Acid effect on intercept

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Acid effect on intercept

  • I was running an intercept node with soundblaster who now has acid rounds thanks to comp. when the eggbot ran off the screen I noticed there was a stream of coins coming from the right. Assumed this is the acid sticking to the eggbot. Anyone else noticed this? .. Haven’t worked out if this means you get more cash or if he just dies quicker.

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  • Replies
  • Francis Crawford

    May I please hijack this thread to ask how interception works in general?

    It seems that you get to pay at least 1 gem for — what?


    If you run an EggBot Intercept, an actual EggBot (one of the little guys running around the map transforming nodes) will show up as a moving target when running the node.

    Shoot the EggBot for coins. Some TFs are more effective at this than others. By “effective” I mean that it’s a combination of:

    * some TFs require fewer shots to make it fly away (see below)
    * some TFs cause more damage (i.e. yield more coins) than others

    You should use E. Galvatron, Heatwave, or Sentinel Prime, especially the latter two as they can one-shot the EggBot and cause very high coin yields

    I haven’t done an Intercept in a while though, so I have no idea how effective the five new TFs are at this (my guess is that Shockwave should be fairly decent).

    Once you’ve hit the EggBot for enough damage, it’ll fly away and then come back a short while later. It can potentially occur four times in the Intercept (the initial encounter plus three returns).

    Ideally you’ll combine it with the Goldbite energonicon. A 3-charge Goldbite combined with hitting an EggBot with Heatwave will yield something like 5,000 coins in a single hit.

    Also, don’t call in a buddy while the EggBot is present, as it will cause the EggBot to immediately run away even if you haven’t shot it yet, and it won’t return until your buddy has expired.

    Paul Granger

    I you hit the eggbot enough you can also get a gem.

    Francis Crawford


    I didn’t know about skipping the buddy and so on, so I was finding the coin returns pretty underwhelming …


    Whenever I do the intercept it is a toss-up whether I get credit for coins or not. It took months to just get 20,000, though in reality it should be 3 or 4 times that. Sometimes this game confuses me.


    You guys mean there will be a gem if you kill the eggbot??


    @harharhar sometimes you get a gem if you kill the eggbot


    You have to hit the EggBot really hard in a single shot (like with Heatwave) to get that gem. Even then it’s not guaranteed.


    Can energonicons shoot the eggbots?


    @optimuspig really?I tried already but didn’t get any gems.Only coins……..



    As I said, it’s no guarantee. I’ve only gotten gems maybe 3 or 4 times, ever.

    When you do get a gem, it’s obvious. The EggBot basically “lays” a gem in the path and you get it as you run by.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Acid effect on intercept

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