anyways so I didn’t think it would really be worth it.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Event: Dirge – Bad Reputation

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