ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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  • janmej

    @nacho18 don’t be sad about your non-palindrome. Little meatball just did one 74074. And not even on purpose.


    I also pulled an accidental “nach-indrome” with 49,249 :)


    Ja Ja Ja!!! Are you having Fun @dbkraemer!!!!


    @nacho18 – Just a little bit :)


    @dbkraemer I saw what you did with the numbers. It’s a tribute, right, to Fearless Leader @nacho18?


    @dbkraemer and @nacho18 oops sorry, you’ve already discussed this…

    I don’t get notified anymore when someone contributes to the thread, only the posts I’m tagged in. I haven’t changed the settings. Rather annoying, I want to be absolutely up to date with this most important media!


    Actually @janmej, if you add them up, it’s a tribute to our captain :)


    Haha amazing @dbkraemer not that I really did the math. Since my first nach-indrome I don’t trust my abillities. How ever I trust yours. Good one! (And slightly scary in the we’re going crazy, but having fun kind of way)


    Oh, sorry, @wazemank! Not a Mark, now I know it! Alright!


    Since yesterday I cannot acces to multiplayer mode. When I tap on multiplayer mode buttom, it seems it starts to load, but after 2 or 3 seconds, it returns to the initial screen. I’ve taken a video and it’s attached to a new request to Rovio.
    It doesn’t seem to be a RAM problem, I’ve enough (1GB) on my Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini. I haven’t installed any apps recently and now I can play normally in single mode, as always. So, it seems to be a problem with my account ???
    I’ve done a hard reset on my device and installed again ABGo! but the same problem occurs: it seems it starts to load multiplayer mode, but after 2 or 3 seconds, it returns to the initial screen.

    So guys, I hope Rovio will give me an answer soon. Meanwhile @abgofast you could recruit someone for the team, because I don’t know when I am going to play again multiplayer.



    @wazemank @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @platium @oldschool @dbkraemer

    2 day break from racing sees some interesting stuff going on here! I’m smiling seeing how much fun this team is and all the posting going on.

    I see the Subzero Track #1 glitch. Basically 3 racers (2 opponents, 1 team mate) get off to a huge lead and hold it. Then myself and 1 teammate, 1 opponent are left behind to fight for 4,5,6 spots. If we get the 4,5 then we get 11 team points. This almost messaged up my equation below!!!

    Here is some more “fun with numbers” equation based on current standings!

    1 DBKraemer + 1 AbeGoRacer = 1 ABGoFast

    The greatest duo of all time = the ABGo God (ty @angryde for the title):P

    Check it out — 40,000 + 50,000 = 90,000

    How long can we keep this equation in balance?

    – I hope things will get resolved on your issues … I’m having no troubles on Samsung Galaxy S3 phone …. your spot is on our team safe .. I don’t recruit racers … racers come to us :) … I feel guilty…damn it…grrrr… I SPECIFICALLY told Rovio support to mess with your weekly tourney scores not team multiplayer access … they’re going to get a tongue lashing for this injustice!


    @abgofast – the more fun and interesting combo, that you probably missed yesterday, was 49,649 + 39,239 = 88,888. A double nach-indrome tribute to your beautiful score from Wednesday :)


    Big Hello’s to You My Dear Racer @dbkraemer.

    For your Double Achivement . On 50 000 and 40 000 : and for your 49 649 + 39 239 = 88 888. Big Tribute to @abgofast ! You are ” Really Amazing ”
    I have a Big Wonder about your Race vs @abgofast on Next ” 100 000 ” GE’s Team Multiplayer !!! Listen and Try both of you Very well !!!listen. This !!

    You DBK likes so Much to Get Even # Like when you start to do your Challenges you Were 50’K’s on All Episodes !!! Rigth !!! Know!
    Why you don’t Try 50 000 on DBK and 50 000 on @dbkraemer !!! It is Really Anazing your 88 888 on Duo but It Will Be So!!! Great your next 100 000 on Duo to !!!

    Better if you. Do This ” nach-indrome ”

    ” 100,100 or so !!! Very Well Done a “nach-indrome “. What do you thing so About it !!!

    It will be a Great Challenge to you vs @abgofast !!! Please Try to Do it !!! Then I’ll get two Great Heros !!! Don’t you thing so!!!


    @dbkraemer @nacho18 @alcusto @ABGofast @oldschool @wazemank @platium

    For me the teleporting ahead on Sub Zero 1 only happens when we face the team called Hunger Games. But @ABGofast’s ghost is stuck no matter the opponent.

    EDIT: Notoriuos just teleported themselves ahead… Well

    what an annoying bug. I had the same yesterday. Clicking on the multiplayer icon makes the screen “move forward” a bit, the screen gets blurry, and it “moves back” to where it came from. How ever shut down of my iPad helped. Hope Rovio’ll resolve quickly (yeah right)


    18718 nach-indrome for me too!!


    Wow @abgofast how did you go from 88,888 to 94,295 in a single day?


    @phoenix6 …. winter cold and no football allows me to put my foot to the floor and race my butt off all day … finishing the night at 95,000 with goal of 100,000 by Sunday night. Marathon race weekend. Goin’ Fast!


    @abgofast well that is some commitment and a very impressive goal if you can pull it off. Lots of cupcakes to you to help in your valiant mission.


    @phoenix6 … I’m all in to make it happen. A long while ago @alcusto told me of a baker that cooks as many cupcakes as you can handle in a day :) I will let him explain as I cant take credit for discovering this sweet secret :)


    Hey @dbkraemer I think @ABGofast needs that cardboard cutout quickly. Go captain!


    @wazemank @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @platium @oldschool @dbkraemer

    So @phoenix6 question got me thinking about how I can take this road from 95,000 to 100,000 up a notch. How can I share the marathon strategy with my teammates….here goes.

    Today, I’ve decided to break this 5,000 day attempt into 5 gaming sessions with goal of 1,000+/- eggs. I just completed session #1. Here are the results:

    It took 63 races to achieve 1,013 eggs. This is 16 per race or 1, 2, 4 average team finish. 63 races means you cycle through all the birds 5 cupcakes once to get 60 plus 3 more from cupcakes given by you all.

    Our race result was an impressive (but not unexpected) 62-1 vs our opponents. The one loss due to the SubZero Track #1 glitch.

    I had 2 game application crashes and my race effort was 1h32m36s per the application timing system. I took note of my time played before I started and now after session one. This seems about right as I have always felt it took about 1.5 hours to get 1,000.

    So…a break to eat some breakfast, then on to session 2. To get the remaining 4,000 eggs and the 100,000 milestone, it means roughly 6 more hours of racing and likely 250 races (if we can maintain our 16 eggs/race average).

    ’s baker (advance your device time settings by 24 hours) has got my birds ready to eat more cupcakes cause they can’t wait to get racin’


    @ABGofast Go Go, captain! A lot of cheering and wishing well. Rovio, don’t mess things up today! And the time you spend on reaching 1000… I guess you don’t get the spinning hour glass every time you load a new turn. 14-20 seconds to load the team board and another 5-10 seconds to load the vs.-screen for me. It takes me a lot more than 1 hour and a half to do 1000, I think. Not to mention the crashes and the hard resets I have to do… Oh, iOS…


    @wazemank @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @platium @oldschool @dbkraemer

    Well @janmej, in session #1 I wasn’t experiencing “the spinning hour glass” but in session #2, you’ll see the impact of this effect.

    Session #2 – total now is an even 97,000 … added 987 eggs over 62 races. My average eggs per race dropped from 16.1 to 15.9. Session #2 record was 60-2 (2 more sub zeros track #1 races!). Overall for this marathaon versus our opponents we sit at 122-3 with our 1st, 2nd, 4th average finish.

    It took 1h46m30s to complete these next 62 races….a full 14 minutes longer than session #1’s 63 races. I think due to the delays in getting team multi-player selected aka spinning hour glass effect. Overall, racing time today is up to 3 hours 17 minutes.

    With 3,000 left to go and it would seem reasonable to maintain the 16 egg/race average, I’m facing another 187 or 188 races before the 100,000 goal is achieved


    @wazemank @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @platium @oldschool @dbkraemer

    Session #3 is over … got 1,999 remaining for the goal achievement for 100,000. It’s 2 pm in the afternoon here. I’m well on my way to get this done today :)

    This session has been the best so far for collection of eggs in fewest races. It took 61 to get the 1,001 eggs at average of 16.4 per race. To get this high an average, 36 of 61 races resulted in the “18 egger” aka 1-2-3 finish.

    I’ve raced with all of you today and so this result is as much on your performance as it is my persistence to keep playing! We finished with a 60-1 record (182-4 overall).

    Game is behaving poorly between races contributing to the longest timed session at 1h50m. Total race time 5hr9m48s.

    So the math and time suggest that completing between 120-125 races and investing approximately 4 more hours of race time, I’ll achieve the glory of 100,000 golden eggs!

    PS…I wrote Rovio support asking them if there is any way to distinguish between hacker scores and cheater scores … I’m starting to pass hacker scores and fear I will get lumped into them when Rovio finally executes “the purge of cheaters”

    PPS…somewhere over the session #3, I noticed I passed 8.5 million bird coins. ABGOFAST is rich beyond his wildest dreams…how many bitcoins is that worth? lmao


    @abgofast this is some epic AB Go binge you are on. Keep it up only 1999 more to go! You could make it even more interesting if you took a shot every time you lost. Not that I would normally condone drinking and driving. :)

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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