Need help with gear functions

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Need help with gear functions

  • Is there a list anywhere of what each of the items do? Like, what is “transform power” and why do I want 5% more of it? 10% explosive force? Is this the same as explosive rounds? These things are expensive so it’d be nice to know what I’m buying. Thanks for any direction.

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  • datguygamer

    “Transform Power” is what makes the transformers change into their alt modes (cars, planes, trucks whatever) a bit faster. I say this because there are accessories that explicitly mention “+X% Transform Duration” meaning “Transform Duration” is not the same as “Transform Power”.

    “Explosive Force” is when the projectiles make the structures scatter farther than usual while “Explosive Rounds” make the projectiles explosive so that whatever it hits causes explosions. Both of these are different.


    Explosive power accessories can make a difference. Increases in rate of fire (ROF) should be consider also.

    Ultimate Optimus Prime with the HIQ (explosive) accessory was used in a Bonus Buddies challenge with good results against certain types of targets. In regular nodes it is much better offensively. Cost = 250 gems IIRC. Not convinced that 350 for Power Master 10% ROF accessory is worth the cost

    Optimus Prime with the same HIQ makes this weak TF acceptable. Paired with POwer Master +10% rate of fire brings it up considerably. ROF a bit low to use in challenges, but OK in regular nodes. HIQ cost 250 gems. Power Master is 350, IIRC.

    IMHO the big winner but at significant cost is Energon Lockdown. Energon Cube (explosive rounds) and the +20% Clip Capacity makes him a beast. He comes standard with continuous fire. Combined with those 2 accessories, ELockdown produces devastating results.
    Costs are 750 gems each? I won them in a challenge and did not pay gems from my meager hoard.
    How good is ELockdown thusly equipped? I find him extremely effective in challenges, where the Gold Standard is EGrimlock.


    Energon Starscream with explosive rounds is currently my workhorse for challenges. If the defense accessories worked like they should he’d be completely invincible. Recharging off of converted structures helps, though.

    Francis Crawford

    Explosive rounds indeed can make a huge difference.

    In a recent challenge Optimus Prime was potentially the highest-scoring TF, and with explosive rounds he indeed destroyed most things.

    However, I leveled Energon Starsream to 15 and bought him explosive rounds, and still am disappointed.

    I’m torn between Lockdown and Energon Lockdown, both with lots of accessories won in a recent challenge. When I ran them in competition they seemed similarly effective. I’d be curious about more folks’ thoughts, as I’m likely to soon level one of them toward max, and I need to decide which.

    Francis Crawford


    Yes, but my non-Energon versions sometimes seem to have better accessories. I don’t have the game in front of me at the moment, but I think my regular Lockdown has +32% damage, acid rounds, explosive rounds, and some defense, thanks to competition awards.

    Energon Lockdown has better accessories than most, but not at that level.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Need help with gear functions

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