Even Brawl is bored… (And misbehaving)

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Even Brawl is bored… (And misbehaving)

  • Just ran South Beach node #25 with level 15 Brawl and level 15 Windblade as the buddy. I typically transform toward the end of the node when there’s no more targets and it’s time to enter the Astrotrain. This time Windblade entered the Astrotrain, but Brawl drove up the ramp and over the Astrotrain!

    The node ended normally though and Brawl was in the Astrotrain with Windblade, although I was kind of hoping he wasn’t. I was hoping Windbade would be in the Astrotrain at the reveal going “wth”, where’s Brawl? Then when I looked in the barracks his icon would be darkened, signaling that he left to find a more interesting game to appear in.

    Sadly, I did not get a screenshot. Me thinks one of the programmers at Rovio has gone rogue…

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  • Nightcrawler

    I once had that happen with thundercracker except he flew away


    Really? That’s even funnier.


    @pampeans you aren’t the only one with goofy Transformers experiences:

    Whenever you transform into a vehicle, you normally accelerate to escape danger- well, you wonder why you only drive STRAIGHT because “drunk” Optimus Prime over here was TURNING on the straight road of Pig City, which slowed him down as he became super close to the screen (with the help of his buddy, Windblade of course)

    I has being Bumblebee once in Pig City, with Heatwave as my partner- which is a problem because whenever I would transform into a FAST Camaro, I would (literally) BUMP the back of Heatwave because he was going just too darn slow

    Apparently some bot that I know needs flying lessons *cough* Windblade *cough* because she was literally rocking back and forth for no apparent reason

    In Forest areas, sometimes you run across a large piece of tree bark in the path, so let this be an opportunity to transform and RAMP up it, soaring through the air- (like a regular bird with actual wings)

    AB Transformers Ultra Magnus-Energon Lockdown Morph

    https://www.angrybirdsnest.com/forums/topic/kill-your-buddy/ (<—-that explains it)

    Well, I think you get the idea of these bots have “faulty wiring” issues (Transformers isn’t the only one with may-ham every where you look: Matilda the Monster)


    @rowdypup that’s hilarious!

    I’m going to have to try out some of these scenarios for myself if only for the entertainment value.

    I never noticed any of the Tf shenanigans until the competition to unlock Windblade, it was so boring and repetitive there was plenty of time to watch what the Tf was doing.


    @pampeans those things happened unexpectedly ever since the Christmas update, so I don’t know what the chances of them happening are (pretty low I imagine)- but good luck and have fun!


    I once had a block hit the tf


    I just had optimus prime go flying over the astrotrain at the end of a node

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Even Brawl is bored… (And misbehaving)

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