Blast Off – New Event!

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  • ArmourBender

    Me thinks we need to use the recommended squad members in order to win big.

    Previous days I would use 1 squad member (Soundblaster) and one highly boosted non-squad member Rodimus for a total of 195% bonus.
    Never got higher than rank 4 on the leaderboard. Usually 5 or 6.

    Then I switched to:
    Using the two Instruments of Destruction, Soundwave and Soundblaster, boosted to total of 180% score bonus.

    Yesterday (grey blocks day), fortunate enough to get 1st place in Leaderboard yesterday for my Android Samsung Galaxy Note3, and only 2nd place in Leaderboard +500 bonus tokens for my iPad3. Played hard for the whole day, every hour or two.

    That’s the end of my lucky streak and all that hard work, I fear…

    Today (red blocks day), kept fighting for 1st place and sometimes got bumped to 2nd.
    Was leading the pack but now suddenly 1st place is 147,000 score and I’m left behind near 90,000, The big jump seemed to happen sometime after 00:00 UTC / GMT+0 after achieving some Daily Quests tasks.

    How demotivating.

    It’s getting very hard to earn those 7500 tokens for Blaster.


    Did you noticed that in this event you can use two energonicons, one for each bot?
    This sure makes a big difference for me. I can use Soundwave with glassor or healthpack, depending on his health, and I keep e-grim with shieldor. I really only use him against Boss pig or Unicron.


    @ramonpontes could you explain how to set the two energonicons for each of your characters please?
    And you’re using Android or iOS?

    Thanks in advance.

    Good luck and best of health everyone. We’ll need it.

    The Dark Knight

    @optimuspig 251.347 points first place he/she is crazy with 120,000 points gap!

    My self is at the edge getting or not the 10th place…


    OK, you win. Your #1 is probably insane, lol.



    I have noticed, yes. I still like using Glassor, but I may give Shieldor a try on my EGL. Thanks.

    The Dark Knight

    @optimuspig i bet he/she won’t satisfied until hit’s 300k…


    Here is JARSU of the day.


    As many players said, bot is falling down under the bridge. Nothing that we didn’t see, BUT … here is big BUT. I just got nerve and let this like this. Then get back in a few minutes. Same situation nothing changed. Then I start to change between two bots, and start to put them into vehicle mode. I was just frustrated and don’t want to lose this 900 points. So I just continue change bots and chenging into vehicle amd normal mode. After probably few minutes and 20-30 changes of bots and changing mode at one moment E Grimlock just start flying to the top and disappear, then in a few second he appeared normal on the screen and continue to the end. Finaly level was finished with very good score, something like 1600 before bonus.

    So if you see this problem just continue click and probably at some moment you should get out of this situation. I was very surprised and just continue to play and didn’t succeed to take a picture of the screen. Hope this will help to other players when they get to this ?

    The Dark Knight

    @asen thaks for the tip ;)

    honestly i never had this problem is it only caused by Grimlocks? with Ultimate Megatron i haven’t run into this problem never neither into the spark run that also the same problem exists!


    that score is insane, most prob using both tfs with full promotion or not far from it.

    105 x 3 = 315. 315 x 2 is 630 so 630% bonus at the end of each round LOL!

    question is now do I spend 2k gems on blaster? got 3670 tokens at the moment with 200 more at the end of the day (never finished in any decent spots this event).

    I will get the full daily amount tomorrow and another 200 odd at the end so maybe 1500 gems but still a lot!

    tempted to use gems as when he re appears in the next event its going to be the same battle for him again with the insane scores


    Blastoff event notes on Boss Pig and Unicron (yes, I keep notes):

    Boss Pig- 5 nodes, with pre-bonus scores: River (867), City (914), Meadows (913), River (813), Beach (792).
    No Boss Pig runs after a gem recharge. The last 2 were with a recently upgraded E Grimlock that killed BP before teletraan arrived. Have to adjust my targeting.

    Unicron- 1 River node, standoff, 1248 pre- bonus, 4368 after 250% bonus, E Grimlock & Soundwave.
    1 Meadows node after gem recharge, win, 1581 pre-bonus, 5533 after 270% bonus. E Grimlock and Soundwave.
    Yes, I switch between them, using E Grimlock when shield is down and Soundwave when shield is up. Soundwave targets nose pigs and blocks.
    Since E Grimlock dissipates Unicron’s health bar fast, it leaves some time to target energon structures, missiles and nose pigs before Soundwave is available.

    Have only done 2 gem recharges thus far in the entire event.

    The Dark Knight

    don’t know why but every every day i am facing 1st places over 200.000 points i mean it’s crazy the game it’s uncontrollable if you have so many gems to recharge why then not go and buy asap the transformer? But as i said it’s the psychology the ego to been seen them self as the top leader…

    Meh i am starting to believe it was better that i bought that ridiculous bundle…


    I just got a Unicron run, and scored my highest score ever in a single run:

    3,297 pre-bonus / 9,561 after bonus.

    This was enough to take me from #7 to #4, but of course there’s still an hour remaining so anything could happen.

    This was on a “natural” run (although I did gem recharge once earlier in the day, this was not one of those runs).

    So far I’ve only encountered Unicron and BP once each today, both on natural runs.

    I have one natural run left (should be starting in about a minute or so), then I’ll sit back and see how things go.

    #1 is currently at 95,000 points.

    Edit: I’m presently watching #2 and #3 make a run for #1. I think I’ll just sit on my 4th-6th place ranking.


    4,910 tokens so far, one day left. Looking good!


    There is now a bundle with 4,000 tokens, 500 gems, and 40,000 coins for $19.99 US Dollars


    @joel687 I am 5030 tokens at this moment and one day left. Hope for better day today and 500 tokens from leaderboard. Unfortunately again blocks – grey one …


    @asen – Sadly, I have found that the last day of competitions is more intense. If I can get into a group that has no Soundwaves, I have a solid shot for 1st. Let’s see how it goes. Either way, Blaster will be mine!


    Epic Event Bundle just released during Blast Off live event 21 Mar 2017, 00:00 UTC / GMT +0

    Equivalent USD 19.99

    500 gems
    40,000 coins
    4,000 tokens

    Available for redemption over the next 2 days / 48 hours

    Doctor Piggy

    I have won an event ? after 4 days of 2nd or 3rd because of other players ridiculous scores. I’m guessing my league were sleeping or have blaster by now. Tonight took 2 recharges at the end and I won. Will still need to spend a few gems to get blaster though as tomorrow is I think the last day and he is well overpriced for who he is. Dead end was offered cheaper even though he kicks ass against all


    Somehow the practice round / first test run of Blaster showed Optimus Prime instead.
    Anyway Blaster is correctly installed. Phew.


    Now it’s my turn to have the indignity and what I feel is unfair manipulation of some yahoo person suddenly leapfrogging and taking over first place by rediculous number of points.

    Or is this due to the Balancing?

    147 thousand versus my measly almost 9000 points.

    However @elpapam you got the worst example yesterday. Horrible! :(

    Rovio / Exient do something about these cheats and examine your Balancing, it’s not being fair.


    I’m up to 5,250 tokens now. Hopefully final day will get me up to 6,000 – we’ll see how stiff the competition is.

    The last 30 minutes of Day 5 saw a see-saw battle as #s 1, 2, and 3 duked it out for top spot. I’m glad that I didn’t bother competing for 2 or 3 – I would have been left in the dust.

    I got pushed back from #4 to #6 – I was prepared to purchase a buffer recharge just in case, but fortunately it didn’t come down to that.

    Drover’s Dog

    Finally got 1st place with 3 recharges the last with 15 minutes to go although I was in lead I didn’t want to be pipped at the post, however, the 2nd & 3rd placegetters did not move at all.
    I previously got the sparks and now have 3100 tokens with one day to go so hopefully will end up only spending about 1750-1850 gems to get Blaster.


    @doctorpiggy I agree wholeheartedly. Dead end is still the best bang for the buck and worth 7500 tokens after he was initially offered for sale. Don’t need much upgrades he was awesome right out of the box.

    Now Blaster is 7500 tokens and by the looks of our trial level 8 Blaster and @mighty-red-1 video in this forum’s walkthrough he still needs EXPENSIVE ACCESSORIES and level 15 upgrades to be acceptable for play.

    1000 tokens / 500 gems for each accessory: 10% explosive force, 10% damage, 20% faster reload… And for the length of this live event THE 1000 tokens / 500 gems mentioned it’s 50% off.

    Rovio / Exient please take a good relook at your pricing and allocation of tokens. It’s not right with Blaster. And please refrain from filling page 4 of the Barracks with another character rehash that is too expensive with little playable value.

    If you want to charge us so much, give us another super powerful character like Dead End.
    And fix those accessory bugs I.e. Galvatron’s rapid cool down.
    Thank you for the consideration.


    I am done with this live event.
    Thanks to lots of hard grinding and a little spending on the Bundle, got Blaster and through token exchange, all his accessories and the Sparks.

    Consider getting the Epic Bundle, it’s a good shortcut to top up your tokens and you’ll need the 500 gems, the way this Balancing is going awry and the competition is terribly mean.

    I believe the Balancing is not favorable to higher level players with highly promoted characters, look at @elpapam’s competition, shocking.

    Rovio / Exient, That’s not how you reward folks who played hard and got good results and paid good money.

    Rant off.

    Off to sleep.

    Good luck you all.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Blast Off – New Event!

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