Can Friends Fill-Up Machine?

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Can Friends Fill-Up Machine?

  • Title says it all. Since after a friend rolls on my Golden Pig Machine, the bar goes up a little bit. If my bar is filled and they roll, would it reset my progress?

    I’m currently out of coins and my bar is filled, meaning that my next roll will be en Epic item. On average one friend rolls with my machine. Will my bar be emptied?

    Thanks, guys.

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  • Replies
  • AMslimfordy

    No, you will be fine.


    actually, it does get reset (if I got what you’re asking).
    I did an expensive roll when I was nearly fully filled with rainbow meter.. and then I let it stay full for some time and rolled on friend’s camps for 4-5 days.
    I got nearly 10 or more messages saying that my friend rolled on my machine and it has filled it up and blabla..

    I thought it might be getting stored. But when I finally rolled watching a video, the bar was reset to 0
    Really sad.

    EDIT : understood now what you meant. No, only you will get the epic item.


    If I were you, I’d wait to use a free roll on a friend’s machine. You will get an Epic item and your rainbow bar will remain full. (Do not use the free roll with video, as that will cause your bar to empty.) …. and it keeps working! Keep your bar full and then each time you have a free roll on a friend’s pig you’ll keep getting an Epic item. :-)

    Check out this thread:

    Epic Gear Every Roll?! (Patched)


    @rhinofreak I think you misunderstood the question. If a friend rolls YOUR Golden Pig Machine, it will fill the Rainbow Bar but it won’t reset it to zero.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Can Friends Fill-Up Machine?

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