The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3105
  • Hic Hic thanks for the half shandy @DesperateDan
  • Nice to see Sam Fender getting a nod at the Mercury awards for his excellent album, despite not ticking any of the normal pc boxes. I. E. he's a young straight white male. And a Scot with his brains kicked out-@ixan57 will know what I mean. (Someone will surely be sacked for letting that happen. Fan also of Jessie Buckley, very talented lady and the first person ever to be nominated for an Oscar and a Mercury prize in the same year. She was brilliant in the last series of Fargo playing a psychotic nurse(aren't they all?).

    Harry Styles also nominated. If he wins they should rename it the Uranus awards(not a fan.)
  • Sorry about the missing bracket @desperatedan.
  • Also R. I. P. the legend that was Bernard Cribbens a Dr Who regular during the Tennant era but also appeared in one of the old Dr Who films with Whoopi Goldberg's husband Peter Cushing. You might be old enough to remember that @catsnbirds. Would've been round the time you were pretending to be Paul McCartney. Did they have television in your day?

    Here he is in Fawlty Towers.
  • What r these Common Elf games I keep hearing about? I thought elves were rare like red squirrels in Englandshire. Do they have a Frequent Fairy games? Reckon Tom Daley would do well in the diving.
  • Well the footy season is upon us, just enjoying the hors d'ouvre Huddersfield v Burnley. Not a bad game Burnley looking like contenders. However this is the Championship, nothing ever goes to plan. Just ask Derby.
  • How do you think your boys Arsenal will do this year @desperatedan? Or do you support Bangor Town these days? I must say kudos to the board for sticking with Arteta but I do wonder about their motives.
  • Hey OB gimme a glass of Bolly and a couple of horses douvres, I'm feeling peckish.
  • Er, where do I start with that lot?
  • The football season has now officially started before it has finished. Utter nonsense.
  • Ooh, I think it should be (not a fan). and not (not a fan.) @brianN. Full stop would only go inside bracket if it was a whole sentence in the brackets, not just a partial sentence.
    For our friends across the pond this should read "period would only go inside the parenthesis etc. etc. Etc. always needs a full stop as it is an abbreviation but not two of them at the end of a sentence. Phew, this is exhausting.
  • You can never have too much football. Thanks for the brackets(parentheses). Full stop conversation. Rivetting is the only word. My life now has real meaning.
  • Lol @BrianN I am with you.
    Not on the Football, but the bloody parentheses
  • Dan Dan the parentheses man. Thinking of starting a campaign :
    Common man Rails Against Parentheses. Needs work.
  • Hey @karen68 hugs and kisses... er sorry just nicked a trophy off you in Hogs and Kisses. Xx
  • Hey @tompuss how are you, 20 20 vision yet? Seeing a gnat's bum at 50 yards ? Matter of time. Anyway I can tell you're a bit of a film buff and living in France I wonder if you've ever come across 'Dinner pour le cons'. Hilarious fun, highlights the snobbery existing in the French class system. (Almost as funny as the English class system). Cried laughing.
  • Commoner Rails Against Sentence Structure. Needs work.
  • Dinner for Schmucks really didn't work as Americans don't really have a class system.
  • Too many reallies.
  • @hunnybunny I think Wales might win a medal at the Common Elf games.
  • Heading down to God's own country on Wednesday (that's England @hunnybunny) I just don't know where to put the full stop @desperatedan. See the old folks and get me a savaloy dip. (Not necessarily in that order.) (Michelin stars nowhere to be seen @hunnybunny).
  • @BrianN congrats on the high score. :)
  • Thanks @karen68, I nicked it by a couple of hundred points. Robbery.

    Hey @desperatedan what about The Killers sounding like The Smiths?
  • Can't stand his voice. Period.
  • Full stop wouldn't really work there would it? Sounds like you're warming to old Flowers.
  • Started your Holly dog Winter training yet @desperatedan?
  • I reckon if David Gray and Thom York ever did a duet on stage there'd be serious head trauma.
  • A short pub quiz,: who can answer without looking anything up?

    What movie begins in Phoenix, Arizona, at two forty-three p.m.?

    Who played the hero in "The Third Man" and what was his profession?

    "What say, fuzzy britches?" comes from what film and to whom is it addressed?

    Who travelled under the assumed name of Paul Oliver Duggan? @hunnybunny should get this one straightaway!

    Anyone else read all the end credits? My favourite name that comes up is a guy rejoicing in the name of Randy Thom, a top post-production guy!

    Unlimited drinks for the winners!
  • Hi @tompuss, nice to see someone posting who isn't me.
    Big fan of The Third Man. Joseph Cotton plays the author Holly Martins whilst Orson Welles plays the anti hero Harry Lime, a low life racketeer set of course in post war Vienna.
    The rest I don't know though Paul Oliver Duggan rings a bell.
  • OB a drink for @BrianN! Yes, Holly Martins wrote cowboy books!
  • Thanks @tompuss make mine a double cognac.

    True fact:the general population of the U. A. E. don't care too much for The Flintstones but the people of Abu Dhabi do.
  • @BrianN For the first one, think of taking a nice hot shower. . .
  • Think shower, think Psycho. But that's a wild guess @tompuss.
  • @BrianN Congrats, you got it! ! Wake up OB,, there’s a gentleman waiting!
    I love the cat scene in The Third Man!

    Clue for 3rd one: Escapism
  • Still haven't a scooby but I'll take you at your word literally so:
    Birdman of Alcatraz
    Escape to Victory
    Cool hand Luke
  • @Brian N You’re getting there but it’s none of those!
    Prison name is in the film’s title.
  • Shawshank redemption is the only film I can think of with the prison name in title other than aforementioned Alcatraz. There was a film called Stalag luft 17 (my dad used to watch those old war films.) Best I can do.
  • Aah, one of the best things about being a married man is being able to forget about your mistakes. What's the point of two people remembering everything?
  • Hey, don't I get a shout out?
  • Samantha and Sven anyone?
  • @BrianN

    Yes, in Shawshank Andy has three posters on his wall, to hide what he’s doing back there.
    Rita Hayworth, then Marilyn and finally Raquel Welch in her glam pre-historic outfit :-)

    For the final one, think how Duggan cleverly obtained that identity.

    And same director as High Noon.

  • Hey @tompuss I think you're the only film buff around here, one more clue then I guess you'll have to put us out of our misery.
  • @BrianN A very tall head of State in danger!
  • Was Abraham Lincoln tall or was it just his stovepipe hat? Anyway there's a film about his assassination but it was John Wilkes Booth who whacked him, don't think he had an assumed name. This is turning into a very tortuous quiz @tompuss. Not your fault we're all dim.
  • @BrianN Thanks for the cat scene, nice way to start the day!

    Not quite there yet. . . tall European president, Paris 1960s. From a best-selling book. That should do it! OB, get cracking!
  • Finally. Charles de Galle. Day of the Jackel. Cracking film. Edward Fox.
  • Somehow I thought we had already got that one so I didn't say.

    No takers for Samantha and Sven then?
  • Doesn't look like it @desperatedan. Hey @tompuss it seems as though @hunnybunny has fallen off the edge of a cliff on one of those long walks into Cardiff pray tell why you thought she would know the Paul Oliver Duggan clue? Long time since I saw the film and can't remember how he gets his identity. I know I said his name rang a bell but I was probably thinking of Quasimodo.
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