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9 years, 10 months agoTasslehoff@tasslehoff
Any tips?
im at lvl 2 right nowsamurai, rainbird and druid works pretty good but problem is with pigs with dispell + crit combo from shogun killing my rainbird fast.
its random depends on luck.Ofc im lvl 37 got epic gear as well
I’m at wave 4 which I haven’t actually looked at. I think you have the best combination for the first two waves. For wave 3 Spies or Tricksters with Paladin you could add a healer or Captain. I have to rely on Pigianna and McCool who are not very useful. It’s brutal – potions, some luck, very much geared for people who play with friends. Not really any fun for those who don’t pity.
I’m also level 37 and have all sets apart from Chronos. I don’t know what level you were when you got yours but like mine they probably need to be upgraded to succeed without potions here.
Good luck!
Tasslehoff@tasslehoffI beat second level got lucky setup without crit+dispell, 3 and 4 easy part with samurai, druid and sea dog / rogues(blue)
level 5-6 is more like 1st and 2nd level ]:
pancaro@bertellifabioto much difficult stage…
we need nerf!
abirds954@abirds954Samurai, Druid, Rogues has been doing well for me. Ninjas are the worst.
MVNLA2@mvnla2I’m level 37; mostly level 5 birds, but have level 7 Paladin and Sea Dog.
Cave 11-5 with 2* using Samurai, Canoneer, and Druid. Cave 5 is the worst one so far, but I haven’t done 9 or 10. Cosmo had problems with 10, so it must be unbelievably hard.
You will be glad know that there are several caves with pigs and no ninja.
Caves 3, 4, 7, 8 all have pigs.
The strongest Paladin, Sea Dog and Princess you can put together worked well for me.MVNLA2@mvnla2Gaah! Desperately need help. Don’t know if I can get through Cave
1011, level 9. Tried my Samurai and Druid (both level 5) and a borrowed Cannoneer level 5. Doesn’t seem like I can even get through the first wave. I have to use Samurai to shield and Druid to heal on essentially every attack, so there is only Cannoneer left to do damage. Even then, I had to use several potions. It was clear I would be lucky to get through the first wave with any potions left.AnonymousCave 10 is easy for me! Even without potions. Just check out my topic about how to do it. I would post the link but I don’t know how.
pancaro@bertellifabioSo can you confirm on that (cave 11)?
1-2 ninja (confirmed)
3-4 pigs (confirmed)
5-6 ninja (?)
7-8 pigs (?)
9-10 ninja (?)
The boss (lvl 10) need to have less damage than 2xx ? or bigger?
I just cleared lvl 4 and i found a very effective combo for these pigs cave (lvl 3 and 4): samurai/princess/marksmen…..no difficulties found…all lvl 37 birds at lvl 5 mastery (lvl 34 items equipped on)
wolkenwand@wolkenwandThis is one of the hardest cave, my birds for ninja is lightning bird, druid, and rogues. Cave 11-5 is very hard and i have to use lots of fruit and chili cakes to survive.
MVNLA2@mvnla2@wolkenwand — Sorry, but I meant cave 11, and edited my post above. I’m stuck on 11-9.
@bertellifabio — Don’t know if you’re asking me, but I did check opponents before I posted above, so yes, 4-5 are ninja, 7-8 are pigs, 9-10 are ninja. Your list is probably better than mine. Obviously, I haven’t gotten to 10 yet, but there is a forum on 11-10 started by cosmo, and I’m pretty sure she said they were ninja, plus the cave guardian is a ninja, so it would be weird if cave 10 weren’t.AnonymousOne of my combos for this cave is Samurai Druid and Captain. I can beat any ninja level with this combo but it goes very slowly and I always get 2 stars. Although it’s good for PASSING the levels. Samurai allows you to hit the ninjas while Druid commonly heals and Captain not only removes effects from the ninjas but also uses Whip Up on Samurai when there is a Shogun in the wave.
Elespejo@espejo123Beware the Shogun deals 3×232 damage it is so much! My red samurái ever with a set ítem from level 33 deals 3×235 damage. The boss in this cave deals 600+ to all enemies! with a 100% chance to remove helpful effects. He ignores damage more tan 235, just with the damage of my red samurái 3×235!
MVNLA2@mvnla2@cosmo2503, @dbkraemer, @drobbinsjr, @mighty-red-1, @anyone else — Any tips on 11-9? I’ve leveled up a lot of birds since I last tried, but don’t think I have enough potions. How much is enough anyway?
MVNLA2@mvnla2@partshade — Forgot to include you in previous post. Are you past 11-9? If so, any tips?
Zeke Kaiser@zekekaiserI just beat 11-9 because I was bored and didn’t remember it being as hard as you guys make it out to be. I beat all the levels with 3 stars within two days of the update.
For 11-9, Samurai/Rainbird/Druid cleared it with ease.
Just did it with no healing items. I am 37, my Sam is 6, Rain is 7, borrowed Druid was 7.Anonymous@mvnla2 No I’m not past level 9. I just completed level 3. The brutes really surprised me but I 3 Starred with Paladin Druid and Captain and no potions. The levels with 3 brutes in it is brutal.
AnonymousLets go over what birds are good for what levels.
1 2 and 6: Samurai Rainbird and Druid. Samurai Druid and Rogues.
3 4 7 and 8: Samurai Princess and Marksmen. Spies or Tricksters Paladin and a healer or Captain. Paladin Druid Captain. Samurai Druid and Sea Dog or Rogues. Paladin Sea Dog and Princess. Samurai Marksmen Priest.
5: Samurai Cannoneer Druid. Lightning Bird Druid and Rogues. Druid Cannonear and Skulkers.
9: Samurai Druid and Rainbird. Druid Cannonear and Skulkers.
10 ( Boss ): Rainbird Cannoneer and either Tricksters Pigiana or Druid
wolkenwand@wolkenwandI just finished cave 11-9 using cannoneer, druid, and skulker. My strategy is every time the round start skulker use tricsy trick to cannonner to reduce all of enemy attack. Second round tricsy trick druid. Make sure you keep cannoneer effect on all enemy. Concentrate on taking down enemy with the LEAST health to reduce enemy attack power. Cake are still used but it is less than cave 11-5 with this team.
Mighty Red@mighty-red-1@mvnla2 Just like @zekekaiser said, Samurai, Rainbird and Druid are a great combo for level 11-9 because of damage-over-time and two birds-healers. I once told you that this combo is good for all ninja levels of Cave 11.
pancaro@bertellifabioneed help with stage 10 ,….boss stage
pancaro@bertellifabioCave 8 with this (strange) party:
samurai (lvl 5 mastery)
marksmen (lvl 5 mastery)
priest (lvl 7 mastery) from fb friendgood damage input!
Tasslehoff@tasslehoffI have clear every level, 1-2 was hardest. 5,6,9 with Samurai, Druid and Rainbird wasn’t so hard. I havent combo with Master Ninja+Shogun on 5,6,9 just remember to keep defensive formation from samurai and take down Master Ninja first.
3,4,7,8 easy part with samurai and some huge dmg like sea dog/any blue bird/wizard + I prefer druid.
For boss stage 10 I used Rainbird + Cannoneer + Druid (with dispell set)
rainbird mostly for healing.
cannoneer dmg + keeping debuff on boss and bowmans
druid for some heal and keeping thorns on boss/bowmans
just leave bombs, kill bowmans right away and dont use red chill only for heal or if u havent any bombs u can use on rainbird for boss+bowwmans if u wish.
It tooks me 2-3 times to kill it with 2 stars. And without any potions.Good Luck
pancaro@bertellifabioBoss lvl 10 is a piece of cake…..very very easy….stupid…
pancaro@bertellifabioBeware.i was lucky ’cause i have MArksmen with lvl 5 mastery and epic weapon lvl 29…..231 dmge……just a little bit of the 235 of ninja…
in other case (6+ mastery or 30+ epic weapons) you cannot use marksmen ’cause dmge is > 235…..
MVNLA2@mvnla2@bertellifabio — What level are you? Sounds like you might not be 37. I think the strength of the opponents gets increasingly harder compared to your birds as you level up, but that’s just my opinion.
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