Hat got stolen?

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Hat got stolen?

  • Last night I spent 10K pearls on Terence’s Sweetheart hat and upgraded my slingshot. Today I opened the game, and my sling upgrade and hat were gone – but the pearls I had spent were also gone.

    What the heck, Rovio.

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  • bill

    Typical rovio carnival scam, make you think you hit the punk, but it tilts right back up on the shelf.

    This has happened to more than a few, and bitchin’ at rovio via email, support pages or F~~kbook only get ps you more frustrated.


    @rizdub, sorry you had that happen. The only thing you can do is submit a request and hope they get back to you and fix your problems.

    Warning: it’s annoying having to fill out all the info and it has definitely put me off contacting them which is probably why they make it so difficult. :(

    Here is the link:



    @sb311 I used the in-game support option, should I have followed the link instead?


    Um… I’m not sure. I haven’t ever used the in- game support option. I’m guessing it’s the same thing. Idk.

    Have you received a reply yet?


    No reply yet, but that’s not much different from the online support system. The ticket is still there, though.


    Judging just from the number of similar complaints on this forum alone, there must be a huge number of support requests. All handled by a minimum-wage distracted intern, muttering “okay, whatever.”


    Check your ticket is still outstanding.  The last two I sent disappeared and I had to resubmit.


    I would recommend taking a screen cap when you send a ticket just in case.



    The ticket’s still outstanding, but I took your advice and took a screenshot.



    I got a response, and Rovio attributed the error to a possible “connection spike.” They refunded the 10K pearls and I was able to buy the hat again, so that’s good, I guess. I took a few screenshots of me buying the hat in case it happened again, but I opened the game again and the hat + sling upgrade was still there.


    @rizdub, bwoah… you got refund?! Miracles still happen… or Rovio just cherry picked one case to polish their diminishing reputation? Still, I’m glad you got your situation solved!




    I’m glad they were able to help you fix your hat problem. :)

    They should have given you 60+ gems for your wasted time and energy though, but that isn’t going to happen. :/


    This just happened to me just now, but for 500 pearls. Mine crashed after my slingshot got updated and when I returned, my slingshot was the previous one and my last hat was showing not bought but my 500 pearls were gone.


    Spot the difference:

    Case A: Someone at Rovio notices a bug that gives advantage to players: Everybody at Rovio starts screaming and running around like a r***d ape to get bug fixed immediately.

    Case B: Someone at Rovio notices a bug that gives disadvantage to players: Everybody at Rovio tries to be really quiet and not to disturb sleep of code monkeys.


Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Hat got stolen?

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