ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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  • waze

    In previous post I wondered what the next will be. OK.. the next is already here: I cannot access to team ABGOFAST and apparently there is no such team.

    It’s only me or you guys are out and the team has gone?

    Where is my team.png


    @wazemank – same thing happens when I try. No such team…


    @dbkraemer – Is Rovio thinking ABGOFAST a cheater team and has removed it?


    Oh yeah, one more! Nadir’s last message:

    Unfortunately, we are not able to restore your missing golden eggs since the previous user’s data on MP was overwritten on yours.

    Sorry for the inconvenience!

    So, I’ve lost more than 27,000 GEs. I’m not going to write what I’m thinking. I’ve sent my last message to Rovio; if they really cannot (or don’t want?) restore my GEs, bye bye Rovio.

    it’s a pity, you are really great guys (& lady) and I’ve enjoyed reading your comments and your great sense of humor.


    @wazemank and @dbkraemer : Same here I can’t found my Team !!!! We be lost all .!!! Or is a Bug or Glitch!!!

    @janmej @alcusto @platium @phoenix6 @oldschool .!!!! What’s Wrong with Rovio !!! This is a big Joke ..!!! We are not Cheaters.!!! Why they did this Agaist us!!!


    @wazemank – same happens to me, ABGOFAST team does not exist anymore. Yeah well done Rovio! The only non cheating team treated as cheaters and removed!!
    Buck Naked are instead still there!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I already explained to Nadir that it’s not a question of “restoring” something. I know they cannot. I asked them to enter my account and tweak the number of GEs. As our leader wrote a few post before, why on earth can’t Rovio developers manage to do something that cheaters are able to??

    – I have thought about using the cheat on a legit way to restore my stolen eggs. However, there are possible drawbacks to that. If the cheat is a modded app, Rovio’s current hunt for cheaters might track me down if I install that modded game version. Furthermore, a cheat follows another and I don’t want to risk feeling the temptation to increase my gems or other things illegally.


     @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @platium @oldschool @dbkraemer

    I have recreated the ABGOFAST team. It is private now so I must accept you to the team. Please rejoin. I will be writing Rovio about this given I just got answers about cheaters that I cant believe they would delete us!


    I have just sent a strong message to Nadir regarding the GE loss issue and the team ABGOFAST issue.

    – I don’t see the team when typing ABGOFAST.


    Same here, I was out of the team, but I thought there might had been a misunderstanding of sort…. Well, I will apply again. Till I’m back, I will be getting more trophies in single multiplayer mode.


     @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @platium @oldschool @dbkraemer

    I have created the team ABGOFASTER
    try to join this one. It is public.


    @abgofast : I did Tried on both : ABGOFAST and ABGOFASTER !!! And nothing . Can’t join !!!


    @wazemank @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @platium @oldschool @abgofast

    – It’s not you, it’s Rovio. Early this morning, when I couldn’t find us but still wanted to race, I created a team called MeAndAbe. It appeared that I created it correctly, but I couldn’t find it with Abe for him to join. Either there is some delay (hours at least) or Rovio is having a bigger issue with the team multi-player. But it appears that creating the ABGOFASTER team will not help. Just an FYI…


     @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6. @platium @oldschool @dbkraemer

    I concluded the same. ROVIO did something. The leaderboard is missing all teams we were used to seeing. I did disband ABGOFAST to see if i could fix the problem. I have created the team ABGOFASTER. When Rovio gets this fixed, you will all likely have to rejoin me under this new team name.

    To be clear, not one of you were kicked out ….just all of you :))))


    @wazemank That is really way too frustrating. This reminds me Diablo II, where cheaters had dominated since the beginning and the game company wouldn’t do a thing.

    It seems you all know we cannot find either team names @abgofast mentioned. Not sure what to do. Single MP has PUs all around, which makes some racks unwinnable.


    I confirm neither team ABGOFAST and ABGOFASTER can be found. Ugh!


    I just joined BUCK NAKED as a secret agent to spy what’s going on around.
    It looks like the heavy weight cheaters are still there (see below) this is ridiculous!



    @wazemank @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @abgofast @oldschool @dbkraemer

    I cannot find any team you created like MeAndAbe… It looks like MeanDabe…


    @platium – I disbanded the team after I wasn’t able to add Abe. It was just me and two “reserve” teammates and they came in 5th and 6th every time, so it was kind of pointless :)


    @alcusto, surprise! I have my golden eggs back, 29,424. Will I have them tomorrow?

    What’s happenning today in Espoo?

    Meanwhile I’ve joined BOMBBATTLE team (168K GEs, 66º in ranking) – only 4 members – You can join “us” until we can create a new team.


    @wazemank – Congratulations on getting your eggs back. That was a ridiculous answer that they had given you…

    I have joined you on BOMBBATTLE and we finished 1-2-3 on both races so far. SuperSic looks like he has help from a little meatball… he uses three or four special powers each race! HAHA!

    PS – I am thinking of changing my username to IWANTMYMTV. That will really confuse everyone… :)


    Haha @wazemank and @dbkraemer I also joined BOMBBATTLE. They must be wondering what the heck is going on…huge jump in GEs within an hour.


    Welcome @phoenix6! Yes, the leader of this team (TONYG) has 270 GEs :)

    Come on guys, 4 free spots in BOMBBATTLE team.


    @dbkraemer @phoenix6 @wazemank which team should I search for if I want to join one of your competing teams? That would be fun. Preferrably a team that’ll face you if we add my 78GEs.


    @janmej – The two teams that I can see that are listed just below us are called “HY DRIVERS” and “EGGHEAD”. I believe that since they are just below us, that you would face us. Bring it on, you two! :)


    @dbkraemer what a bummer. Both of them are full. I was so hoping for EGGHEAD

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