Are you angry too at these bootcamp champions or not?

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Are you angry too at these bootcamp champions or not?

  • HELLO ANGRY BIRDS OUT THERE!!! Are you angry too?

    Today, at bootcamp:

    1. Owlie Fearsome, FP 337, score:149.065.869;

    2. Lukasz Nowak FP 312 Score 107.641.559;

    3. Hotnikkels FP 270 Score 99.058.044;

    4. Eggy Hamingway FP 236 Score 78.846.171..

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  • Piggsy

    It seems we aren’t enough skillful. Irony mode off. My FP is 375 and I scored today 13.5 M which gave me 21 MEP. Till next round I think that points surely degree. Someone is cheating. That guys above or Rovio? Or maybe both of them?


    WOW GUESS WHAT? New number 1: Zoom Soar FP 447 and score 217.424.682!



    Maybe they found a way to multiply their own scores by 10?

    Eagle Eye

    This is why I only play boot camp once daily. So tired of the clones, the hacks and the cheats


    The current leader of today’s challenge scored 247 million. For comparison, my flock power is above 700 and I scored 39 million. There’s no incentive to spend 300 gems to do better, with these outrageous scores. Rovio has some new hacks to counter.

    RIP Piggies

    Certainly looks like there’s people who’ve figured out how to cheat the in-game scoring. That could explain some of the CVC results I’ve seen lately too…

    Scott Michael Cross

    This is simply ridiculous. Smack in the face for us who play legit.


    Video in the Gamers group showing how the boulders got stuck on. Sorry seems can’t link to it.



    Does anybody know how-come some players have different fonts and colors in their alias name? Hacking related issue?

    RIP Piggies

    Even if the boulders keep firing, you don’t get continuing destruction points. You only get points for destroying the materials in the piggy structures. Certainly, if Rovio wants to entice people to spend gems for extra turns in MEBC, they need to get on top of these guys very fast…


    I watched the video, and the points were from the boulders themselves. The points accrued slowly. Someone who understood Turkish said the guy who made the recording let the game play for 2 and half hours to get that score. Still seems incredible though.



    The stones will melt and count as score. If you watched the video, score went up around 2M per minute.

    RIP Piggies

    Thanks Yue and Red – I’d watched while playing several times and always noticed that where it was just boulders spewing at the end of a room the points stayed flat – guess I never waited long enough :)!


    This new glitch makes me repeat a statement I made a long time ago: NEVER EVER push the fast forward button when you are playing game modes that fixate on how high you score. NEVER. I he would have pressed that button, he wouldn’t have been able to watch the boulders melt for hours.


    It helped that there was a “Safe” structure he left alone, otherwise it would have forwarded on it’s own eventually. No fast forward to hit at the time. And they put another video in the comments from earlier showing they only had 3 cards, now they had 6 so it was slowly filling his meter, and you could tell they were there were there for a while.


    This glitch sucks! I guess those players deserved high scores for watching stone melting for hours (if they did that)… give me a break!


    Another theory to consider why Rovio is allowing the boot camp “cheaters” to remain: if the cheaters are taking up a lot of the top spots, it moves all the legitimate players lower, thus decreasing the points won. That means fewer rewards overall for the non-cheating players.

    Rovio removed a bunch of cheaters right before the rewards were given. Some players moved up in the top 100, but for the rest of us who may score in the 60-70s on a daily basis, there was no increase in our level or points.  We may have had higher points all along if not for those super high-scoring cheaters.

    And the cheaters may not have received rewards, but they are back again. “Tori” was removed — as “Tori Lynch,” but is back again.


    @jo-ha – that is good advice about fast forwarding — in boot camp as well as clan events. Also, it is good to wait a bit after each bird because many times I’ve seen structures fall on their own AFTER I launched a bird that is then wasted. It does take more time, but worth it.

    As for Mount Pork, I’ve had stones land on the diamonds, but I’ve never seen it continue in a loop, continuing to fire stones. It really must be a glitch in the programming if that happens.


    “We may have had higher points all along if not for those super high-scoring cheaters.” – This is the biggest point, at this point they are affecting everyone else, I’d say at least 1 frame level.

    “And the cheaters may not have received rewards, but they are back again. “Tori” was removed — as “Tori Lynch,” but is back again.” – She has at least 3 samurai hats now. So removing from top didn’t seem to do much.


    How in the world can anyone have 3 Samurai hats? I would think that would be a super-easy way for Rovio to see the system has been manipulated. This is so crazy!


    To be fair, the top was rewarded with 15.000 eagle coins, so this player could buy three hats – even the 2nd and the 3rd were able to afford three samurai hats.


    I reported one person last week that had 6 samurai hats.


    I find it very hard to believe a star rank of only 37 can have FP 729, like this AVCI player in the top five today! Rovio still not doing their job…


    Avci was banned during the last season.
    Most of the 729 FP-players with low or similar star counts are cloned account. And yes, Rovio is still not doing their Job.


    Recently I’ve got enough BP to buy full hat sets for BC and the Jokers one, so I’ve done it. My overall FP increased for 14 points (full hat sets) and I was able to buy earlier samurai hat for red one. I thought that in MEB i will be able to earn a little bit more points to achieve higher frames. Nope, I was wrong. My results in MEB stand the same as in previous season. Sometimes I feel it’s even worse then in the first season. I’m achieving the same high scores while top players reaching over 100M. Seems legit.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Are you angry too at these bootcamp champions or not?

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