Do the slingshots and Hats really matter?

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Do the slingshots and Hats really matter?

  • I’m wondering if it’s even worth it to worry about upgrading the slingshots and hats, or really worth it to upgrade anything at all. If every time you make an upgrade you’re simply matched with players with the same upgrades or the same multiplayer levels based on how far you are in the arena streak, what is the point of upgrading your birds, hats and slingshots?

    Every time I upgrade a slingshot, all I see is opponents with the same upgraded slingshot, and the same goes for bird level and hat level. It doesn’t matter what league I’m in, it’s always the same. Are you all matching us based on our total multiplier level or our star level or some combination of the two and/or by our league? It kinda makes the arena pointless if you’re always matched up with the same progression of competition no matter what league or level you are.

    Maybe, you could just match us based on our league so that there’s actually a progression in the difficulty of our opponents skill level and not simply their multiplier level (if that is the case now).

    If someone could please explain to me the official method of matching players in the arena, I would really appreciate it. I’ve looked around these forums for a while and haven’t found a definite answer, just a bunch of speculation.

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  • Raizir

    In the arena, no, in the DC, KPC, and the main lvl`s, the slings hats are a decent helper.


    Up to the last upgrade, they kind of mattered even in the arena. Now, there seems to be a disconnect between bird level, hat, sling, and score.

    I have seen “players” score 14-15M points off 9 birds of levels 17 and a gold sling and the obligatory cowboy hats.

    I’m at the point where I feel the whole arena is computer opponents. Last week I averaged 9.5 at least per match in the arena, this week, opponents are lower ranked, but put up massive scores so I only win by 7 stars or so. And that’s with no mistakes on my part, make one mistake, and they’re runaway by 2-3M points.

    We’re not playing it seems. We’re being played.

    Jon S


    Hats, and slingshots actually do matter.

    As raizir pointed out…they’re an ASSET to have in the DC, KPC and main levels. Why? Both hats and sling shots add multipliers and the quicker you can fill your destruct-o-meter, the quicker you can get extra cards.. It REALLY helps on boss levels (where you can’t use any spells) or the hard levels.

    In the arena, it matters. Yes they often pit you with the same slingshot, but hats are ALWAYS different as most of them do NOT wear a full set of cowboy or pirate hats and that can be a great advantage for you if you use a full set of those hats, which give you a +3 multiplier that’s added to your bird level + your sling shot. Currently I have a level 18 flock that has a mixed set of pirate and cowboy hats that are flung with an Amethyst sling shot. In the arena, with this flock plus 5 spells I rarely lose matches

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Do the slingshots and Hats really matter?

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