event leaderboard broken already? (Not Broken; Resolved)

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum event leaderboard broken already? (Not Broken; Resolved)

  • 20 minutes into the new Sonic event and there is a lvl 16 player on my leaderboard who already has over 21000 medals.

    Apparently there are still lots of exploitable bugs in this game and there will never be any such thing as a level playing field.

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  • LeUsername

    Its a hack, not a bug. I doubt anyone beside me know how to bug this game now. Plus you can’t bug that much medals in.


    Either hack or Rovio trolling. We’ll know one way or another in a couple of days. If the score moves it’s a hacker if not then it’s just another troll.


    I have the same issue I barely started to play and have the same thing on my leader board. Very annoying.


    http://imgur.com/4GHrzp9 This was 10 Minutes in.

    Anyone 2nd or below is doable in 10 mins , Number 1 , I think not.


    Yep, just noticed this too. Have two top players with over 21000 medals, and a bunch of other players with over 6000 medals. The event isn’t even an hour old yet!


    We’ve seen this before. The ones with bird icons are put there by Rovio, so that if you’re on a leaderboard with inactive players, you still have to work to get the 3 stars. You’ll find that they don’t move, so you just need to accumulate more than 21k before the end of the event.


    I don’t know why Rovio seems to think that messing with the leader boards is necessary. Those all look like fakes to me not hackers. We have seen this before in other events. Pointless stupidity.


    Please refer to this post, it’s not a bug or cheat: https://www.angrybirdsnest.com/forums/topic/sonic-dash/#post-111709



    Well…okay, then.

    Already got my five materials for the day, anyway.




    Thanks for the clarification, guys.

    But why have I never seen “dummy” players like this in any other event I have ever been a part of? Weird.



    @sutekh137 Perhaps luck of the draw. I have often seen “dummy” or “beta” players in Events.

    I’ll close this thread now as it has been answered.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum event leaderboard broken already? (Not Broken; Resolved)

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