Angry Birds Epic v1.5.5 is out

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Angry Birds Epic v1.5.5 is out

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  • Jamairoqui

    @toolow @datguygamer For the last time, trying to be *crystal* clear, I lost my progress *at least* a couple of years ago. It was not a recent event. I was pointing out that people losing everything in the game has been happening for a long time, and by now Rovio is somewhat used to people losing their game progress, and that they can restore most of it.

    Please, don’t make me explain this one more time. Okay? Please? I don’t have time explain this again, I’m very busy trying to level up birds because I am almost certain that a level 66 wizard is precisely what I need to make everything right in my life.


    @jamairoqui – Nope, I have a level 66 wizard, and I still feel like I am lacking something…







    @burbman What is he equipped with? Maybe if you used a different set it would make everything right? If that’s the case, then the question is can you afford to wait until the 5x event later this month? Can anyone?


    @jamairoqui Sorry man. I was just discussing with him and I am pretty sure he didn’t know it and thus was curious. Stay tough for your quest for M66 Wizard, may the birds be with you.


    @jamairoqui Sorry that I have upset you but I certainly didn’t mean to. I now understand that it wasn’t a recent event. Just to be clear, I only brought it up because your entry on my friend list kept switching between level 70 and 1, and I’ve no idea what is going on. If you see no problems, by all means ignore my findings. I’ll leave you in peace to level up. Good luck.


    @toolow I can only imagine his rage when Rovio increases the levels before he gets to M66. Hoo boy. :/


    @toolow I think I can explain that. Normally, I play on my Android phone, which is relatively stable, but if I grind on autoplay the Android tends to heat up, which I suspect is bad for the battery. So I resurrected an old iPad mini which *barely* works for ABE (it does crash a lot) for grinding, since it doesn’t get hot, even when connected to an AC power source. But the thing I discovered a long time ago, is that my iPad and Android don’t play well together in terms of synching, so I can lose game progress going from one to the other. The solution is to log out of my Rovio account and force the device I was using to synch when I am done with it (then I log back in and it resynchs with the latest version). But that can lead to me being logged out on both devices, since (and I know you will find this hard to believe) there are times in most days when I am not playing ABE. My hunch is that when neither platform is logged in, my level shows up as “1” since the server (or maybe facebook, which handles friends) doesn’t know my current status.

    I’m like Mr. Furious, only I never seem to be able to save the hot chick by the end of the movie.


    @datguygamer Understandable, and I think he’s in good company.

    Sounds plausible. BTW, the crashes on your old iPad mini may be due to its relatively small amount of RAM.


    @jamairoqui I think you should switch your gears from being Mr. Furious to Mr. Fast. That would actually help you. No really. :P

    Then we’ll have an army of Hulks hell bent on destroying the game. XD


    Do u know about this :)?
    The question is how can we get those Mythic emblems? Level 11 upgrade with Shards, for example :)? What do u think, @datguygamer?


    @kennymcc They are supposed to be obtained from wheels and pig machines. But so far their drop rate is 1/20 rolls. I will be able to post more info if I can get 1.5.6. :)

    Moar stuff for me to collect. My collection will never be truly complete. ;_;


    @datguygamer I think that’s the whole idea…


    @atom HALP! I am becoming addicted. ;_;


    @datguygamer We would do an intervention, but we’re too busy grinding to get to M70 before they raise the limit again.


    @jamairoqui How far are you now?


    @datguygamer Not very far. I have two classes up to level 67 (Wizard and Tricksters), one up to 63 (Witch), and then a dozen 62s and fifteen 61s (although most of the 61s are within 1000 points of leveling up). I’ll probably never have fully maxed out classes ever again or complete sets of everything.

    My plan is to max out only the classes I use for arena (which is a half-dozen or so). (I’m also curious if level 70 classes and level 71 equipment makes caves 18 and 19 any easier to do without consuming potions on every battle.) But after I get those six to level 70, I might buy mastery using snoutlings from the dojo if I remember to check, but I’m done grinding mastery for all 30 classes.

    The thing is there are all these non-recoverable costs. Like enchanting weapons and off-hand items. You put in 55 shards and get back 11. And if they are going to upgrade the weapons every year, that is ridiculous.


    @jamairoqui 67 on Wizard is not that bad IMHO. You are pretty close.


    @datguygamer Thanks. But I realize it is a Sisyphean effort. And I question whether it would make any real difference. The other day in arena I fought a team that had a ranking of 4600 (mine is around 3500). The guy had a Red paladin that had a health rating of 12,000 with the vengeance emblem. When he was knocked out, the vengeance effect knocked out my wizard who had just revived and had full health. If that is the level of competition that will be common, there doesn’t seem to be much point in playing.

    I’m hoping I can use subterfuge and cunning for one more week and get my last diamond trophy. Then, I am a couple of weeks away from getting Wizard, Tricksters, and Witch to 70, and after the 5x event next week I might get some level 71 set items. I guess I’ll see how it goes after that.

    It’s weird, you can feel the malaise in arena. There’s no real spark. My league is dead and everyone gave up after day 3 and there weren’t 15 people until Thursday afternoon. And it has been that way since the update came out.

    I’m coming around to the old model for games, where you paid for the game once and played it through, felt like you got your money’s worth, and moved on. There’s no real sense of achievement here. Even winning your way up to diamond in a season, you just get bumped all the way back down at the end. WTF? Why?


    @jamairoqui Well that;s why free to play for ya. :/

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Angry Birds Epic v1.5.5 is out

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